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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Re-class/dual class System


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Threads like this make me sad to what players of mmos have become...



Jokes aside, reroll. It's easy and people usually can tell they like a class by 15 which isn't a lot of time wasted anyways. Besides, there is a wealth of information on this website and online elsewhere where you can do the research yourself as to class specifics and even then at level 10 they give you a general look at what your advance class will do. If you are too lazy to understand a game you will be investing time in and are easily frustrated then why bother play an mmo?

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This idea is so stupid i had to log in for my first time on the forums and make a reply to this thread. Dual-class?? Trolling much? Smoking much?


Dual-specs, fine that is a good idea.

But it isn't BWs job to tuck you in at night saying: there there, i will undo your choice in the morning.

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  • 10 years later...
I find it strange that new players are punished for being... new players. Class descriptions only tell you so much. Usually, it's not until after many hours of playing a class that players gain a true understanding of a class. And sometimes, they find out that they don't even like the class that they've been playing! Or how about when a player finds herself in a situation that would be much easier to tackle if they were X class?


That's why I propose a re-class system (or a dual class system, where you can swap between two classes, similar to dual specs). You pay a fee to a NPC and then you're permitted to change your class. Such a system would also encourage class experimentation.


If something like this isn't added to SWTOR, then I think I might just go back to WoW. Seriously.




Regarding story:


There are chapters, so if you were on chapter 1 for instance, then you'd still be on chapter 1 after changing your class. Yeah, you would miss all of the story leading up to chapter 1, but at least you won't be punished for class experimentation.




At least SWTOR doesn't delete or archive suggestions. Eleven years ago, people thought a dual class was "stupid". I'm not a complete fan but credit should be given to the people who saw potential where others saw nothing. Also, I love resurrecting super dead threads.

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