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sents are strong


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Right now, Force camo cleanses roots, or its bugged. No need for Expunging Camo. Also, I rather play watchman, and i think its very powerful for burning down sorcs. As a watchman sentinel in pvp, i can eat a sorc alive if they dont attack me or anything. Usually they'll be at about half health by the time i finish applying all of my dots.


And personally, I love concentration as it does alot of great burst, but i HATE how clunky it feels. Literally after i use Force Exh and focused burst or whatever it's called, then now i just spam slash until something is up again. That's why i hate concentration. And i've never really liked combat all that much as it relies on MS so much.

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Combat still has better burst then concentration with judicious use of zen. You just have to be good enough to know when you need trans to stay on a target and when you can use zen to bring the pain. You really have to do the same thing with concentration or you are losing one of your two burst cycles. Force exhaustion just has too long a cooldown to burst regularly without using zen a little.


In any case the class still has problems. In regs you will do fine, at least you will until you run into one of the few good premades that are still playing. Ranked is a completely different situation where you see just how limited you are compared to PT's, sorcs, jugs, and particularly sins.


I'm gonna have to disagree with your comment on Carnage burst being better than Fury. I feel that Carnage's sustained DPS has been buffed and it's burst has been nerfed quite considerably. Raging Blast, Furious Strike and Ravage hit like a truck, especially when a Cascading Power window is up and Berserk has been popped. Carnage was my preferred spec pre-3.0, but I love Fury so much more now that it's a single target spec.

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There is a "not total crap" spec for sentinel? Really? Where can I find the schematic?


your basically running around with 25% defense most of the time, 10% from transcendence, 10% from concentrated slash, and 5% base. It can work really well with minimal defense stats 2-3 hundred your running around with 30% defense except this only works with concentration which uses mostly force attacks and doesn't relays on accuracy on almost nothing.

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I tested it on watchmen didn't work as well and combat needs zen to be effective. Its not a huge dps loss for concentration. Zen for concentration spec only gives focus, just choose utilities that give you focus to make up the difference. After the first 5 seconds I'm swimming in focus. I've made it work, test it out and get a good rotation down then you will see what I'm talking about. Its sad but players are never happy even with the most op skill in the game at their finger tips. I've told you the god build I use for sents there's nothing more I can do. If you play against a team that has 2 strong sents running this build you will remember it because winning a warzone will be twice as difficult.


I didn't roll a toon with two light sabers to *********** buff others, I don't want to be a buff bot. I don't want my most effective ability to be a group buff. I want to hit things with my glow sticks and watch them die.

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I'm gonna have to disagree with your comment on Carnage burst being better than Fury. I feel that Carnage's sustained DPS has been buffed and it's burst has been nerfed quite considerably. Raging Blast, Furious Strike and Ravage hit like a truck, especially when a Cascading Power window is up and Berserk has been popped. Carnage was my preferred spec pre-3.0, but I love Fury so much more now that it's a single target spec.


Can you do 25k damage in 2 seconds? then shut up

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Actually fury/concentration/rage/focus can easily put out 25k in 2 seconds when everything aligns tbh if you say it can't you havent played it. If you focused burst and concentrated slice (with autocrit from set on either class) whatever.. thats already like 9-10k and 10-12k hit on geared player all you need is to have an exhaustion/crush tick critting when you unleash these to get 25k within 2gcds...


Theres no denying the burst from that spec, it just feels quite clunky imo but the burst is actually good and probably more reliable then combat where when you get stunned you get severely gimped being stunned through gore/precision. Not the case with smash :p

Edited by AngusFTW
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Actually fury/concentration/rage/focus can easily put out 25k in 2 seconds when everything aligns tbh if you say it can't you havent played it. If you focused burst and concentrated slice (with autocrit from set on either class) whatever.. thats already like 9-10k and 10-12k hit on geared player all you need is to have an exhaustion/crush tick critting when you unleash these to get 25k within 2gcds...


Theres no denying the burst from that spec, it just feels quite clunky imo but the burst is actually good and probably more reliable then combat where when you get stunned you get severely gimped being stunned through gore/precision. Not the case with smash :p


2 GCDis still 3 seconds (GCD is 1.5 seconds 1.5 x 2 = 3) not to mention they HAVE to use force leap and zealous leap prior to and they need to have the Koan damage buff during that time which means 18 sec cool down where as i can pull that damage up every 10 secs or so.

Edited by HanSollo
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Combat still has better burst then concentration with judicious use of zen. You just have to be good enough to know when you need trans to stay on a target and when you can use zen to bring the pain. You really have to do the same thing with concentration or you are losing one of your two burst cycles. Force exhaustion just has too long a cooldown to burst regularly without using zen a little.


In any case the class still has problems. In regs you will do fine, at least you will until you run into one of the few good premades that are still playing. Ranked is a completely different situation where you see just how limited you are compared to PT's, sorcs, jugs, and particularly sins.


Don't forget snipers. our arch enemy but not other way around, we are merely a mosquito stinging the almighty turret.

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True but I found that its not worth it, ive found i can do more damage without it because im knocked back while using it 90% of the time. just my preference. Leaping to an enemy within 5 secs I can do 15 to 20k while he is waiting for my MS so he can interrupt me.


Possibilities are endless for this build ex: your in a huttball a vanguard on your team has the ball he hits hold the line you hit trans now he has at least 95% speed burst that can't be slowed. Crazy!!!


It actually doesn't stack together.


You seem like a kinda person that thinks he has any clue but really doesn't. No offense.

