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Why there are so many Massassi on Yavin?


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You aren't even making any point, just trolling.


Nobody is using some random Jedi but you are trying to prove the Emperor could take on the might of all combined Jedi, that's how this argument had started.


No, he was not weakened.


No, he was definitely weakened when the HoT fought him. Master Braaga also says he has been weakened when you stop the final ritual attempt, though unlike Scourge he still thinks a weakened Emperor is too much for the HoT.


Edit: Also, I'd like to thank youtube for making it so easy to look back up cutscenes.

Edited by dcaleb
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as for the emperor being dead or not. the answer is "he's dead but he's reached a stage where death is simply a inconveniance" he's mastered the power of essence transfer. look up dark empire. that's where BW is clearly borrowing from


As mentioned earlier already, there's info preceding SoR that clearly states the Emperor NEVER died, but rather got his consciousness "wrenched" from his Voice, as detailed here; This happened due to the Voice's defeat at the hands of the Jedi Knight, while using a host-body.


Following that, the Emperor entered something akin to a coma, which was when the Imperial Guard chose to move the Emperor's actual body. This is reinforced here, where Servant One claims the Emperor wishes to meet the Wrath, presumably with his real body, something that didn't happen in the past.


However, there is no reference to the Voice during the expansion. Instead, Marr simply claims Revan intends to "resurrect" or bring the Emperor from the "brink of dead", which conflicts with earlier info; He also claims the Jedi Knight destroyed or killed the Emperor's body, while stating the Emperor's current state is... incorporeal, bodiless.


In other words, it is not a question of interpretation, but rather the new information not adding up or better yet, not taking into consideration what came before. Something similar is going down concerning Tari Darkspanner and the Revanites' origins.


I sometimes just get the feeling the people writing for this game are over their heads or worse yet, they never got to play the class stories, read the mails and other content they're supposed to base future stories upon.


At least Hall Hood was the lead writer for the Jedi Knight story.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I don't see it as unrealistic that Marr didn't bother going through the whole "Look, the Emperor has a Voice, and a Hand and a Wrath and we on the Dark Council are never entirely sure who's who at any given time and ... Well, look, let's just say you killed the physical body that his consciousness happened to be inhabiting at the time, which doesn't actually kill him, because the Wrath did the same thing on Voss, at the Emperor's request and... I give up. You're a Jedi. You won't understand. Just know that you didn't kill him and leave it at that, eh?" explanation for the HoT on Yavin.


Easier just to say "You killed his body and now he's incorporeal"


I don't believe the Emperor's Voice contains the -full- power of the Emperor, otherwise the HoT would not have been able to kill him, no matter how special snowflake the HoT is.

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He was presumably weakened and the HoT is NOT supposed to be a pushover I guess.


Plus, that was the Voice.

Though it would seem that with the release of SoR, some stuff pertaining the Sith Warrior story went out the window. :(



don't they describe the voice as the conduit for all of the Emperor's power? It even says, if I remember right, that by posssessing someone who already has force abilities their powers augment the Emperor's. The point, I thought, about it being bad that the Emperor is "free" has little to do with his powers. While his body is locked away in a "safe" place he must act through the Voice and middlemen. The middlemen can kinda keep his more wack job ideas in check (such as kill all life in the Galaxy so he is truly immortal.


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It just so happens that the Emperor was only MOSTLY dead. There's a big difference between mostly dead and all dead. Mostly dead is slightly alive. With all dead, well, with all dead there's usually only one thing you can do: Put together a huuuuge dark side ritual to bring the schmuck back.


On a side note: Was anyone else hearing this exchange when the JK chatted with Marr?


JK: "Wait, the Emperor's alive? Then who did I kill?"


Marr: "My butler."


...alright, I'll stop making terrible references...

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