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Short Rotation Guide Watchman / Annihilation


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Oh wow... yeah, oops... I must have totally glossed over that hah. If you don't mind, what sort of gear loadout are you using at the moment?


And wishing you and your family nothing but the best, hope you have had a great day so far across the big pond! :D


Cheers :)

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Hey all,

That parse I did was actually a test, I swapped out all of my mainstat augments for Alacrity.


My damage primary is 1860-2188

727 accuracy rating

133 crit rating

333 surge rating

and ........

787 alacrity rating :D



Getting some quite interesting results.

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Hey all,

That parse I did was actually a test, I swapped out all of my mainstat augments for Alacrity.


My damage primary is 1860-2188

727 accuracy rating

133 crit rating

333 surge rating

and ........

787 alacrity rating :D


Getting some quite interesting results.


Holy wow! THAT is quite the experiment! Would either of you care to share what your gear is so far? i.e. 192 vs. 198, implants, ear, relic etc?


And thanks for posting Excypher... good to see you active here among us :)

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Gear :



BiS relic and implant.

Com vendor implant and offhand




New 4 piece set bonus

2nd Relic.



Remaining armorings, mods and enhancements.


3.0 has made this spec strange to play and I have seen quite a few friends in game drop their Marauders. So anything we can do to band together and be part of the solution, is a step in the right direction. I will start being much more active on the forums as well.


The alacrity test was something I have been toying with for a while. I wanted to pick up the pace a bit with the new iteration of the spec and I can say that 8.98% alacrity certainly does that, my APM is 49+ and I am enjoying it a bit more as a result.


Forgot to add Merry Xmas all

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3.0 has made this spec strange to play and I have seen quite a few friends in game drop their Marauders. So anything we can do to band together and be part of the solution, is a step in the right direction. I will start being much more active on the forums as well.


That right there... that's EXACTLY what this forum needs.


As of today, we got our BS *** OMG BBQ posts out on the table... we got our petition, we got our "bioware please listen", we got all of that out there. When I look on the forums right now, we are sorely lacking what many of the other class forums are doing... which is "here are the tests I have run, and here are the results". THIS thread (Ardo's opening post) is actually THEE most important thing on this whole forum really worth while at the moment (at least for arguably the most important spec in our class, Watchman), and we really need to build on it. So that's where I would like to try to make my own personal contributions as well.


The other thing... we have the best Guardian in the game in our guild (Vesev), and he does something really interesting on those forums... other top Guardians (and those willing to contribute) actually get together and collaboratively share theory craft, raid experiences, and even WRITE guides together. We could really use that sort of collaborative spirit here in the Sentinel space as well. Now don't get me wrong, Vulkk from the Red Eclipse is great, but I just don't feel it should be a one man show or that he should be left alone to write guides etc. If we had his experiences, along with experiences from yourself, Ardo, whoever other top Sentinel (even Yolo, I even think KBN runs a Sentinel main (or is it Offalong lol)... then the whole is greater then the sum of it's parts. Guides written by those who are the best in the game have MUCH greater validity then those who really only sort of in the low to mediocre range in terms of pushing the class (no offense to those who have wrote guides thus far). But for instance, Ardo... you have probably the best parse in the world at the moment for a Sentinel that I am aware of... you have GREAT freedom of speech when it comes to a guide, or having the final word on the best way to do things. If Excypher had the best parse, then the areas he did to push it that much further would in my mind probably have more weight over your own theories, etc. Just makes sense to me personally.


Anyway, we'll see where it goes... but I would really like to see as many of us as possible start to pull together and dive DEEP into this spec to see what else we can do it, with true testing, and true sharing. Even occasionally meeting on mumble to have substantive discussions about what we can do collectively to theory test/craft etc. Just a thought, but we have such potential here... why not.

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That's actually... darn near insane lol... not just the fact that you're rolling killer alacrity, but your crit was great on that parse, congratulations.


Out of curiosity, are you using the 36second rotation that Ardo outlined in this thread? Or are you doing something different?


The other thing I noticed in your graph on torparse, you're DPS does not drop at around the typical 12 GCD mark (like mine and some others seem to experience)... what are you doing to maintain those numbers throughout your parse?


You got me so curious, I am going to give this a go and see what happens... very nice man.

