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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Thank you for fixing the lag...


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lag hasnt been fixed, i did makeb story on my merc today and for some odd reason i had constantly ability delay when fighting groups of standard or 2 standard and a strong.


i have noticed this happening alot on my merc and sentinel who is on tatooine felt wierd to activate a ability and it doesnt go off untill atleast 5-10 seconds later

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I noticed something peculiar yesterday on Yavin, no hard evidence of course but I think it's still worth examining:


I was doing dailies on Yavin 4 on an Operative and I couldnt help but notice how silky smooth the experience was. The class felt incredibly responsive and for the first time since the XPac was launched, I actually enjoyed doing quests on Yavin. (Even Backstab activated properly, which is normally a pain to use if you have any kind of lag due to the posiitional requirement.) In short no lag whatsover, which made me curious, so I checked the instance counter and apparently I was alone in instance 2 somehow. I asked in general chat how the lag was in the other three instances and people from all 3 complained that it was really bad. So I made an ops group to allow them to transfer to my instance (since you cant normally transfer to depopulating instances) and after transferring, they all claimed that their gameplay experience improved considerably. When the instance had more than 10 people again due to transfers, the ability lag came back.


It affects different classes differently, casters being in the worst situation in most cases but so far all of my characters have experienced it to some degree when in instances with other people. I can't be computer or connection related, as the OP claimed, since I just upgraded my computer a few weeks ago and my connection always stays below 50. Rather, for whatever weird reason, the engine cannot handle more than a handful of people in an instance. I'd say roughly ten, because while I never experienced any lag in 8man operations, 16man ops and warzones are usually a mess of abilities not firing in time or multiple abilities trying to activate at the same time.


So if you wanted to fix the lag, I'd suggest checking the instances first.

Edited by CommanderKeeva
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"haven't had any lag"......



Yeah Reno, we believe you.....Sure we do




Btw, theres some brown stuff on the end of your nose......just a heads up!


What does that have to do with not having lag? I think you need to re-evaluate what you're trying to accuse me of vs. what I am actually saying. Because all I'm saying is in my experience I am not suffering from Lag. Others may be but I am certainly not, so this supposed issue is not affecting everyone.

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To be fair to OP, I don't notice any lag accept ability lag, and then that seems to come in spurts. Also, ability lag has always been more obvious for some classes then others. So, it can very well appear that the lag is better/fixed to some people.


To slow people maybe, like if all they do are buy CM packs and play dress up, then maybe lag / ability delay isn't a problem.


To those of us that actually play the game, it is a problem, and has been especially bad post 3.0, and while one can argue that it is 'better' this week than launch week, it is still an issue.

Edited by DawnAskham
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To slow people maybe, like if all they do are buy CM packs and play dress up, then maybe lag / ability delay isn't a problem.


To those of us that actually play the game, it is a problem, and has been especially bad post 3.0, and while one can argue that it is 'better' this week than launch week, it is still an issue.


I have been doing bounties, assorted weeklies and the story arc on Yavin IV on Pot5 and have had only a very minor amount of ability delay on rare occasion. I doubt I would have even noticed it if I hadn't seen threads on it. I also did bounties on my Harbinger alts yesterday and noticed nothing. So yes, there are people besides Reno who play the game but aren't having an issue with lag.

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To slow people maybe, like if all they do are buy CM packs and play dress up, then maybe lag / ability delay isn't a problem.


To those of us that actually play the game, it is a problem, and has been especially bad post 3.0, and while one can argue that it is 'better' this week than launch week, it is still an issue.


I actually play the game and I have not experienced any lag.

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I actually play the game and I have not experienced any lag.


Were you per chance one of those people at launch who claimed that Ilum was lag free and ability delay was due to bad computers or just a figment of people's imagination?


To be clear, I haven't had major 'lag' (either FPS issues or high latency) outside the first couple of days, but waves or spikes where ability delay happens and client / server sync becomes an issue have been recurring, and at least in my guild with around 100 members, there isn't a single person claiming to have had no issues.


So either your server just happens to be perfect or you haven't been playing as often as others or across different times and locations.

Edited by DawnAskham
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yes, there is deffinietly lag, though as everyone said its mainly an ability delay lag, which can be very annoying. from what i have seen it starts coming up when instance population hits about 20 and above 35 it becomes horrible, up to 5 sec on activation delays.
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Were you per chance one of those people at launch who claimed that Ilum was lag free and ability delay was due to bad computers or just a figment of people's imagination?


To be clear, I haven't had major 'lag' (either FPS issues or high latency) outside the first couple of days, but waves or spikes where ability delay happens and client / server sync becomes an issue have been recurring, and at least in my guild with around 100 members, there isn't a single person claiming to have had no issues.


So either your server just happens to be perfect or you haven't been playing as often as others or across different times and locations.


I didn't play swtor at launch I came in after a month cause I got it for my birthday but I've been playing all the 3.0 content I have access too Rishi/Yavin 4 etc since it launched (was a pre-order) and not once did I experience any lag on Jedi Covenant.

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Were you per chance one of those people at launch who claimed that Ilum was lag free and ability delay was due to bad computers or just a figment of people's imagination?


To be clear, I haven't had major 'lag' (either FPS issues or high latency) outside the first couple of days, but waves or spikes where ability delay happens and client / server sync becomes an issue have been recurring, and at least in my guild with around 100 members, there isn't a single person claiming to have had no issues.


So either your server just happens to be perfect or you haven't been playing as often as others or across different times and locations.


I think this is the problem. Lag can be "spikey" and influenced by many factors. For all the people who have not experienced the lag spikes cheers for you. However Occam's razor demands that, short of some sort of ddos attack, there is something going on server side. Far too many people, who did not have lag suddenly started having lag and/or ability delay, after 3.0 dropped. The only other possibilities would be that all of these people have had simultaneous computer failures or Bioware did a stealth increase to the system requirements.


It is actually easier to explain why some may not have lag when lag others have would still be server related.

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Hasn't Shadowlands always been kinda laggy tho?


Not that I have noticed over the last year, excluding a couple times I was getting netlag (problems en route to SWTOR servers, not the fault of SWTOR).


I hear about problems on Harbinger a lot, maybe that is the server you are thinking of?

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Not that I have noticed over the last year, excluding a couple times I was getting netlag (problems en route to SWTOR servers, not the fault of SWTOR).


I hear about problems on Harbinger a lot, maybe that is the server you are thinking of?


No, I know about how laggy Harbinger can be. Just thought I recalled people having issues with Shadowlands and TRE.

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