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[BUG] - Level 60 Bolster Bug - Character HP Pool Increases Randomly On Certain Toons


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This is a bug related to bolster that is affecting all classes in endgame PVP. If you have faction mirrors and legacy gear, this bug becomes quite apparent.


My Assassin: 47K HP after bolster is applied to my gear in a Ranked Arena. This character has full artifact 36 willpower augments. Since he is fully augmented, bolster should NOT be affecting him.


My Shadow: 42K HP with the exact same armor, weapon, and offhand that are all legacy bound. This character has full artifact 36 willpower augments as well. Bolster should not be affecting him since he is fully augmented.


My relics/implants are exactly the same. So essentially my gear is exactly identical. Exactly and precisely identical. I am augmented at the highest level, and yet why are certain characters receiving a passive 5,000 HP buff? It is truly random as to what characters receive this bolster buff.


If you participate in ranked arenas you can tell that certain characters are receiving this buff as they with be in full expertise PVP gear (and augmented) but at abnormally high HP levels. A marauder friend also receives this buff which puts his HP at 46,000 in full augmented Exhumed PVP gear.


TL;DR - There is something wonky about bolster which is affecting player HP levels in level 60 PVP. And yes, this is not about bolster using Endurance augments for un-augmented players. This is about fully augmented players receiving even FURTHER bolstered HP.


In-Depth Bug Reporting here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=785388


Here is another report on this: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=7880646#post7880646


Anddd, another report on this HP bug: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=785272

Edited by revcrisis
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Any update on this? It truly is random as to which toon receives this bolstered HP. A guildie who is a DPS, has full willpower augments and gear, but still gets bolstered inside an arena by 5,000 HP. Basically he is fully geared out at 42k HP outside the arena, but when he steps in, he gets bolstered to 47k. And yes, he is fully willpower augmented which means bolster should not be adding any more HP to his gear. But it does. By 5,000 HP. Edited by revcrisis
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I have been having the same issue with my Jugg and Guardian and I use legacy gear. Outside of WZs they have less than a 500 HP difference, but in WZs my Guardian has about 4k more HP.


I have a feeling that it has to do with the datacrons being bolstered in some weird way, but it is beyond me how bolster can create a 10% difference in HP.


This needs to be fixed for rateds.

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Can we get a dev acknowledgement on this issue? We have players bolstered in arenas to 47k HP with full Dark Reaver and Main stat augments. At this tier of gear and those augments, this HP pool should absolutely not be attainable. As people have been saying in this thread, http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=7891165, it's roughly 5k free HP. Edited by revcrisis
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