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Penetrating Rounds not procing Trick-Shot (intentional ?)


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I'm still going for the lag causing this with the theory that they stick 5 ticks (10 for slingers) in the same channel instead of 4 (8 for slingers) for SoS/SS


Just a theory though, but I blame lag (even if it is only tiny). It still is annoying when you are waiting for it and it does not proc :(

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Just tossing out a guess (I haven't tested it myself), but could it be an accuracy thing? Maybe all ticks or the final tick of the channel has to land to reset it.


That's what I'm guessing, since you'd have to have eight slots of Accuracy in your gear to cap in 186s - and nobody has that, right?

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I've experienced it a few times...I pressed TS too soon and it interrupted the channel without firing TS.


That's what I'm guessing, since you'd have to have eight slots of Accuracy in your gear to cap in 186s - and nobody has that, right?


Nope.. I checked my logs after having this happens to me a second time.. All four main hits were registered and did damage... But TS wasn't triggered.

Edited by Ryuku-sama
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Noticed this issue with extreme lag on Rishi/Yavin.


Also it does not proc if the last shot kills the mob.. grrr


It's always done the latter. For the rest, we need to keep an eye on it, because it needs to proc if that last shot goes off, otherwise it's a bit ridiculous.

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