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Cross-faction guilds and change to member limits


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Ever since I started playing this game, I always felt like they kinda shot themselves in the foot with the whole 2 factions thing since it's dividing the player base. As a casual player with lots of alts, I find the whole guild process much harder. Here are some changes that I think would benefit players like me and probably many others:


1. Make guilds be able to have a branch on each faction, with shared guild chat and member list.


2. Make the guild member limit only count for unique accounts, not characters.


As a game that promotes having alts, it doesn't really have many features that facilitate this. These 2 things would go a long way towards making guilds and alts more manageable IMO.


Thoughts and feedback are appreciated, as always :)

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As a guild leader for both an Imp and Pub force User guild which are both two sides of the same guild in essence I would love to be able to merge them into one overall guild or at least have a way to have some cross faction communications. I use a personal stronghold for our guild base (Tattooine) so both sides can both guilds can utilize the same base but it is far from a perfect solution. We're grey side force users but we can't play that way apparently. You'd figure with the new expansion dealing exclusively with the opposite factions working together something like this could be possible if enough people speak up for it.
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Yes, there needs to be optional linkage between a Pub and Imp guild controlled by the same people. Add to this some kind of Legacy friend system and I think we'd get to the place where a game such as this is now. When most regular players have 8+ max level characters, all friend systems can't be character based, and there must be some way to achieve cross-faction chat among friends/guildies.
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I definitely support cross faction guild chat and a combined roster, but having the roster account based is a bad idea, as it essentially promotes stalking/excessive spam. That's the same reason why they won't allow adding friends by account.
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I definitely support cross faction guild chat and a combined roster, but having the roster account based is a bad idea, as it essentially promotes stalking/excessive spam. That's the same reason why they won't allow adding friends by account.


I don't see how it would lead to stalking/excessive spam, so you'll have to explain that one. In case you misunderstood, I don't mean that when one character is added to a guild, their whole character roster is automatically added. What I mean is just that if an alt of a character who's currently a member of the guild is added, it doesn't add toward the member limit. It would be a way to increase the member limits without actually increasing the member limits, since nobody is online with 2 of their characters at the same time anyway (ie no added stress to servers). And guilds could add alts without them taking up space that could be used for other/future members.

Edited by MagikFingerz
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