Edited by CycloH
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I am using a slightly different opener and rotation, one that prioritizes applying deadlysaber stacks first and the rotation is based around only applying Berzerk on 3 stacks.


If you have the cash, try the alacrity its good fun! I am by no means saying it will turn us into 5k machines, but the speed increase just makes the spec a bit more fun for me.

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That right there... that's EXACTLY what this forum needs.


As of today, we got our BS *** OMG BBQ posts out on the table... we got our petition, we got our "bioware please listen", we got all of that out there. When I look on the forums right now, we are sorely lacking what many of the other class forums are doing... which is "here are the tests I have run, and here are the results". THIS thread (Ardo's opening post) is actually THEE most important thing on this whole forum really worth while at the moment (at least for arguably the most important spec in our class, Watchman), and we really need to build on it. So that's where I would like to try to make my own personal contributions as well.


The other thing... we have the best Guardian in the game in our guild (Vesev), and he does something really interesting on those forums... other top Guardians (and those willing to contribute) actually get together and collaboratively share theory craft, raid experiences, and even WRITE guides together. We could really use that sort of collaborative spirit here in the Sentinel space as well. Now don't get me wrong, Vulkk from the Red Eclipse is great, but I just don't feel it should be a one man show or that he should be left alone to write guides etc. If we had his experiences, along with experiences from yourself, Ardo, whoever other top Sentinel (even Yolo, I even think KBN runs a Sentinel main (or is it Offalong lol)... then the whole is greater then the sum of it's parts. Guides written by those who are the best in the game have MUCH greater validity then those who really only sort of in the low to mediocre range in terms of pushing the class (no offense to those who have wrote guides thus far). But for instance, Ardo... you have probably the best parse in the world at the moment for a Sentinel that I am aware of... you have GREAT freedom of speech when it comes to a guide, or having the final word on the best way to do things. If Excypher had the best parse, then the areas he did to push it that much further would in my mind probably have more weight over your own theories, etc. Just makes sense to me personally.


Anyway, we'll see where it goes... but I would really like to see as many of us as possible start to pull together and dive DEEP into this spec to see what else we can do it, with true testing, and true sharing. Even occasionally meeting on mumble to have substantive discussions about what we can do collectively to theory test/craft etc. Just a thought, but we have such potential here... why not.


I'm always willing to share what I find out, but until recently writing guides for the spec had been in the best of hands with Macedonicus and Oofalong. (I had done a mini guide in the German forum for those who can't read guides in English, but that was basically a translation of their work.)


I don't know about Oof, but I suspect he's busy updating his Annihilation Model already. And Mace has basically said he won't write a guide if he doesn't play the spec - which he won't, cause he simply doesn't like it.


That's pretty much what I'm thinking, too: I hope there will be substantial changes to bring back the fun we all used to have. So I tried to make suggestions for that (see the other thread). I only posted this "mini guide" here cause people wanted to know what I do. And frankly, even if I am the right person to contribute, I don't want to put massive work into that as long as we haven't heard a word where the spec will be heading (or not).


The thing is, I've not been playing my Sentinel on progression lately, as a lot of the bosses are melee haters and we used to have two melee spots in our group. But that just doesn't make sense for like 50% of the bosses (or we're just too bad / too lazy to deal with unnecessary increased difficulty). Either way it looks like I'll be playing my Gunslinger on progression - and I think a guide should be written by someone who actually mains this spec in current content. For dummy parsing is nice, but it's just training for what really counts and that's happening without my Sent atm...

Edited by Ardarell_Solo
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I'm always willing to share what I find out, but until recently writing guides for the spec had been in the best of hands with Macedonicus and Oofalong. (I had done a mini guide in the German forum for those who can't read guides in English, but that was basically a translation of their work.)


I don't know about Oof, but I suspect he's busy updating his Annihilation Model already. And Mace has basically said he won't write a guide if he doesn't play the spec - which he won't, cause he simply doesn't like it.


That's pretty much what I'm thinking, too: I hope there will be substantial changes to bring back the fun we all used to have. So I tried to make suggestions for that (see the other thread). I only posted this "mini guide" here cause people wanted to know what I do. And frankly, even if I am the right person to contribute, I don't want to put massive work into that as long as we haven't heard a word where the spec will be heading (or not).


