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Is the rapid shots healing annoying?


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It is not annoying...using the rapid shots healing is not for the stacks only. It´s your bread and butter healing between the casted healing so your heat level can go down.


scan, scan, (if need be a third scan), rapid shots healing to mitigate incoming damage and wait for heat level to sink.


So the the sound is starting to get annoying I gove you that but the functionality is just great and makes the Merc healing so unique. Using the rapid shots healing right a BH can heal without end. Force user come to their limits faster. At least that´s what I´ve seen.

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The only thing that can be annoying about it is the constant sound it will keep making, but I seem to like it. It's also another thing to upkeep will doing other things.


I don't find pressing 1 all the time is boring, it's very fun.


Plus you see a lot of green. :D:D:D

Edited by djinnerman
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