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effectiveness of Accuracy in PVP for Jugg/Guardians 3.0?


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we are all aware of the some degree of need in accuracy in PVP now, especially if you are dps spec Jugg or Guards.


However... are there anyone who actually tested how much % accuracy we need in order to gain a bit more of protection for teammates in both warzones and in ranked? does Accuracy help any bit with dps at all at this point??

I have 92% and it seems that my intimidating roar (aoe taunt) just doesnt work anymore, so when I finish gearing up my ranked pvp gears and begin min maxing them, I sorta wanna start with some idea how much accuracy would be just enough.


at 92% accuracy and bashing on training dummies, i really don't notice much difference in numbers, but I am curious to know if investing in accuracy is any worth to dps Juggs/Guards in PVP nowadays only exception of making intimidating roar work.

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You need at least 94% as jugg dps. I recommend 95%. Both dps disciplines have heavy hitting melee attacks. Additionally, if you miss a force charge, the enemy isn't rooted.


Agreed. The Guardian has so many melee damage abilities that regardless of what discipline you're playing you'll want to get 95% accuracy for the DPS because of the fact that some of your biggest damage dealers are Melee damage.

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