The thing is, I've not been playing my Sentinel on progression lately, as a lot of the bosses are melee haters and we used to have two melee spots in our group. But that just doesn't make sense for like 50% of the bosses (or we're just too bad / too lazy to deal with unnecessary increased difficulty). Either way it looks like I'll be playing my Gunslinger on progression - and I think a guide should be written by someone who actually mains this spec in current content. For dummy parsing is nice, but it's just training for what really counts and that's happening without my Sent atm...


Is sad to hear you are no longer raiding with your sent. However I do agree that current fights are incredibly melee unfriendly and when you take into account the current damage output by range classes.

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I found the new rotation bewildering with an extra dot to track and a lack of convenient line-ups between abilities. Memorization is great for dummy parses, but I question its viability in actual stop and go ops situations. I found a simple tweak of lining up overload saber with cauterize, and hitting force leap on CD regardless of focus really made everything line up nicely, even if it means delaying merciless slash one GCD to hit cauterize. Edited by Phatbeard
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What's your Bridge between your opener and the 36s rotation? I've been using a different rotation, but I'm only hitting 4300+ atm. I figured I would give your rotation a go and see if I get higher numbers.




I agree with you on the pace with alacrity; it just feels better. I tested out some alacrity with my current rotation and while I saw a slight uptick in dps, it wasn't definitively from the Alacrity and not contributed to higher crits coupled with lower miss rate for the higher parses (it was more fun though). I don't know what your actual rotation is, though, and you're parsing much higher than I am, so whatever it is you're doing is working.


I'm using 186 relics, implants and ear piece, 192 MH and OH, and a smattering of 192 gear with a new 2 set bonus. I know I could certainly use a 198 OH and better relics + a 4 set bonus would help, but with a 400-500 dps difference, it's generally the rotation and not gear.



Begeren Colony

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What's your Bridge between your opener and the 36s rotation? I've been using a different rotation, but I'm only hitting 4300+ atm. I figured I would give your rotation a go and see if I get higher numbers.


There is no bridge, the opener leads to the rotation I posted :-)


Rather than hyjacking this guide I will post a new thread with info about my alacrity build with a guide and rotation.


As far as I'm concerned, I wouldn't mind at all, if you posted here, so people could find relevant informartion in one place. I think that'd be helpful rather than "hijacking". But no biggie either if you'd rather start your own thread (I'll be subcribing then :-))

Edited by Ardarell_Solo
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The problem with fluctuating Alacrity is this:


You just used Deadly Saber and it goes on 12 second CD, The Relic procs, and your Alacrity is increased, but Deadly Saber is still on that same CD. Unless you know its coming and had extra rage to use an extra filler it kinda hinders the rotation somewhat.


I tried with Alacrity Adrenals and even with them you get this problem and you are in control of that window.

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The problem with fluctuating Alacrity is this:


You just used Deadly Saber and it goes on 12 second CD, The Relic procs, and your Alacrity is increased, but Deadly Saber is still on that same CD. Unless you know its coming and had extra rage to use an extra filler it kinda hinders the rotation somewhat.


I tried with Alacrity Adrenals and even with them you get this problem and you are in control of that window.


If I remember correctly the CD of Abilities is also decreased by Alacrity....correct me if I am wrong.

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If I remember correctly the CD of Abilities is also decreased by Alacrity....correct me if I am wrong.


Yeah, it does. At least if you have static alacrity in your gear. BUT: If you use an relic, the CDs of abilities are only decreased for the time the relic is active. Meaning CDs are not reduced retroactively. So if you just activated an important ability like e.g. Master Strike or Force Melt and you use the relic afterwards, the CD will not be reduced. That's why it doesn't make sense to use alacrity relics or adrenals whatsoever: Your cooldowns will get messed up, depending on which of them were reduced by the temporary increase of alacrity and which were not.

Edited by Ardarell_Solo
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Tested out set bonuses yesterday and will repost from a discussion on them in another thread:


- The new 6pc set bonus (plus one 198 non set armoring) has the highest damage potential, even if you've been 186 BIS before.


- The old 4pc plus new 2pc hast the most reliable average damage. You might want to chose it for raiding, if you're 186 BIS.


- Stay away from new 4pc plus old 2pc, that's definitely the worst setup. Except you're mostly 180...



