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Old Player New Issues: Do I go back to Sorc or stay Marauder


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I'm a founding player, been away a long time. Rolled a sorc to War Hero in the old Ilum days. When I came back after 2.0 I rolled a marauder and never looked back. Just loved the complexity of the class and excelled in it in pvp (wasn't much of a pve'r in the post Burning Crusade Wow world).


Went back to Marauder recently and got up to 58. Playing Fury right now. Haven't pvp'ed yet and everyone is telling me to go back to Sorc. Ugh.


Is it really THAT bad in pvp guys? I'm not sure I have the stomach for lightning this and lightning that again. Bored me to tears after a while. I also have a much older Jugg I haven't done much with.


What to do what to do.

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I don't know why people keep complaining about the Mara's. I just got done leveling both my Mara and Jugg to 60 put them in equal gear and they both parse the same. Veng Jugg and Anni Mara that is. I tried Carnage out and it is fun and fast paced but I've never really learned it so it had a lower parse. Both parses were about 3500 in basic 186 with optimized 178 blue enhancements and underworld relics. Keep playing your Mara, learn the new rotation and have fun with it.
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If you like Marauder, play Marauder. In PvE, it still performs. In PvP, especially Carnage, it can do some wild burst. It's just very glass cannon-y, and is easy to kite. Which means, you're great at doing that last 30% to kill someone, but suck in a fight that goes longer than 3 seconds. That might sound unplayable, but doing PvP the other day, an opposing Marauder was giving me fits with the way he would hang back and wait for me to get low enough, then leap and burst me dead before I realized what he was doing. I was impressed.
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