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Dispatch CD increased from 6 to 10 seconds, why? So from all the feedback you received on the forums regarding our class you believed this was the best change? Please listen to your customer base!!


It wasn't an actual change so much as a fix, all of the Jedi Knight changes you see on the patch notes have been done to make them agree with the Empire versions. So basically it's a change they already made in 3.0, we just had the old version for a while.


Of course that doesn't mean that I agree with the changes, all I'm saying is that you shouldn't assume it's their attempt at class balancing, that'll come later. All they're doing in this patch is making sure that mirror classes have identical abilities, you'll notice a bunch of changes to Smuggler and Troopers too that aren't listed for their Empire equivalents.


Next time they do something like this though, BW should consider explicitly stating this in the patch notes, it's kind of obvious that things like these will cause a lot of unnecessary confusion.

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I knew that BW was changing the CD on dispatch to match Mara. However, given the situation with hundreds of post about sents I was hoping they would throw us a bone and keep the 6 sec CD or give us more utility to work with. Neither happened which leads me to believe that there in nothing we can do to help our favorite class. We have written our concerns and for whatever reason BW believes sents are fine.
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