Simply said: New 6pc set bonus is best, if the automatical critical hits on Annihilate/Merciless do not fall on attacks that "would have critted anyway". This is oversimplifying the matter that the 6pc set bonus is only worth it, if you get more crits on Annihilate/Merciless than usual. If you do, DPS is highest. (My best parse was a 4865. But it had much lower overall Crit than my best parse with old 4pc plus 2 newpc which was 4878, so the parse with new 6pc is worth more...)


If you're not full Dread Master, new 6pc is definitely the way to go.


This is for 192 btw. The more 198 armorings you get, the better the new 6pc becomes, so for full 198 definitely go new 6pc.


This is a result of doing 10 parses each in those different setups.


Have included the conclusions in the OP as well.

Edited by Ardarell_Solo
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Tested out set bonuses yesterday and will repost from a discussion on them in another thread:


- The new 6pc set bonus (plus one 198 non set armoring) has the highest damage potential, even if you've been 186 BIS before.


- The old 4pc plus new 2pc hast the most reliable average damage. You might want to chose it for raiding, if you're 186 BIS.


- Stay away from new 4pc plus old 2pc, that's definitely the worst setup. Except you're mostly 180...



Simply said: New 6pc set bonus is best, if the automatical critical hits on Annihilate/Merciless do not fall on attacks that "would have critted anyway". This is oversimplifying the matter that the 6pc set bonus is only worth it, if you get more crits on Annihilate/Merciless than usual. If you do, DPS is highest. (My best parse was a 4865. But it had much lower overall Crit than my best parse with old 4pc plus 2 newpc which was 4878, so the parse with new 6pc is worth more...)


If you're not full Dread Master, new 6pc is definitely the way to go.


This is for 192 btw. The more 198 armorings you get, the better the new 6pc becomes, so for full 198 definitely go new 6pc.


This is a result of doing 10 parses each in those different setups.


Have included the conclusions in the OP as well.


This is good to know. I've been wondering about it since I still have my old DM 4-piece but wasn't sure how long to hold onto it until I got 192 6-piece (2 armorings to go)

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  • 1 month later...

Quantitative Analysis of the World’s Best (*) Dummy Parses As Measured by Conformance With or Against the Conventional "Forum Parse"


(Or Is This Better Titled Dummies for Watchman or Watchman for Dummies)


The two key references are as follows:


The Forum Parse (“The Short Watchman Rotation”)[36s rotation]: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=783526


The parse being anaylsed: http://swtor-parser.elasticbeanstalk.com/parser/view/2308780ad6b5b60a2f1cdb82b17fd252/0


I am just now getting around to cleaning it up for posting. The analysis was actually performed early February 2015, on a the top english Watchman parse in Parsely at that time.


THESIS: The “World’s Best” Top dummy-parsing sentinel watchman rigidly applies the forum-recommended watchman "rotation" to achieve the world-record (*) watchman parse.


(*) ignoring better German parse for translation simplicity (no slight to the Deutsch, I just want to be absolutely sure about the abilities. TL,DR: I'm a common American that believes the world revolves around us.)


Definition of Terms:

Group: A series of actions and abilities, most commonly including four but may alternately include five or six.


Quadruplet: A series of four (4) groups (4-4-4-4/5), only to be utilized during the opening 24s rotation. The Quadruplet is capitalized and unchanging (well, you have the option on a couple of slashes or strikes).


Triplet: A series of three (3) groups utilized in the Standard or Dispatch phases and conforming to a 18s duration. Triplets may include many different abilities but will generally follow strict recurring rules. Where a group includes Force Leap and/or Overload Saber, it will always follow the format of Force Leap + Overload Saber and will open the group. Where a group includes Master Strike or Twin Saber Throw, Master Strike or Twin Saber Throw will be the final ability of the group. Triplets will always alternate using an 18s/36s format whereby Force Leap begins every other group. Triplets may also be generally defined by the end ability out of three different abilities of each group of that triplet: Force Melt ends the first group and every third group after that in perpetuity. Master Strike ends the second group and every third group after that in perpetuity. Twin Saber Throw ends the third group and every third group after that in perpetuity (if double damage proc’ed).




Opener: Zen pre-fight. Presumed Adrenal pre-fight (not shown in parse). Opening rotation is rigidly adhered to; comprised of "24s" block [actually 23s) of 4-4-4-5.


