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Life Day Achievements


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Just logged in to see my 100/100 completion from last year's Life Day is now 75/100. I am not happy about this. I take no issue with the event per se, but I am getting tired of achievements just being removed. While frustrating, we all understood several of the Rishi ones were not sticking after being logged off for a time {so much for ever getting a "12/02/2014" timestamp for those} and excepted them as broken and not ready from primetime. Were it not for dataminers the probability of a regular player finding and putting that puzzle together by now was slim anyhow {especially with data packets coded as trash}...so fine.


My main issue though is achievements that were there and earned being removed for no reason other than poor coding? You all were the ones that decided "yeah let us add timestamps" to achievements {for what bragging rights?}. Were there no timestamps this would be a non-issue {unless it took the player several hours like the Grophets for example lol}. While I am no achievement whore, I do take issue with them being removed and/or forcing the player to re-earn them which will grant a timestamp that does not truly reflect when the player actually did it.


Same went for the Nar Shadaa Nightlife event...had most of those removed for no reason with not a word from the Devs since. How long does it take for you to go back and look whom did what and regrant them {preferably with a timestamp not of the day of the fix, but close to when the player actually did it}? So we can expect a "you will have to do them over, if you want them" type reply. "We will not be able to assure they remain though...you might have to do them again in another year" {just kidding, but probably true}.


Well thank you for encouraging players to not even bother with them since they can now not trust if they will actually stay put {either on exit for a time or be removed later for no reason}. At this point my legacy feels so broken and discontinuous I wish I had a anonymous feature so player cannot examine me and ask stupid questions like, "How did you get that Kingpin Rancor yet according to your screen you never won one?" {Do not get me started on Nar Shadaa as my screen for that event make no sense at all}


You all can track how many Mobs have been killed since launch, yet you cannot seem to be able to fix achievements players clearly earned. Why? I understand Rishi...we all do as it was new and broken, but how difficult is it to launch Lifeday without erasing year old achievements?


Look I have supported this game as long as any player possibly could...and I still mostly like it {bugs aside I liked SoR and likes the new mechanics you all added so players did not need others to see story archs}...but call it OCD or whatever you like, but little things like this annoy the hell out of me. At this point though my legacy feels broken and makes no sense at all. I really do hope you all can fix this stuff and since you have to have timestamps on stuff....make it count...make that date have meaning.

Edited by Urantia
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No achievements removed from the life day event, they added 1 completely new one which requires you to get decorations with the snow balls, I'm sure that wasn't last year, but I do agree with the Night life achievements, there is no way I should be forced to spend another 5 million credits to get the achievements I already had back.
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They added a new achievement for this year's event, you didn't lose anything. And I'm pretty sure the devs are aware of missing achievements and doing their best to prevent this from happening in the future.

So far, the only achievements that ever went missing completely are the ones from the Nar Shaddaa event. All other achievements just reset logout, they don't magically disappear a few months later.

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Thank you for the replies...I do feel stupid for not seeing the "decoration box"...I misread it and jumped the gun. The rest of my points are valid though...and are what encouraged me to rush to judgment instead of governing my passions better. So forgive my being blinded by something so small and clearly written lol. I am just fed up with these achievements in general and how unreliable they have become. I sincerely hope they bolster their integrity over there and stop forcing player to redo lengthy/"expensive" chores for nothing.
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