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Your thoughts on SOR storyline


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my impression of the expansion is simple. it was okay.


i mean anyone who came from the recent Delta Rising on STO would know exactly how bad that is and the devs cover it up by false metrics which has led to a meme uprising.. but BW's SoR compared to it, SoR is obviously a far superior product, so while there are a few things that need some work on, it is by no means perfect nor is it even close to being bad.


the things i liked most:

Darth Marr - Typical Marr, i like that a lot.

Commander Izen - Insane but plays it very well if your an imperial character.

Margok - sounds like he's really driven and very confident.

the free gear and companion stuff.


things i didnt like:

Revan final fight - takes an age and repeated multiple times each week...

Lana Beniko's nose - specifically one nose hole is larger then the other.

Jakarro - too much complaining.

Rishi datacron grophet hunt - takes an epoch + an ice age.

Satele - underused, not asserted enough.

Companion tech sword - its primary stats are horrible for a 192 weapon, i would never use it on khem val.

no offhand companion blaster.


Not quite on topic but there is an offhand blaster. Do the "She-who-devours." daily. It's somewhere in rishi village with the bird people.

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It was infinitely superior to SoR, in every regard.




Story for both factions was evenly paced, not to mention that the story telling and its writing was far better next to what SoR has to offer. The latter feels disjointed, not to mention half-baked throughout: It's also the EXACT same for both factions.


Also, I wouldn't call Katha Niar or Szajin "bland". Zykken and Margok on the other hand... :rolleyes:


Katha Niar and Szajin were awesome. I also liked Cytharat. But I prefer the imperial Makeb story over the rep a lot.


Actually I liked Zykken. I did think he was a funny character but again underused. He should have been in way more cutscenes, the same with Arankau. Honestly I think not every side quest has to get a cutscenes but some, especially with new species should have. Bioware should strike for a balance between cutscene quests and text quests.


Though...who the hell is Margok? Lol I can`t remember who he was.

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Well the best part for me all is Yavin 4.

There really should have been waaayyy less of the pirate crap which got boring after meeting Theron and Lana nd more stuff about the alliance between reps and imp. The alliance also happened to quickly.

Marr: Oh revanites? Well time for an alliance.


Both parties should have been reluctant at first and it should have taken more time till they agreed.

But the cutscenes on Yavin 4 with the story were good.

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Katha Niar and Szajin were awesome. I also liked Cytharat. But I prefer the imperial Makeb story over the rep a lot.


I believe most people do, me included.


Also, Cytharat was indeed awesome, as are most characters voiced by Timothy Watson IMHO. His acting chops alone increase the character's charisma by ten fold. :p


Actually I liked Zykken. I did think he was a funny character but again underused. He should have been in way more cutscenes, the same with Arankau. Honestly I think not every side quest has to get a cutscenes but some, especially with new species should have. Bioware should strike for a balance between cutscene quests and text quests.


Zykken was comic relief for the most part, not much else. Aside from that, he comes across as borderline incompetent, if not an actual nitwit.


I'd still rather play SoR another 10 times than RotHC. Makeb is an obnoxious planet.


I grew quite fond of it to be honest.


Regardless, as far as the story telling is concerned, RotHC feels cohesive and interesting to plow through. SoR is just lackluster overall, at least to me at any rate. :(

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I believe most people do, me included.


Also, Cytharat was indeed awesome, as are most characters voiced by Timothy Watson IMHO. His acting chops alone increase the character's charisma by ten fold. :p




Zykken was comic relief for the most part, not much else. Aside from that, he comes across as borderline incompetent, if not an actual nitwit.




I grew quite fond of it to be honest.


Regardless, as far as the story telling is concerned, RotHC feels cohesive and interesting to plow through. SoR is just lackluster overall, at least to me at any rate. :(



Yea Zakken was comic relief but I wouldn`t have mind to have more of his comic relief than the stuff we had to do after meeting Lana and Theron. Oh god Theron. He`s like "Well we hid, you are here now. This is your mission. Go." .....:rolleyes: Zykken is an imcopetend idiot but he was funny to me.