Standard rotation: Standard rotation is rigidly adhered to; comprised of "18s" blocks of three 4-4-5, perpetually repeated.


It is noted that the Standard rotation in this specific dummy parse is comprised of seven (7) 18s blocks: seven 4-4-5 triplets.


Master Strikes are rigidly stopped short, cancelled after 1.5s channel in every case.


Note a hiccup occurs at the 1m21s mark. To retain the 4-4-5 triplet format, the group begins with Strike (it should begin with Force Leap + Overload Saber). Alternately, this group could be divided as a 5-4-4 triplet. This causes the follow-up 4-5-5 triplet outlier, beginning at the 1m40s mark.


That follow-up 4-5-5 triplet corrects the hiccup, returning us back to normal rotation.


The same could be noted for the very first Standard rotation triplet after the opener is complete; because of zen use, this becomes a 4-5-5, rather than 4-4-5 triplet.


The defining transition from Standard to Dispatch phases occurs (identified to us retroactively to us) the moment Dispatch becomes available – we don’t know we’re in the Dispatch phase until we Dispatch. This triggers warning to plan to use Adrenal + Inspiration at an opportune time, and begins the possibility for random course corrections, especially if the 6-set bonus is available (random Dispatch CD reset to occur not more than 1 per 60s).


We say “retroactive” because unless you are keeping really good book-keeping and an eye on boss exact health, in any given fight, we won't be be absolutely sure when this will occur; we can watch health, and generally be ready for it, but the moment Dispatch becomes active, we now now we’re in the final stretch.


Dispatch Rotation: note that presence of Dispatch creates initial 5-4-4 triplet, followed by 5-5-5 triplet; both triplets retain 18s group duration of the standard rotation. This second odd 5-5-5 triplet could actually be the standard 4-4-5 triplet under any other circumstance, but becomes 5-5-5- due to use of Adrenal.


After the odd 5-5-5 triplet group (which could just be regular 4-4-5 triplet), the rotation immediately settles back into the standard 4-4-5 rotation.


The Raw Data: (formatting is all derped -- there are _SIX_ columns here: Time / Action / Action Time / Accrued Time / Block Time / Actions in Block)

