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Watchmen 3.0


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Since watchmen is completely different for 3.0 can anybody shine the light on what the rotation should be for pvp?


Also should I be stacking power or strength? I went with power but I might change it to strength. Right now my crit is 19 percent my surge is 75 percent and my accuracy is 92 percent. I was told that my damage is much less if I don't have at least 94 percent accuracy. Any help would be awesome guys. Thanks

Edited by Bu-jin
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Since watchmen is completely different for 3.0 can anybody shine the light on what the rotation should be for pvp?


It's situational. I tent to put a slow with force melt on some targets, but otherwise its all about keeping bleeds up, and merciless slash as much as possible. Use saber throw with proc.

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Main thing is make sure you use the new dot after merciless/annihilate since it decreases the cost of it unless you're being stunned or controlled (imo all sentinels should have the 4 focus while stunned talent) then it doesnt matter so much then you can apply it first (since your new dot has a longer range) otherwise the rotation is pretty much the same but with more dot spread.. You can keep your 2 dots up on multiple targets if they stack with force sweep/smash... obviously overload saber off cd especially on a guy you wanna focus down. Master strike as soon as it comes off cd for the obvious dmg and merciless slash autocrit proc, zen off cd, trans if you're being kited badly is not a dps loss situationally... dst whenever it procs... (will hit a single target squishy for 8k)


Its actually ok in regs pvp now but really just a hatred/serenity light. 2k dps is no problem once you get it down.

Edited by AngusFTW
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Main thing is make sure you use the new dot after merciless/annihilate since it decreases the cost of it unless you're being stunned or controlled (imo all sentinels should have the 4 focus while stunned talent) then it doesnt matter so much then you can apply it first (since your new dot has a longer range) otherwise the rotation is pretty much the same but with more dot spread.. You can keep your 2 dots up on multiple targets if they stack with force sweep/smash... obviously overload saber off cd especially on a guy you wanna focus down. Master strike as soon as it comes off cd for the obvious dmg and merciless slash autocrit proc, zen off cd, trans if you're being kited badly is not a dps loss situationally... dst whenever it procs... (will hit a single target squishy for 8k)


Its actually ok in regs pvp now but really just a hatred/serenity light. 2k dps is no problem once you get it down.


This is pretty much the thing. The one other thing I would add is that overload saber's cooldown is the same as cauterize's duration, and the you can hit three merciless slashes (assuming you are using it on cooldown and have a full set of stacks) in the duration of force melt. If you pair up these abilities then it allows you to reapply cauterize and force rend at the correct intervals without having to focus on your targets debuff bar.


Also the opening of combat after a respawn or at the start of a match is the most tricky. I prioritize cauterize and overload saber first, then hit one merciless and get force melt on the target. Then master strike is the next priority followed by getting enough focus built so that you can use overload saber and merciless on cooldown the rest of the fight. You can vary these priorities, what I have listed is just what I found works best for me. Also don't be afraid to mix in leg slash during filler segments if a target is receiving heals.

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