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12xp storyline for Subscribers!


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yes and no. i would say you have to have something to get it. like level 30 or 50 legacy or 1 max char to unlock it. i would instantly sub when this happens, because the main reason i love swtor is the story, but leveling.....sigh...it isnt fun


Absolutly. I like both requiremements, legacy 50 and 1 max level char and it unlocks.


I would even take it as a buff from the cartel market... then they can make money on it!

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yes and no. i would say you have to have something to get it. like level 30 or 50 legacy or 1 max char to unlock it. i would instantly sub when this happens, because the main reason i love swtor is the story, but leveling.....sigh...it isnt fun


You see that Bioware!


-"i would instantly sub when this happens"


This is gold I am telling you!


NO ONE likes to grind. Everyone loves your stories!

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Completely on board. I loved the 12x because I love the stories in Bioware games but the planetary stuff really doesn't change for each character, just the class quests. The xp multiplier is was so enjoyable compared to a "click this button to jump to level(max - 5)" approach other games are using.
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Completely disagree. Play the game the way it was intended to play. Lots of potential consequences for further tiering the progression in the game. Economic, Social, etc.


If you want to see the class stories without any real effort, go to Youtube.


Its also short sighted. If you are 'bored' with doing planetary quests you are going to be equally bored once you have experienced all the class quests as the end game is more repetition of a smaller subset of content than the planetary quests are.

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Completely disagree. Play the game the way it was intended to play. Lots of potential consequences for further tiering the progression in the game. Economic, Social, etc.


If you want to see the class stories without any real effort, go to Youtube.


Its also short sighted. If you are 'bored' with doing planetary quests you are going to be equally bored once you have experienced all the class quests as the end game is more repetition of a smaller subset of content than the planetary quests are.


Hah you are a fool who just wants to argue with people.


Its not about just seeing the story. It's about having 6 60's already and wanting to make a new character for endgame without GRINDING 30, 40, 50 hours of game play I HAVE ALREADY DONE 6 times.


By adding the 12xp FOR PEOPLE WHO WANT IT will have no affect on the people who don't...

Edited by agento
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Disagree 100%

Why? Because people who have invested alot of time getting all their toons to that max level should feel proud of themself and maby should be able to brag abit. I can say that I hate to level up a new toon, its super slow and boring so they should just make some quests / flashpoints give a huge exp boost if you dont like traveling around doing all those class missions / side-quest missions. If you want to play semi-serious you should be able to gain max level abit easier (my irl friend is stuck at 43 and played so little since launch and he doesnt give this game the effort of leveling because it is so boring). I do hope leveling will change but not in this way and it shouldn't be for only subscribers only at all, should be for F2P players aswell...

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Disagree 100%

Why? Because people who have invested alot of time getting all their toons to that max level should feel proud of themself and maby should be able to brag abit. I can say that I hate to level up a new toon, its super slow and boring so they should just make some quests / flashpoints give a huge exp boost if you dont like traveling around doing all those class missions / side-quest missions. If you want to play semi-serious you should be able to gain max level abit easier (my irl friend is stuck at 43 and played so little since launch and he doesnt give this game the effort of leveling because it is so boring). I do hope leveling will change but not in this way and it shouldn't be for only subscribers only at all, should be for F2P players aswell...


Oh boy F2P get enough dude....

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Make it a legacy unlock for subscribers, but also make it a legacy *ability* buff-


In the Blood - Your XP on class storyline quests is increased by 12x. Lasts until cancelled.


That way, if someone's playing a "I just want to get this new alt levelled", then they can toggle that on to speed bump a new character up to 50 or 60, say, a Sorceror when they already have an Assassin and don't want to have to do the *whole* trawl again... but if they happen to want to play "the old way"- maybe they've been away for a while, maybe they just fancy a slow, leisurely levelling again, *or* are trying to level with a friend who *doesn't* have this- they can turn it off.

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Hah you are a fool who just wants to argue with people.


Its not about just seeing the story. It's about having 6 60's already and wanting to make a new character for endgame without GRINDING 30, 40, 50 hours of game play I HAVE ALREADY DONE 6 times.


By adding the 12xp FOR PEOPLE WHO WANT IT will have no affect on the people who don't...