Time Action Action Time Accrued Time Block Time Actions in Block


23:03:00.011 (pre-cast) 1,000,000 Health


23:03:10.377 (pre-cast) Shattered Armor


23:03:38.930 (pre-cast) Zen


23:03:39 Force Leap 00:00.0 00:00.0


23:03:40 Overload Saber 00:00.5 00:00.5


23:03:41 Zealous Strike 00:01.1 00:01.6


23:03:42 Merciless Slash 00:01.5 00:03.1 4


23:03:44 Force Melt 00:01.5 00:04.6


23:03:45 Cauterize 00:01.5 00:06.1


23:03:47 Master Strike 00:01.5 00:07.6


23:03:50 Twin Saber Throw 00:02.9 00:10.5 4


23:03:51 Force Leap 00:01.6 00:12.1


23:03:52 Overload Saber 00:00.5 00:12.6


23:03:53 Strike 00:01.0 00:13.6


23:03:55 Merciless Slash 00:01.6 00:15.1 4


23:03:56 Zealous Strike 00:01.5 00:16.6


23:03:58 Cauterize 00:01.5 00:18.2


23:03:59 Slash 00:01.5 00:19.7


23:04:01 Slash 00:01.6 00:21.2


23:04:02 Strike 00:01.5 00:22.7 00:22.7 5


23:04:04 Force Leap 00:01.5 00:24.2


23:04:04 Overload Saber 00:00.5 00:24.7


23:04:05 Merciless Slash 00:01.0 00:25.7


23:04:07 Force Melt 00:01.5 00:27.2 4


23:04:07 Zen 00:00.8 00:28.0


23:04:08 Strike 00:00.7 00:28.7


23:04:10 Cauterize 00:01.5 00:30.2


23:04:11 Merciless Slash 00:01.6 00:31.8


23:04:13 Master Strike 00:01.5 00:33.3 5


23:04:16 Force Leap 00:02.9 00:36.2


23:04:16 Overload Saber 00:00.6 00:36.8


23:04:17 Merciless Slash 00:01.0 00:37.8


23:04:19 Zealous Strike 00:01.5 00:39.3


23:04:20 Twin Saber Throw 00:01.5 00:40.8 00:18.1 5


23:04:22 Cauterize 00:01.5 00:42.3


23:04:23 Merciless Slash 00:01.5 00:43.8


23:04:25 Force Melt 00:01.5 00:45.3


23:04:26 Strike 00:01.5 00:46.8 4


23:04:28 Force Leap 00:01.5 00:48.3


23:04:28 Overload Saber 00:00.7 00:49.0


23:04:29 Merciless Slash 00:00.9 00:49.9


23:04:31 Master Strike 00:01.5 00:51.4 4


23:04:34 Cauterize 00:02.9 00:54.3


23:04:34 Zen 00:00.7 00:55.0


23:04:35 Merciless Slash 00:00.9 00:55.9


23:04:37 Zealous Strike 00:01.5 00:57.4


23:04:38 Twin Saber Throw 00:01.5 00:58.9 00:18.1 5


23:04:40 Force Leap 00:01.5 01:00.4


23:04:40 Overload Saber 00:00.5 01:00.9


23:04:41 Merciless Slash 00:01.0 01:01.9


23:04:43 Force Melt 00:01.5 01:03.4 4


23:04:44 Strike 00:01.5 01:04.9


23:04:46 Cauterize 00:01.5 01:06.4


23:04:47 Merciless Slash 00:01.5 01:07.9


23:04:49 Master Strike 00:01.5 01:09.5 4


23:04:52 Force Leap 00:02.9 01:12.4


23:04:52 Overload Saber 00:00.7 01:13.1


23:04:53 Merciless Slash 00:00.9 01:14.0


23:04:55 Zealous Strike 00:01.5 01:15.5


23:04:56 Twin Saber Throw 00:01.5 01:17.0 00:18.1 5


23:04:58 Cauterize 00:01.5 01:18.5


23:04:59 Zen 00:00.7 01:19.2


23:04:59 Merciless Slash 00:00.8 01:20.0


23:05:01 Force Melt 00:01.6 01:21.6 4


23:05:02 Strike 00:01.5 01:23.1


23:05:04 Force Leap 00:01.5 01:24.6


23:05:04 Overload Saber 00:00.5 01:25.1


23:05:05 Merciless Slash 00:01.0 01:26.1 4


23:05:07 Master Strike 00:01.5 01:27.6


23:05:10 Cauterize 00:03.0 01:30.6


23:05:12 Merciless Slash 00:01.6 01:32.2


23:05:13 Zealous Strike 00:01.5 01:33.7


23:05:15 Twin Saber Throw 00:01.5 01:35.2 00:18.2 5


23:05:16 Force Leap 00:01.7 01:36.9


23:05:17 Overload Saber 00:00.4 01:37.3


23:05:18 Merciless Slash 00:01.0 01:38.3


23:05:19 Force Melt 00:01.5 01:39.8 4


23:05:21 Strike 00:01.5 01:41.3


23:05:22 Cauterize 00:01.6 01:42.9


23:05:23 Zen 00:00.7 01:43.6


23:05:24 Merciless Slash 00:00.8 01:44.4


23:05:25 Master Strike 00:01.6 01:46.0 5


23:05:28 Force Leap 00:02.9 01:48.9


23:05:29 Overload Saber 00:00.6 01:49.5


23:05:30 Merciless Slash 00:00.9 01:50.4


