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Some crude Ideas from a Mediocre Sentinel


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I musn´t explain that Knight = Warrior etc, to bothersome to right for Imp and Rep


I just have had a good time partying in Munich and am in the right mood to rant a little, so here are my Crude Ideas for Sent Changes in 3.1.


First of all Alacrity, they don´t provide us with any resource regeneration at all. Argument: "Everything goes faster doesn´t count" We Knights, that means you sexy Guardians over there too DESERVE a benefit to compensate for getting no extra Resources. That brings me to the first Change for 3.1..


Jedi Knight

- Physical Training has beend added. Alacrity now also grants you extra Movementspeed.


Not a big ****** buff, but given all rDPS now have a ridicolous amount an combination of Escape and Snarskills we deserve to be a little faster than that Guy who just meditates over Datacrons or has heavy Cannons on his back. 5% Speed (roundabout 380 Alacrity or so) is not enough to catch somebody under one of the spamable Escape stuff, Rolls ftwin btw, but it helps you to be that microsecond faster you need to get out the Bosssmash or at that Hutballcarrier.


Coming next, Def CDs. Yes we got two sabers, yes we are hard to get away from if you people have shot your CC/Snare/Escape while battling the other Turret/Stealther/Tank/Healer before, but oh well learn to kite people. Plus all classes except the Sentinel got great Oh **** buttons. Soldiers ---> Adrenalinrush or better "I shall not die and get healed to 35%"; Guardians ----> Enranged Defense or "Just heal2full, heal2ful...." (Reflect is to be ignored if you are not Masterstriking him); Sages ---> Force Barrier or "Pink Paladin Heal2full Bubble"; Scoundrels/Schadows --> Combatstealth + some other stuff that blocks stuff if combined (Yeah I know you guys don´t know how to purge, but still....l2play); Gunslingers ---> That bigass AoE DMG Reduction and the same stuff the scoundrel has - Stealth; Sents --> GBTF also known as Seppuku. So lets do a little switching, Seppuku got for to short CD and Saberward far to long the last beeing usefull in Melee Combat only.


Bringing me to the next change:


Jedi Sentinel:

- GBTF has had its CD increased to 3 min, but no longer consumes health

- Saberward has had ist CD decreased to 1:30min. (Or Maybe 2min its just a single Target Revo AOE Shild)


GBTF will be the 4s "I will stay alive and maybe get healed" CD but due to a long CD it won´t be as spammable as the other stuff. Hey its only 99% protection it has no selfheal and it only lasts 4s of 3min. All other Oh **** buttons are more spamable with normally a 2min CD, so Sents would still have the worst Stuff like we mean ****** people deserve :rak_03: I just want to stop Seppukuing everytime I need 4s of protection.


Saberward is like a glorified rebuke, 12s of a nice glow around your char that may help you or may not help you depending on the dice roll and the stupidity of your enemiy. Rebuke doesn´t have the nice glow and depends on enemy stupiditiy for being in action longer than 6s;-)


So now we go into fleshing out the basic stuff of each tree, I dislike those 36s rotation at Watchman so lets ax that a little. First of all how about making cauterize a passive? At the moment Watchman has the most skills of all classes in its basic rotation. I don´t dislike it but it gets quite complicated for people who haven´t gotten the feel of the class.


Oh well here a the notes:



- Cauterize has been changed into a passive talent. Merciless Slash, Slash now have a 66%/33% to apply Cauterize on the target. Cauterize lasts for 12s dealing (the same amount of dmg as of now [direct DMG gone missing and so forth]) to the affected target. Cannot be triggered more than every 3s.

- Merciless Zeal has been reworked, hits of your burn effects now heal you for 1% of your maximum HP. (A nerf buff, meaning constant self heal since critical is missing but another 50% nerf to the amount. Could be quite powerful, but it is required given the extremly high self heal I experience on my Sage.


Why? Well making Cauterize an RNG passive but leaving the Duration up would shorten the Basic Rotation to around 18-24s I believe which is an acceptable timeframe for a melee class in PvE. Maybe you would need to tune down Cauterize DMG a little bit, since now that you have access to "harder" hiters on that GCD were you would normally put cauterize DPS would go up.


The selfheal is just a crude Idea that could be tried, I believe a skilled watchman could use the random pvp Zerg to h2full but that requires, getting force melt up and proccing cauterize and having 4 other people around your target in 5m range so that they get hit by your smash so that the dots jump. Yes it could be devastating, but there are a lot of ifs until it is. Not as flat forward as the random TK Sage over there I believe. Given the fact that Selfheal was increased over the board I believe we deserve so to. At the moment it is not even in line with Gunslinger selfheal. The Selfheal of a Balance Sage is far higher and that guy normally doens´t stand in melee range of its enemy, unlike Sents. We normally got the other Melees on us tool



Well Combat, poor guys I think you deserve something:



- Force Health has been changed. It now grants you 10% DMG Reduction for 6s after using Double Saber Throw

- Ataru Savy has beend Changed. Cyclone Slash and Double Saber Throw now trigger Ataru Form Strikes on all targets they damage.

- Precision hast ist Duration increased to 4s (Why? Well Serverlag etc. DPS are not bad but could be more in line with the other Specs)


I think most people agree Sents are squishy as hell, so I believe Combatsents also deserve to live longer. I also agree DPS could be better so 4s is enough in my respect. It should enable the average player to use Precision as effective as possible while providing top notch players with a little dps boost. It could mean that combat sents could have a quit good burst phase if combined with zen, but we will see. At most bosses I perfomed a little worse playing Combat instead of Combat.


I believe concentration is quite a fine spec to play giving its aoe and single target utility. Havent played it enough so I think there a no changes I would dare to require.


Overall concerning Utilites, how about you guys give us some cool stuff? How about a Purge on Force Camo in the heroic tier? How about mixing the Rebuke talents in the Skillful and the two Talents concerning Pacify in the Masterful tier and introducing some new talents in the now free spots? How about some flat movementspeed like Vanguards got in the Skillfull tier? Just make Sents more attractive and rewarding, at the moment I have no passion^^

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Argument: "Everything goes faster doesn´t count" We Knights, that means you sexy Guardians over there too DESERVE a benefit to compensate for getting no extra Resources. That brings me to the first Change for 3.1..


Jedi Knight

- Physical Training has beend added. Alacrity now also grants you extra Movementspeed.


Though I would never complain about a speed boost..."Everything goes faster" does, in fact, count. Alacrity speeds up the entire rotation, meaning our resource generation to resource expenditure remains the same, since our resource generation comes from our rotation.


The reason all the other classes got a resource generation boost from Alacrity is because their resource generation isn't tied into their rotation at all. Without that, they would quickly run out of resources. Us Knights and Warriors simply do not have that problem, no matter how much Alacrity we have.

Edited by waterboytkd
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The reason all the other classes got a resource generation boost from Alacrity is because their resource generation isn't tied into their rotation at all. Without that, they would quickly run out of resources.


What a blatant lie!


I would recommend you learn you check out all skills of other classes Sir!

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