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Cannot take this action because you are a guess of this instance.


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Except that I'm alone and the instance is to my name.

I was in one of the Hutt missions with a friend (the first? one starting in an area with lava)

We go in the last place at at some point I'm supposed to go through a door. Except that the door trigger never occurred.

I exit the instance, logout/login : no effect.

I exit the instance, disband, logout, login : I managed to get to the door, I fight four guys and I'm supposed to speak to one when I win.

And for the first minute the guy stays red.

Then the quest icon appears on his head.

Then he goes green, I still can't start a dialog with him and I get that message telling me I'm a guest in my own, solo, instance. It stayed like this until I gave up.

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