23:05:31 Zealous Strike 00:01.6 01:52.0


23:05:33 Twin Saber Throw 00:01.5 01:53.5 00:18.3 5


23:05:34 Cauterize 00:01.5 01:55.0


23:05:36 Merciless Slash 00:01.6 01:56.6


23:05:38 Force Melt 00:01.6 01:58.2


23:05:39 Strike 00:01.5 01:59.7 4


23:05:41 Force Leap 00:01.5 02:01.2


23:05:41 Overload Saber 00:00.6 02:01.8


23:05:42 Merciless Slash 00:01.0 02:02.8


23:05:44 Master Strike 00:01.5 02:04.3 4


23:05:47 Cauterize 00:03.0 02:07.3


23:05:47 Zen 00:00.7 02:07.9


23:05:48 Merciless Slash 00:00.9 02:08.9


23:05:50 Zealous Strike 00:01.5 02:10.4


23:05:51 Twin Saber Throw 00:01.5 02:11.9 00:18.3 5


23:05:53 Force Leap 00:01.5 02:13.4


23:05:53 Overload Saber 00:00.6 02:14.0


23:05:54 Merciless Slash 00:00.9 02:14.9


23:05:56 Force Melt 00:01.5 02:16.4 4


23:05:57 Strike 00:01.5 02:17.9


23:05:59 Cauterize 00:01.5 02:19.4


23:06:00 Merciless Slash 00:01.5 02:20.9


23:06:02 Master Strike 00:01.6 02:22.5 4


23:06:05 Force Leap 00:02.9 02:25.4


23:06:05 Overload Saber 00:00.6 02:26.0


23:06:06 Merciless Slash 00:01.0 02:27.0


23:06:08 Zealous Strike 00:01.5 02:28.5


23:06:09 Twin Saber Throw 00:01.5 02:30.0 00:18.1 5


23:06:11 Cauterize 00:01.5 02:31.5


23:06:11 Zen 00:00.6 02:32.1


23:06:12 Merciless Slash 00:00.9 02:33.0


23:06:14 Force Melt 00:01.5 02:34.5


23:06:15 Dispatch 00:01.5 02:36.0 5


23:06:17 Force Leap 00:01.5 02:37.5


23:06:17 Overload Saber 00:00.5 02:38.0


23:06:18 Merciless Slash 00:01.0 02:39.0


23:06:20 Master Strike 00:01.6 02:40.6 4


23:06:23 Cauterize 00:03.0 02:43.6


23:06:24 Merciless Slash 00:01.5 02:45.1


23:06:26 Zealous Strike 00:01.5 02:46.6


23:06:27 Twin Saber Throw 00:01.5 02:48.1 00:18.1 4


23:06:29 Force Leap 00:01.6 02:49.7


23:06:30 Overload Saber 00:00.7 02:50.4


23:06:30 Merciless Slash 00:00.7 02:51.1


23:06:32 Force Melt 00:01.5 02:52.6


23:06:33 Dispatch 00:01.5 02:54.1 5


23:06:34 Zen 00:00.7 02:54.8


23:06:35 Cauterize 00:00.8 02:55.6


23:06:37 Merciless Slash 00:01.6 02:57.2


23:06:37 Nano-Infused Attack Adrenal 00:00.6 02:57.8


23:06:38 Master Strike 00:00.9 02:58.7 5


23:06:41 Force Leap 00:03.0 03:01.7


23:06:42 Overload Saber 00:00.7 03:02.4


23:06:43 Merciless Slash 00:00.9 03:03.3


23:06:44 Zealous Strike 00:01.5 03:04.8


23:06:46 Twin Saber Throw 00:01.5 03:06.3 00:18.2 5


23:06:47 Cauterize 00:01.5 03:07.8


23:06:49 Merciless Slash 00:01.5 03:09.3


23:06:50 Force Melt 00:01.5 03:10.8


23:06:52 Strike 00:01.8 03:12.6 4


23:06:54 Force Leap 00:01.6 03:14.2


23:06:54 Overload Saber 00:00.3 03:14.5


23:06:55 Merciless Slash 00:01.2 03:15.7


23:06:57 Master Strike 00:01.5 03:17.2 4


23:07:00 Cauterize 00:03.1 03:20.3


23:07:00 Zen 00:00.7 03:21.0


23:07:01 Merciless Slash 00:01.0 03:22.0


23:07:03 Zealous Strike 00:01.5 03:23.5


23:07:04 Twin Saber Throw 00:01.5 03:25.0 00:18.7 5


23:07:06 Force Leap 00:01.5 03:26.5


23:07:06 Overload Saber 00:00.5 03:27.0


23:07:07 Merciless Slash 00:01.0 03:28.0


Conclusions & Recommendations:


The thesis was proven true, or proven sufficiently true as reasonably (humanly) possible. Strict adherence to the forum-listed 24s Opener (a single 24s 4-4-4-4 quadruplet) should be utilized to allow one to attain “world’s best” performance.


Strict adherence to repetition of the forum-listed 36s/18s standard rotation should be followed. In all cases, 18s blocks of 4-4-5 triplets will yield "excellent" results.


Micro-managing a block every 1-2min to eek out an additional Strike or Master Strike can improve performance.