Because I disagree with you and have valid reasons for disagreeing with you I am a fool who just wants to argue.


Unfortunately I think you do not quite understand what most of the words you are using mean because you are obviously not using them correctly.




I have twice as many characters as you do at that high a level. I still disagree completely with what you are requesting.


If you don't want to grind pre 60 content, then you don't want to grind 60 content either. A grind is a grind is a grind. And the fastlane leveling does damage to the game community, creates even more division of the player base in the speed of progression, has economic effects, etc.


And you are not really 'playing the game' if you are skipping the majority of it.

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Because I disagree with you and have valid reasons for disagreeing with you I am a fool who just wants to argue.


Unfortunately I think you do not quite understand what most of the words you are using mean because you are obviously not using them correctly.




I have twice as many characters as you do at that high a level. I still disagree completely with what you are requesting.


If you don't want to grind pre 60 content, then you don't want to grind 60 content either. A grind is a grind is a grind. And the fastlane leveling does damage to the game community, creates even more division of the player base in the speed of progression, has economic effects, etc.


And you are not really 'playing the game' if you are skipping the majority of it.


Aaand... all that is suggested is that this xp boost become a legacy perk. Those players, like yourself, who like to slog through content you've already seen multiple times can just never apply the perk; those who chose to bypass side quests and zoom through class stories they've already played, can do so. Frankly, I can't even guess why it's any skin off your nose if other players choose to enjoy the game differently than you do. Options are good.

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Because I disagree with you and have valid reasons for disagreeing with you I am a fool who just wants to argue.


Unfortunately I think you do not quite understand what most of the words you are using mean because you are obviously not using them correctly.




I have twice as many characters as you do at that high a level. I still disagree completely with what you are requesting.


If you don't want to grind pre 60 content, then you don't want to grind 60 content either. A grind is a grind is a grind. And the fastlane leveling does damage to the game community, creates even more division of the player base in the speed of progression, has economic effects, etc.


And you are not really 'playing the game' if you are skipping the majority of it.


Looks like we disagree! Literally.

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Aaand... all that is suggested is that this xp boost become a legacy perk. Those players, like yourself, who like to slog through content you've already seen multiple times can just never apply the perk; those who chose to bypass side quests and zoom through class stories they've already played, can do so. Frankly, I can't even guess why it's any skin off your nose if other players choose to enjoy the game differently than you do. Options are good.




Everyone who does not want the option (which is obviously the minority of players) thinks this is something that is going to be forced on them....


Its for people who have done all the same side crap 6,7,8, or 12 times before that would like to level a character to 60 in a day or two instead of 40+ hours.


Like I've said a few times now, there is no valid argument. If people want to grind out the same side quests over and over again you are absolutely free to do so!

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Completely disagree. Play the game the way it was intended to play. Lots of potential consequences for further tiering the progression in the game. Economic, Social, etc.


If you want to see the class stories without any real effort, go to Youtube.


Its also short sighted. If you are 'bored' with doing planetary quests you are going to be equally bored once you have experienced all the class quests as the end game is more repetition of a smaller subset of content than the planetary quests are.

A lot of people want to see the stories and experience them for themselves, not watch some guy click through the options and stuff. They want to be part of it and experience the little things.


A lot of people also want to make alts to do different things (like healing and tanking) and experience the game from a different viewpoint.


It could be an opt in thing.

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And the fastlane leveling does damage to the game community, creates even more division of the player base in the speed of progression, has economic effects, etc.


What data do you base this supposition on?


And you are not really 'playing the game' if you are skipping the majority of it.


No... we are not really playing the game the way that you want us to play it.

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What data do you base this supposition on?


I have no absolute data because I do not have access to the dev's toolkit. I am though an educated and experienced person especially in this area as I have been gaming on mmorpg's since before they had graphics as well as creating my own rules sets, been published for content to add to/enhance pnp RPG's etc.


Step back for a second fro your selfish desire to advance faster and just think what that advancement entails. It is not something that occurs in a vacuum as this is not a single player game. Thus, your swifter advancement means that you are no longer being present on, and being engaged with the normal progression intended by the devs...


And this deserves an aside, because I get personally attacked for supporting or not supporting an idea.