Though I would say I prefer Imperial Makeb over SOR (even though I liked the Yavin 4 stuff but too short)

But I think I like SOR more than rep Makeb. Or it`s on par with it. SOmething like that.

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I believe most people do, me included.


Also, Cytharat was indeed awesome, as are most characters voiced by Timothy Watson IMHO. His acting chops alone increase the character's charisma by ten fold. :p




Zykken was comic relief for the most part, not much else. Aside from that, he comes across as borderline incompetent, if not an actual nitwit.




I grew quite fond of it to be honest.


Regardless, as far as the story telling is concerned, RotHC feels cohesive and interesting to plow through. SoR is just lackluster overall, at least to me at any rate. :(


For you it's RotHC>SoR but for me and perhaps a few others it's SoR>RotHC period. The SoR storyline was much more enjoyable and memorable than the RotHC stuff. I love Rishi and i like Yavin 4. Makeb was obnoxious and the Hutt cartel as the main villain was laughable, because after that we got the Dread Masters, which were far more interesting and more of a threat than the slugs. Since the release of SoR i actually kinda forgot the whole RotHC nonsense, so i realized that RotHC is truly completely irrelevant. That's my opinion though so don't be butthurt. :rolleyes:

Edited by ShenLongKazama
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For you it's RotHC>SoR but for me and perhaps a few others it's SoR>RotHC period.


Last I checked, I never said otherwise.


Your reading skills need some improvement it would seem. :rolleyes:


The SoR storyline was much more enjoyable and memorable than the RotHC stuff.


In your opinion. Don't forget that.


For me, in every single regard, it lacks flair and substance, not to mention it feels disjointed and unfinished.


I love Rishi and i like Yavin 4.


One -- yet again -- is unfinished, while the other is content in being a carbon-copy of Oricon, structure-wise. It never even tries to break new ground and once you start going somewhere, the expansion ends.


Makeb was obnoxious and the Hutt cartel as the main villain was laughable, because after that we got the Dread Masters, which were far more interesting and more of a threat than the slugs.


It wasn't laughable, not to mention it offered UNIQUE faction stories that catered to what each faction stood for, not to mention the tribulations that were taking place.


SoR, next to RotHC, feels pretty much dumbed down.


Since the release of SoR i actually kinda forgot the whole RotHC nonsense, so i realized that RotHC is truly completely irrelevant.


Some people believe the Earth is flat. Doesn't make it so though.


That's my opinion though so don't be butthurt. :rolleyes:


The fact you found necessary to single-out my comment only shows you're the one who's butthurt, surely not me. It must truly hurt you I guess, judging from your earlier reaction.


Better luck next time though. ;)

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Last I checked, I never said otherwise.


Your reading skills need some improvement it would seem. :rolleyes:




In your opinion. Don't forget that.


For me, in every single regard, it lacks flair and substance, not to mention it feels disjointed and unfinished.




One -- yet again -- is unfinished, while the other is content in being a carbon-copy of Oricon, structure-wise. It never even tries to break new ground and once you start going somewhere, the expansion ends.




It wasn't laughable, not to mention it offered UNIQUE faction stories that catered to what each faction stood for, not to mention the tribulations that were taking place.


SoR, next to RotHC, feels pretty much dumbed down.




Some people believe the Earth is flat. Doesn't make it so though.




The fact you found necessary to single-out my comment only shows you're the one who's butthurt, surely not me. It must truly hurt you I guess, judging from your earlier reaction.


Better luck next time though. ;)


Oh the irony. Before the release of the expansion i asked if there would be hypercrates of the new pack, and you somehow couldn't answer the question, so i guess you couldn't read properly. And you are butthurt, otherwise you wouldn't defend your RotHC so much. It must truly hurt you, judging from your earlier reaction. :rolleyes::rak_03::tran_cool:

Edited by ShenLongKazama
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I grew quite fond of it to be honest.