There is leeway during the final Dispatch phase to introduce Adrenal and Inspiration; when introduced, they are considered instant off the GCD, and so should not change the use of standard 4-4-5 triplets. Use it sometime after Dispatch becomes available during an opportune window, of which there are several possibilities.


Zen should be used on cooldown. Circa beginning of February, where HM clears of Ravagers/ToS were uncommon, this highlights the importance of the pre-3.0 Dread Master set bonus of 4% damage increase on zen duration (nine zens were used.)


Use the forum rotation, dummy. If you never want to think, then just stick with “4-4-4-4” Opener and then “Fo’-Fo’-Five” (4-4-5) it till the target is dead. You won’t be the world best, but you’ll likely be doing great – or good enough – damage. This is really the single most reason why fans of Watchman complain the AC has lost its soul.


Observations: Inspiration does not appear as an “event: ability” trigger. I admit my own ignorance on the intricacies of Parsely so this may either be that it was used prior to fight (Parse has not connected the ability use to the fight), a problem with Parseley recognition of the ability if it was used (in which case, a good note to that thread might be due), or it was not used, in which case, there's an opportunity for a 6-5-5 or 5-6-5 triplet at or about the time of use of final Adrenal for a bit more damage. We presume it was most likely used just before the fight and so wasn’t registered.


Note the triplet rotation used in Standard and Dispatch phases. Rather than trying to conform to rigid timing (for example using a Starparse ability clock), it is probably better to try to internalize the necessary cadence based on the final ability of the group: once you settle into things, end the first group with Force Melt, the second group with Master Strike, and the third group with Twin Saber throw (if double damage proc’ced). This further reduces the amount of information you’ll have to keep aware of during a raid.


It should go without saying this that it’s also noted that this parse only consists of the following thirteen (13) abilities: Force Leap, Overload Saber, Zealous Strike, Merciless Slash, Force Melt, Cauterize, Master Strike, Twin Saber Throw, Strike, Slash, Zen, Inspiration, and Nano-Infused Attack Adrenal. It’s a dummy parse, which is a single target, and dummies don’t hit back (duh). When you enter real combat, you’ll want to use Force Sweep after full dots, and all your DCD’s as appropriate to best effect. Recall that Rebuke returns damage back to the attacker.


Special note: No slight to the parser, we say this parse is an example of “exacting conformance,” but not total conformance. It appears that hiccups in rotation did occur, and were easily corrected back to the standard plan at the earliest possible opportunity. That’s to say that when the few “mistakes” happened, their resolution was likewise executed very well.


Recommendations for Future work: identify the differences between this example parse and the better German parse. Was the German parse more exacting in its conformance (“perfect” parse / no hiccups?) Did the German parse manage the Dispatch phase better? I don’t know, because Ich sprechen sie Deutsch nicht so gut, and it will be too annoying to match abilities across languages. It also likely needs an update.


Also, note that as more and more people progress, the volume of gearing possibilities will increase. We should then be in better position to better understand the impacts of running with 4 Dread (DM/DF)+ 2 R(ev./ess.) and the various set bonus permutations: 4DM+2R / 2DM+4R / 6R. At some point as Revanite gear is introduced into more peoples mixes, the raw stats of 198 vs. 186 will overpower the amazing terms of the DM set bonuses and that 4% damage buff on zen will have to get tossed aside for that one critting merciless or dispatch every minute.


TL, DR: The 18s/36s forum-listed 3.0 Watchman Rotation has been proven TRUE by the best Parseley DPS Leaderboard for Sentinel Watchman.


The “world best” Watchman essentially uses nothing more than Opening Rotation + Standard Rotation performed to exacting conformance to 18s triplet rotations. If you want exceptional performance, then follow 4-4-5 (Force Leap+Overload Saber / something / Force Melt) - (something / cauterize / something / Master Strike) – (Force Leap+Overload Saber / something / Twin Saber Throw [buff proc]). During final Dispatch phase, you have a bit of leeway to plan use of adrenals and Inspiration; ideally you will plan for an optimized Adrenalized Inspiring Zen (Inspiration + Instant Zen) window to occur one time in that final 30%. The “something” in the equation should be Merciless Slash as much as possible; your “something – somethings” basically boil down to the heart of where your resource management comes from. Your Mercili drive your Force Melts, and your Force Melts are an intrinsic cadence key in your rotation timing.

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