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Strange mail and Guild Bank item stats bug


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When an item is in the mail (I only checked two items), it shows lower stats than what are shown when the item is in inventory. The same thing happens when the item is placed in the guild bank: stats become lower than what the schematic show and what are shown in inventory. They do show correctly on the GTN.



SIde by side comparison showing lowered stats





Edited by DimmuJanKaarl
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Been like this for an eternity. I suspect it is similar to what other players see when they examine you wearing a crafted ear or implants {maybe other things, but I only ever noticed it with ears and implants}. Not looked at another player in a good while, but have crafted artifact quality {not the [Artifact] lvl 53 ones as they have no green to purple "mobility"} ears and implants for others and when I go to examine them afterwards it appears green to me with the same stats of the base green/common {even with a green border} item. Only the name of the item is correct so you know it is a visual issue.


I wonder if this is still true...will have to test it. But that is what you are showing looks like. Until it is in your possession it will show the base green stats. If vanity is an issue with folks...I can see how this would be annoying. Another looks at you and does not truly see what you are wearing. I do wish this was within their capability to fix lol.

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Been like this for an eternity. I suspect it is similar to what other players see when they examine you wearing a crafted ear or implants {maybe other things, but I only ever noticed it with ears and implants}. Not looked at another player in a good while, but have crafted artifact quality {not the [Artifact] lvl 53 ones as they have no green to purple "mobility"} ears and implants for others and when I go to examine them afterwards it appears green to me with the same stats of the base green/common {even with a green border} item. Only the name of the item is correct so you know it is a visual issue.


I wonder if this is still true...will have to test it. But that is what you are showing looks like. Until it is in your possession it will show the base green stats. If vanity is an issue with folks...I can see how this would be annoying. Another looks at you and does not truly see what you are wearing. I do wish this was within their capability to fix lol.


I remember there was a bug where inspecting another player showed the wrong stats or showed green items or something like that, but IIRC they fixed that a long time ago. Is that what you're referring to? Either way, none of this is certainly game-breaking, but it was really disconcerting having spent all that time and money getting to that purple item only to see screwed up stats. Honestly I'll be happy if they just work backwards from all the new bugs. With 3.0.0a today they fixed the Revan fight but now the weekly doesn't complete, nor does the HM FP weekly increment correctly either, but those are for another bug report...

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