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I use focus spec with fleetfoot and contemplation. This will enable you to keep transcendence up half of the warzone. Transedence cleanses roots and such for everyone on the team and the extra speed will help win war zones. The focus spec hits hard, so now you have SPEED and POWER (dont forget to use blade storm as well). There is also another utility that gives 4 focus while stunned choose that. Sorry its late and I'm tired. I did 1.6 million tonight with this strategy. The gameplay take a bit to get accustomed too but its well worth it. Fight, build stacks and hit trans (also has a 10% defense stat). This works for me!! GL


Dude, that's A. Impossible, because you cant run Focus with Fleetfooted and Contemplation because IT ISNT EVEN A SENTNEL SPEC... B. Really stupid, because you lose on nearly 50% of your DPS because your using Transcendance over Zen. and C. 1.6m Damage is pitiful... i've done around 2.1m on my AP PT, and 2.0m with my Concealment Op.

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Dude, that's A. Impossible, because you cant run Focus with Fleetfooted and Contemplation because IT ISNT EVEN A SENTNEL SPEC... B. Really stupid, because you lose on nearly 50% of your DPS because your using Transcendance over Zen. and C. 1.6m Damage is pitiful... i've done around 2.1m on my AP PT, and 2.0m with my Concealment Op.


Always with this one what cannot be done!! Its very possible!! The 1.6 million was only the first night trying it. It works for me!! If you aren't willing to try it then keep complaining how pathetic our class is. I would like to see improvements in combat though I believe thats still the best 1v1 spec. In retrospect I shouldn't have this thread because all of you think your pro's at swtor. For whatever reason I stumbled onto this build with these results: haven't lost a wz in 3 nights, I definitely don't die as often, achieve top damage 90% of the time, able to give trans to the entire team for half the wz. My fellow guildmates love the new sent build and are currently trying it. I will leave you in your ignorance and wish you well. Last post.

Edited by cjwestlake
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I've played a marauder/sentinel for almost 3 years ... i've done both pvp and pve. in pvp both ranked arenas and 8v8s, not gonna say im pro but i have lets say "some" experience. with all the information you gave it seems highly unlikely that you in that WZ1, with your play style, you do some much damage when you are loosing so much of your Zen. No matter what spec of sentinel/marauder it is super easy to shut this class down. there is no counter play to these anymore. any good player will just stun/cc during trasendence and just run away to gain more distance and again shut you down.
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I didn't roll a toon with two light sabers to *********** buff others, I don't want to be a buff bot. I don't want my most effective ability to be a group buff. I want to hit things with my glow sticks and watch them die.

this remember me Lineage2 blade dancer buff pet :D I know it's off topic...sorry

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I didn't roll a toon with two light sabers to *********** buff others, I don't want to be a buff bot. I don't want my most effective ability to be a group buff. I want to hit things with my glow sticks and watch them die.


That is precisely how I feel about it.

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Sounds more like you ain't doing the BEST dps and you are having a hissy fit over it, maybe you should focus on a spec that you actually enjoy instead of picking a spec that is the best (performance wise).


In my opinion, no matter the class or how uber-powered it is, if the playstyle isn't fun, you will never strife to do the utmost best you can do.


My favourite is Vigilance/Vengeance spec and even though another spec might be better at doing dps, i honestly don't give a toss, i am not into all that min-max crap, i mean sure if a guildmate suggests something that might improve my performance without changing my playstyle, then sure i would give it a try, but changing a spec just because the new spec does more dps then the old one is not an acceptable reason.

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Well, now that I have hit 60 cap on my Sent, I do have to say that it really doesn't suck as bad as this forum indicates. I don't understand why everyone in the Class Forum just sits and complains, instead of finding a way to improve the rotation. Alacrity has added better stats for me, since most of our stuff is damage and based on cooldowns.


I have noticed that being faster than the others will give an advantage.

For the most part, I have found that in PvP Sent/Maras get targeted for some reason. I am always dying, but when I do I notice 4 enemies of all types gonking on me.


I did get really discouraged when I ran across a lvl 37 Jug that would not die. I had punch for punch matched him and almost got him down when some one else attacked me.. I am lvl 60.... Yep pretty discouraging when you can't take down a lvl 37 jug...


But since this is the only Lvl 60 I have, I can own PVE like no other and its just a matter of time before I find the right spec for my Sent to dominate PVP.

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Well, now that I have hit 60 cap on my Sent, I do have to say that it really doesn't suck as bad as this forum indicates. I don't understand why everyone in the Class Forum just sits and complains, instead of finding a way to improve the rotation. Alacrity has added better stats for me, since most of our stuff is damage and based on cooldowns.


Congrats on your fresh level 60!


So, couple things you mentioned... we have conclusive run downs of the rotation, and raid tested evidence that shows that what has been said isn't just "complaining"... sure some haven't gone the distance to explain their opinions but it's mostly because the explanations have been pretty exhausted at the moment... you really need to read the posts a bit more to see it. Just a couple as an example:





Just a cursory glance at those posts really kinda shows you probably haven't taken the time to see the positive things we have been doing to improve the class, but perhaps you're going in with a critical eye and only looking for the complaints. Not trying to be facetious here but I question the validity of your opinions here greatly.

Edited by CycloH
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I tried out OP's spec a bit. It's not bad for a sentinel, but it still is a sentinel - meaning, stealth will still eat you for breakfast, sorcs will still root / stun / laugh at you (transcendence only breaks root when first activated), 1v2 is nigh impossible due to CC, solo node guarding is still a terrible idea, juggs still have way better cooldowns than you.


However, at least it does grant a root breaker every now and then. I just needed it more than it was available.


Sents will always go as the team goes. If your team sucks, you'll put up like 200K damage and get 3 medals. If your team is good, you'll put up over 1M damage. When I play my VG / Shadow / Guardian, at least I have a chance to make a difference. I feel like when I am playing my sentinel, I'm only an auxiliary support piece - not a foundational piece. I can't come in and single-handedly turn things around. Sents are purely a team class.

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