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The Star Wars: The Old Republic Community Cantina Tour Arrives in San Antonio, Texas!


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We’re happy to announce that the next stop in the Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Community Cantina Tour will be happening on Friday, January 23rd, 2015!


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so we have to drop $30 per person to come? My wife and I have been to every one of these in Texas, but not this one. We really enjoyed the ones we went to previously. If you have a chance to go, do it. The food is good and its cool talking to the guys behind the stories. And just maybe you can give Tait a hard time about his karaoke skills.

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Played at launch, but left shortly after, as I felt Bioware maybe.... Over hyped it a bit. But I've been back about 2 1/2 weeks now and HOLY POODOO! This game is amazing. Even the F2P model is really just great. That being said.. I am curious about this Q&A bit. Things I hope get discussed and get actual answers..


The biggest and most important question for ANY player.. Is there any real action being taken to prevent server lag? The game has come leaps and bounds since launch.. But the server lag is still an issue. Since it's been that long, and the lag is still an issue, I can only assume your resources are being spent elsewhere (I'm sure another game), but.. SWTOR is doing great. I.. I would dare to say, better. But a server upgrade (The lag reeks of server) would definitely prolong SWTOR's longevity.


(Suggestion put into question form :p) Server/Faction population seems to be an issue when it comes to PvP. Of course you will never balance the factions, however, would it not help to implement a time restriction? For example: Say I log onto my Pub and I find the Imps really need help in wz's.. I then switch to my Imp to help. On my server.. that is not the case lol. Pubs need help, however, no one likes to lose. Therefore, the Imps aren't putting aside their characters to help the pubs, to help the server, to help game health.. SO, instead of relying on the "community" to attempt to balance itself (And they won't)... force it. Maybe a 30min lock out on switching factions on the PvP servers. If they don't like it, give them a "Bantha Moving and Storage" package EARNED through X amount of "whatever".. Even have other packages that require the same, but CC for extra "whatever".. Throw in some stuff to make the move, well worth it. Give people who already spent time and credits/money into their SH's, a free SH of the one they had before, with same unlocks.. I don't work for Bioware and I'm not going to discuss the fine details, etc, that this would take to pull off.. The point is, it's definitely doable and this has a better chance at "balancing" than hoping the community cares enough about their server health...


(A suggestion put into question form :p) Will "costume slots" be a thing? I know many of us out there would sacrifice the cosmetic appearance of our individual pieces of gear, to look like one of the many forms of Bowdaar! Or Qyzen! Even that Kaleesh guy! :D (There is no denying that Bioware would profit a ton if it were a Cartel Market item)


(A suggestion put into question form :p) Will other faction healing abilities be purchasable for other faction characters? For example, and this ties into a reason why, myself, personally, have put aside my Imp characters to play my part in server health.. I play a trooper, but I REALLY miss my BH! So, I've geared him to LOOK like a BH. Psychologically, it makes me feel less of a trooper, and more like a BH. Although.. having that BH heal ability (Which a lot of people would pay good CC to obtain) would make me feel even more like a BH, even though I'm playing a trooper to play my part in server health. Simple. Wouldn't take much to make this available.


Anyway, I feel these are good points and suggestions. I'm no PvE hero, so I don't know what needs work in that realm, but the lag and some more "things" to make you feel at home (Not SH..) would be epic and would better the life of SWTOR.


o/ Have fun, all that attend. Sadly, I will not be able to make it...

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So this is labeled as an adult event, does that mean I can't bring my 10 year old in with me (an adult) even if I am ok with him coming in or do I need to find someone to watch him during that time even though we paid the $30 for each of us to attend... Details or info would be nice please.. Some sort of clarification....
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So this is labeled as an adult event, does that mean I can't bring my 10 year old in with me (an adult) even if I am ok with him coming in or do I need to find someone to watch him during that time even though we paid the $30 for each of us to attend... Details or info would be nice please.. Some sort of clarification....


Bringing your kid with you isn't a problem! Accompanied by an adult is ok. I am working on verifying whether it is 21+ or 18+ (someone asked above) as we run into different rules in different places. I will let you know!



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There are several kids who play the game and some times I feel sad, because they dont know that THEY HAVE TO DO specific things, in order to progress. I met a little kid playing but he didnt finished the main quests in the starting planet and he didnt have his companion, therefore he couldnt play the story in the next planet/area, so he is stuck there.


I tried to help him a couple of times, but he couldnt speak english either...


If you ever do a second mmo, make it more versatile, of completing quests in order to progress. No kiddy style, just more versatile. The way it is now, you have to follow a specific and restricted pattern, because its the story...


Right now you could restrict traveling from Koriban or Tython, etc, to other planets, if you didnt completed the main story quest first. That would help, because if u stuck there, you going to search how to do it, but if the game allows you to travel from lvl 10, its unfriendly for little explorers, because they get lost. The first planet must be a training pattern. And even if the mom is nearby, I dont think she could play starwars...


as for us, that we some times create a character as a bank, we can always teleport in our strongholds.

Edited by Oyranos
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Welp, being that I live in SA, I would really like to go but aside from SWTOR, I'm not much of a gamer these days so justifying the $30 X 2 for the wife and I is a bit difficult. And parking sucks like any downtown venue in any city.


So, those of you that have attended these before....what can a person expect?


I could probably make my money back on the complementary drinks, though.....

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Welp, being that I live in SA, I would really like to go but aside from SWTOR, I'm not much of a gamer these days so justifying the $30 X 2 for the wife and I is a bit difficult. And parking sucks like any downtown venue in any city.


So, those of you that have attended these before....what can a person expect?


I could probably make my money back on the complementary drinks, though.....

Usually, they offer free drinks and a buffet with a seating opportunity for everyone. Also, everyone who attends receives a 2GB SWTOR-themed USB drive with images for upcoming content, as well as a code for a M8-3R Astromech Droid pet.

Then they introduce themselves, do a 30-60 minute Q&A session and give out prizes for trivia questions like "Name all advanced classes in the game". Anything from T-shirts to Razer gear to books, you name it.

Afterwards, the devs will walk from table to table and you can ask them any question you ever wondered about. Most of the time, they'll say "I don't know", "I can pass that on", "I understand your frustration" and they don't have a direct answer, but it's the best opportunity to ask questions you'd never get an answer for otherwise. As the evening goes on and the blood alcohol content increases, chances to get a meaningful answer decrease of course, and you are free to leave at any time then. And of course, it is a great opportunity to meet like-minded players, since everyone there plays SWTOR and you can talk with other players about the game, what server they play on, what content they play.

I always try to go to any cantina tour I can since I find them a lot of fun, so I'd recommend the same for you if you are a big fan of the game. :)

Edited by Jerba
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When will this tour hit Orlando or Florida? Loads of venues and other things for SWTOR team to do after the event. And you could probably con Disney letting you set something up in the Star Wars section of Hollywood Studios!
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Hey guys I live in San Antonio pretty much downtown! the only reason im going to pax is because of this game. but if any of u guys that live in S.A. and are also going, wanna meet up I think it'd be cool to do that. like minded local players of the game. . maybe get lunch or something. play some pvp or F.P. jus putting it out there :D
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