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The New HM Ops are not hard but the drops suck

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30 HM instance runs

90% success rate. Most are dependent on the DPS being geared to run the race especially Manaan.


I will say that some portion is on the tanks to do the right things..taunt etc.


The drops sucks.


Seriously out of 27 successful runs.


60% drops are Tank gear. 38% Healing gear. Less than 2% DPS gear. Are you kidding me................


Now the main problem with people failing these instances is....one, yes your right it has mechanics and those that can't follow mechanics are destined to fail. Two, stop showing up in 172 gear or 186 without augments and thinking your worth something in DPS. Two properly geared DPS'ers will mow any of the HM's down. That's augments and 186-192 gear. Absolute destruction and a fast run. Although, sometimes you have to take the time to teach the tank the fight. The loot rates are out of control though. How many tanks do you think a server has? Once they get what they need they are going to OP's....and the DPS will sit on their thumbs in Q remembering some developer lacked future thought.

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Not sure if serious, but i'll bite..


First of all, you are talking about flashpoints, not ops as mentioned in your title and message.


As mentioned in some other posts, it's not per se the gear of the DPS, but the lack of using your skills besides the DPS, use of CC and interrupts are key to success.


The drops are RNG, for you it might be those percentages, for another player it can be the other way around, it's all random.


Now i don't understand your reasoning behind the gear requirement, so you want people to join for flashpoints with a higher gear lvl as the gear you obtain in those flashpoints, or am i seeing this wrong.. You want fully lvl 60 augmented 186 gear or higher for flashpoints? serious or trolling? it's like asking nightmare geared people for SM Eternity Vault.

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30 HM instance runs

90% success rate. Most are dependent on the DPS being geared to run the race especially Manaan.


I will say that some portion is on the tanks to do the right things..taunt etc.


The drops sucks.


Seriously out of 27 successful runs.


60% drops are Tank gear. 38% Healing gear. Less than 2% DPS gear. Are you kidding me................


Now the main problem with people failing these instances is....one, yes your right it has mechanics and those that can't follow mechanics are destined to fail. Two, stop showing up in 172 gear or 186 without augments and thinking your worth something in DPS. Two properly geared DPS'ers will mow any of the HM's down. That's augments and 186-192 gear. Absolute destruction and a fast run. Although, sometimes you have to take the time to teach the tank the fight. The loot rates are out of control though. How many tanks do you think a server has? Once they get what they need they are going to OP's....and the DPS will sit on their thumbs in Q remembering some developer lacked future thought.


I do agree with the drops, but I seen a tank drop all decked out of it cause they couldn't handle it, one of the dps I can remember was in gear lower than 186 without mods and we made out just fine as long as everyone works as a team and co-operate then their shouldn't be an issue. But the drops do suck.

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Now the main problem with people failing these instances is....one, yes your right it has mechanics and those that can't follow mechanics are destined to fail. Two, stop showing up in 172 gear or 186 without augments and thinking your worth something in DPS. Two properly geared DPS'ers will mow any of the HM's down. That's augments and 186-192 gear.


Sorry, but saying that you need augmented 192 gear to play HMs is just wrong. Those flashpoint DROP 192. Get the basic commendation stuff for level 60, maybe swap some mods/enhancements around for your spec, and you can play a hardmode. Yes, you'll have to actually *play* it and not just AoE every trash pack and tunnel vision on every boss, margin of error is a bit more narrow than if you completely outgear the content. I played it in 180 gear, so did tons of DDs I ran with, so did my healers. No problem whatsoever. You might need a bit CC here and there (shocker, I know)... but please, nobody read this and think you can't play flashpoints unless in augmented 192 gear. That's just plain stupid. You'll need 5 minutes longer due to lower damage output, but that's about it.


If you die in 180 gear, you did something wrong. Period.

Edited by tacito
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Sorry, but saying that you need augmented 192 gear to play HMs is just wrong. Those flashpoint DROP 192. Get the basic commendation stuff for level 60, maybe swap some mods/enhancements around for your spec, and you can play a hardmode. Yes, you'll have to actually *play* it and not just AoE every trash pack and tunnel vision on every boss, margin of error is a bit more narrow than if you completely outgear the content. I played it in 180 gear, so did tons of DDs I ran with, so did my healers. No problem whatsoever. You might need a bit CC here and there (shocker, I know)... but please, nobody read this and think you can't play flashpoints unless in augmented 192 gear. That's just plain stupid. You'll need 5 minutes longer due to lower damage output, but that's about it.


If you die in 180 gear, you did something wrong. Period.


If you have decent 180+ gear, its a breeze for the most part.


Sure, the trash hits very hard - but using CC's and cool downs and it should die fast unless the DPS is really bad.


Most boss fights have a high amount of damage, especially on the tank, though most damage for the group is avoidable and of the 'don't stand in stupid' variety.


Some of the mechanics like the droid boss in Korriban killing everyone in the last 10% seem to only happen to groups with terrible dps - I've never seen anything like that in my runs.


My only complaints are that the new FPs feel very hack and slash to me, that and the rewards are abysmal compared to level 55 content, and the gear drops are for the most part garbage.

Edited by DawnAskham
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Amen to the disproportionate rewards... some of the bonus bosses can actually be a challenge, certainly to groups attempting them the first time. Reward for your struggle? 2 basic comms. In word: Two. That's a bit disappointing, I have to say. No gear (not even prototype), no crafting mats, not even an elite commendation or 2... just two basic comms. Talk about anticlimactic.
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Agreed the drops are making these basically worthless to do.


Why do they drop basic comms instead of elite comms? I understand you get more elite comms now than the level 55 equivalents just because of the 16 comm daily that's up from 10, but still, basic comms really are worthless once you get to HM 60 flashpoints, IMO. should be something at least marginally useful.


Why doesn't the bonus boss drop a piece of 192 gear? Is it intended for them to be basically not worth killing?


Just some of my thoughts.

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Yep, 2 basic comms for spending 30 mins with the dps not agreeing to move out of aoe and pick up any adds at all....if the gear is only 178 or whatever and im 186/192 ok but the comms?


The new HMFPs are good but we need more of them too AND the comms need improving AND all 4 players have to be prepared to play the fp properly not just expect to walk in tank spank and go with doing little else than their rotation on the boss.

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The drops seem fairly random, seen stuff drop for every class so far!


However 2 Basics for the Bonus Boss, that is crap. Do once get the achievement never do it again.....


With regards to the gearing, while not as extreme as the OP, DPS need to been fairly well geared. Especially for the DPS race at the end of Mannan. If I was in a Pug and the DPS was in 178 or 180's I would be concerned that we would succeed.

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