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Am I doing something wrong?


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As well as the mods themselves. There are pieces with high Endurance and lower main stats. There's another significate loss/gain from being min/maxed.


Yes know that, already started minmaxing, but setboni i dont have right now since its a fairly new char. But all 186 with new augments and some minmaxed parts !

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I changed from Assassin to Marauder in our raid group so we would not miss out on Predation and Bloodthirst, and i'm following these threads to try and get the hang of this thing they call Annihilation.


I can do a 3.9k parse with my Sin while sitting on the toilet sleeping and do an easy 4.3k in bossfights.


With my Mara i have now been "training" for almost 2 weeks on dummys, and my dps has steadily been on a rise to an average parse of above 3.7k, and my highest bossfight dps is almost 3.9k. I have old 2set bonus from 180 rating and 2set bonus from new 192, 198 offhand and rest is min/max 192/186.

Stats are:

Accu: 110.20

CC: 24.48

CM: 68.24

Strength: 4375

Power: 1370

Bonus dmg: 1910.2

I even dressed up in Revan's clothes to see if that would help. He beeing the ultimate "Mara" bad *** and all...

I switched out some Power for more Crit and Surge, and that made my parse go up by almost 300.


It really bothers me to see that people are parsing 1k more than me in what seems to be lesser or same gear as I have :(


I play on TOFN and if there are some GURU wonderwoman/superman out there that could lend a teaching hand to a "wanna learner" i would be really pleased. Or if I can jump on the proposal made by Bahadori too, to get some pointers. I just cant seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong, and it buggs the hell out of me :/


(sorry for long post and sneaking into OP's thread)

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