Hah. Makeb is the only planet where, if I had Mass Effect 1 companions with me, shouting "Enemies everywhere!" every 2 feet, I'd probably agree and shout along. Not to mention opportunities to get stuck every 10 feet, the most ludicrous Endurance Datacron ever and the lack of medical droids in case you fall. Nope, no fondness for the planet. Nothing wrong with the story though, at least Empire side, not so much a fan of the Republic side. Apparently, it's gonna be the other way around with SoR, should I ever get around to finishing Rep SoR, that is.

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Hah. Makeb is the only planet where, if I had Mass Effect 1 companions with me, shouting "Enemies everywhere!" every 2 feet, I'd probably agree and shout along. Not to mention opportunities to get stuck every 10 feet, the most ludicrous Endurance Datacron ever and the lack of medical droids in case you fall. Nope, no fondness for the planet.


LIES!!! :mad:


That Endurance Datacron is awesome.

Once you get the hang of it, presumably after falling over and over again.

Nothing wrong with the story though, at least Empire side, not so much a fan of the Republic side. Apparently, it's gonna be the other way around with SoR, should I ever get around to finishing Rep SoR, that is.


Rep SoR is harder than Imp SoR? :p

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Ah Wicked, I leveled 2 Tanks and 2 Healers Empire side to be able to do the new level 60 Ops with my guild as fast as possible, did the Ops, am in the process of gearing up, and then Christmas happened, and now I'm a bit sick, so I really haven't had time to do Rep SoR on my Slinger yet fully (just finished Torch business). Why they chose to include details like the reasoning behind the hyperspace lane changes done by the Nova Blades in the Rep version and exclude it in the Imperial one? Beats me. Why Rep Torch started as an ally of the Revanites (directly) and actually gives you a speeder to leave the island while Imp Torch was/does neither? Beats me.


Also, I hear Phase Walk teleports are great for getting datacrons. Too bad Juggernauts don't have that. Also, "Enemies everywhere!", even on the way to that +10 Endurance Datacron. For no reason.


Edit: In what frequency do you change the quotes in your signature btw? Barely have time to register them all :p

Edited by Darkelefantos
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Overall, I thought it was okay. I didn't dislike it, but it didn't make me go 'Wow', either.


I prefer it to Makeb. Well, sort of. Generally speaking, there was more forward motion in the plot and less mindless "kill a billion mooks" tasks. I play TOR for the story and the conversations, and I'd happily skip the combat parts if it were allowed. Makeb's story, overall, was better, but there was just too much running around and not enough talking for me. With Makeb, (and I've run almost a dozen characters through there now), I find myself saying "Oh god, we're not done yet? Let's just go beat up the hutt already." whereas with Rishi/Yavin, I find the balance between talking/combat to be much more palatable, especially if you don't do side missions.


On that note, i was exceptionally disappointed with the lack of cut scenes with side quests. Text-based quests with anonymous voice overs just don't do it for me. Cut scenes that have actual conversations are the only things that keep me playing TOR, otherwise I might as well go play any other MMO.


Characters weren't incredibly memorable, although the wookie and the droid provided necessary light relief.


Flashpoints: I like Battle for Rishi, much much more than Blood Hunt. Shae Vizla was awesome, but the first two boss Battles in Blood Hunt just drive me nuts with the stupid retarded incessant knockback. I'm sure that "having an epic fight on a platform-arena above a flaming lava pit" sounded good in the boardroom, but when the fight has reset itself for the 5th time in the row because you or the droid or the mandalorians end up in the lava maybe it's not such a good idea in practise, eh?


Battle for Rishi doesn't have any kind of retarded mechanics like that. You just beat the bad guys until they fall over. Those are my kinds of fights, although generally speaking the bosses in both FPs have too much HP. Wars of attrition aren't interesting, yo.


Biggest thing I hated? All the autodialogue. BioWare, stop making my character talk unless -I- pick the line he or she is going to say. I'm playing an RPG here. If I wanted to watch cutscenes where my character talks without any input from me I'd play Gears of War or something. I play BioWare games because I get to choose what my character says.


Bad enough I have to replay cut scenes a dozen times because the people that write your paraphrasing don't actually have a grasp of english semantics, but now you're taking away my ability to choose the lines?

