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America 1 - Soviet 0


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Sounds like someone is upset they aren't part of the greatest nation on the Earth.


Nation that goes running and gunning and invades different countries along with proclaiming themselves as best nation ever = never will be greatest nation on the Earth.


I'm actually grateful that world has countries like Russia - someone who can stand for their own opinion and oppose the "self-proclaimed best nation" and fat instead of brains. God bless Russia.


Lets be honest - noone needs Ukraine or their people in neither Europe nor Murica, its just a good territory for yankies to handle since its close to Russia. Should be quite obvious by this time.

Edited by Wonkanerd
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Nation that goes running and gunning and invades different countries along with proclaiming themselves as best nation ever = never will be greatest nation on the Earth.


I'm actually grateful that world has countries like Russia - someone who can stand for their own opinion and oppose the "self-proclaimed best nation" and fat instead of brains. God bless Russia.


Lets be honest - noone needs Ukraine or their people in neither Europe nor Murica, its just a good territory for yankies to handle since its close to Russia. Should be quite obvious by this time.


Completely agree - I love watching Russia sit back and do nothing while Murica keeps playing all it's cards - keep on shorting the Ruble guys go on... And how's that oil price working out for you and all your buddies - oh frack!


They are in decline and they know it, they're terrified of the rise of China, the BRICS are going to make Murica irrelevant - especially when they sink the petrodollar. They are becoming the most unpopular nation on the planet and with the most devastating firepower of any army (except maybe Russia) they can't even win a war with Vietnam.


They're getting desperate and it shows. It's all about the petrodollar which they will destroy and entire country and kill it's leader to protect:



Russia and China have already agreed to phase out the USD in their energy transactions with each other and when they do other nations will follow starting with the BRICS. Maybe the BRICS will bring out their own gold backed currency which will end the USD as the world's reserve currency.


This whole 'Murica F' Yeah!" thing is all about oil and the petro dollar - we all know Iraq had no WMDs and this ISIS thing is very fishy as is the Ukraine coup. If you want to understand the dynamics and motivation behind the Murican middle east invasion agenda read this:




Meanwhile Russia and China sit back and keep buying gold.... They are winning the long game, I just hope they make better top dogs than Murica did...



Edited by ddinnov
added a video from CNBC about Russia/China energy deal - to strike a balance of news sources
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