Edited by Raphael_diSanto
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Edit: In what frequency do you change the quotes in your signature btw? Barely have time to register them all :p


Once a week. :p


Biggest thing I hated? All the autodialogue. BioWare, stop making my character talk unless -I- pick the line he or she is going to say. I'm playing an RPG here. If I wanted to watch cutscenes where my character talks without any input from me I'd play Gears of War or something. I play BioWare games because I get to choose what my character says.


Bad enough I have to replay cut scenes a dozen times because the people that write your paraphrasing don't actually have a grasp of english semantics, but now you're taking away my ability to choose the lines?


I am glad to see I am NOT the only one taking issue with this. :D


It started the first time around during Forged Alliances, but they've went completely overboard with it during SoR. It reminded me of ME3, where Shepard would go rambling, and we had no input whatsoever.


It irked me to an insane degree then. :mad:

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Autodialogue has, unfortunately, always been a thing in this game. For example, the great reveal that Lord Vivicar is Parkanas, is autodialogue. Which is a shame for everyone with enough functional brain parts to figure this out on their own.


There are a few cases here and there during the class stories, but I believe it is nowhere as prevalent as it was in both FA and SoR.

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The entire story seemed contrived just to make something that involved Revan. I think they should not have used him in this expansion. Much of it didn't make a whole lot of sense without "space magic", and it felt bland.


I would have liked to see Revan instead involved in a plot to somehow sever the universe from the Force, and having both sides attempt to stop him.

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For me the best parts of the expansion was:

1) Lana and Theron romance and department. Like seriously, Lana in the only character who received some char development trough the expansion and the ending of the expansion and department was quite cool. But no breath of air and development during Rishi. But I thought the romance was good.

2) Class story mission. Yea it was short but I still enjoyed it a lot, so far only done Counsular, Smuggler and Warrior. Loved the Counsular especially.

3)Interactions between Satele and Marr on Yavin 4. Yavin 4 had two interesting light/dark choices as well. And being able to mock Satele as my Warrior lol.

4) Lots of NPC interactions on Yavin 4 in non cutscenes: Just noticed a bit but there were surprisingly quite a few talkings from rep and imp NPCs about the current situation and the coalition. Liked that.


Those were the best. I think the negatives have been said a lot and they unfortunately outweigh the positives by far.

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some spoilers included so dont read if u dont want to:rolleyes:


well Emperor is considered ultimate bad guy in old rep times, but what if...


what if he actually wants to perserve life in galaxy through destroying it (reapers much)


in JK story he talks not only about destroying all life, but creating life. about other galaxies, it kinda smells like he has to do it to become stronger - like he was planning something more than just ascending into greatness. he understands concept of dark and light side as equally imporant, he even said something that sounds like part of jedi code "there is only the force" - if i recall correctly.


but when it comes to SOR we don't rly get much new info. we know wrath had vision of destruction, and EMP has plans for him. from SI story we know there are very advanced spieces in galaxy who posses knowledge of prolonging lifespan to almost immortality - thru science, not the force - which means they are more advanced and should be considered huge threat


and dont forget vicious yhuuzhan vongs :eek:


i mean bioware left so many doors open - that we can't rly say what is going to happen really.

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I disliked the lack of side quests, and no, dailies with cute voice overs do not count. I want full-fledged missions, characters, interaction etc! It featured in Makeb and would have made this expansion 100 times better.


Also Yavin 4 and yet no mention of Exar Kun? Booo. If side quests had featured, he could have taken part.

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"there is only the force" - if i recall correctly.

He says "There is no death - only the Force. And I am its master!"

I just couldn't get along with Revans voice change from the Foundry version, also felt the ending was a little underwhelming and that the emperor couldve sounded a bit more etc.

If you pay attention to when the spirit of Revan talks, he sounds different from living Revan. I kid you not, Dark Revan has voice distortion to sound different.


@Beni: No to Exar Kun. Just no. There is no reason to throw him in. None at all. It doesn't help the story. I'm actually really glad none of the important ghosts on Yavin showed up, because it would just distract. The only place someone like Kun would have here would be in ambient dialogue of a scared soldier or something.

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