No... we are not really playing the game the way that you want us to play it.


My argument is based not on my personal desires but what I consider best for the game as a whole..... So this argument is not about my wants mind you.. its not _my_ desire that you play the game like _me_... its the progression created by the devs to begin with... if they had intended fast lane leveling it could have been included from the beginning, and I am sure a similar concept was likely floated when they did their initial design meetings and they settled on the system they are using and the speed of leveling as it was, and has been slightly tweaked over time.. but tweaked _globally_ not just for a smaller specific subset).


Thus, your swifter advancement means that you are no longer being present on, and being engaged with the normal progression intended by the devs. You further take a multiplayer game, and make it a single player game when you engage in this activity. And while that might be fine if you were living in a vacuum and your game did not affect any other game, it does indeed affect other players.


1.) Your skipping content that was intended as part of the normal level progression 'grind' means you are one less person available at any time to other players. Since there are no Heroic 2 or Heroic 4 missions as part of your class quest you have no need or desire to follow up on these (though frankly you should because doing each series of planetary quests keeps your equipment leveled appropriately tot he content) which leaves anyone else who is in the same level range as yourself/on that planet unable to count on you as a resource in 'leveling as intended'. This, overall, harms the community as you have one class of player who will be granted the ability to hyperlane their characters and skip past everything. This will result in further damage to the community as a whole.


2.) It is poor game design. There are numerous seminars/talks etc from game industry insiders/game systems designers that discuss things in a micro transaction/game economy. Any addition to the game that diminishes another players experience is a bad addition, especially if there is an element of purchased performance. So, while the 3.0 expansion added changes to the game that were 'bad' for some plaeyrs, they were universally 'bad' (and I would argue that anyway.. but this is just an example) and they were done fairly for the most part and equitably across the board. (I'm aware there were some hitches, I have 12+ characters over 55 one of the 8 classes with duplicates for advanced classes)... and one thing has been seen that the addition of the 12x, though much beloved by some, did have a negative result. People were queueing for multiplayer content that they were not 'equipped' both literally and figuratively to handle. This negatively affected up to three other players at a time. It also created an envy effect. You paid for something and received greatly enhanced performance. This negatively affects the game experience for anyone who did not pay for that performance.


3.) This did damage to the economy. Materials and items had some spikes in cost at certain break points. I again do not have access to the dev toolkit to show you specifics and only have my own anecdotal reporting, but for players attempting to purchase gear and equipment at specific levels there was a change in their availability. Certain level ranges for various class quest break points, as well as end game mats and equipment.


4.) This has other effects as well that I may not have even seen or touched on. Some are more ambiguous, like the Ethicality/Morality of a system that grants significant advantages to success to players who have already had success (EG.. Making this a 'legacy perk' ....And mind you, you can already significantly enhance your leveling speed with some legacy perks, but not to the scale of 12x... If this is a legacy perk you are by design crowding out new players and making their experience significantly different.) You'll argue, how is this affecting them? How I play is what I want to do... blah blah blah, and this is pure selfishness and a complete unwillingness to see what is right in front of you while instead focusing on a selfish desire. Ask yourself how you feel about the real world economic system, most especially in the US or any other 'advanced' economy with a GINI Index that is over 45.... A system which enhances the ease of success for the already successful creates problems in actual and perceived equality. Just because you have succeeded in the past, does not give you any right or reason to be excused from the 'work' that creates further success, especially on _additional_ characters. The system is already broken by the addition of things like 'Legacy Gear' that has been given out like candy and increasingly lead to people demanding even more things be created like 'legacy gear' so that they can use their initial work/success to make subsequent characters even easier.


The effect may be minimal, and it may be manageable, but its still a consideration that should be made when adding a new system into an existing model.


The thing is, most of the supporters of permanent 12x use as their only arguments: 'I love this, this is great' and they work under the assumption that it doesn't affect the game of anyone else. They create horribly biased polls that present each optional answer in an extremely biased manner and then think these polls have actual value.


-- Creating a pay for performance system is bad. So creating boosts of such extreme 'power' and selling them as cartel market items is not good. You negatively affect the game significantly for those people who can not or do not want to spend the money for them. (The f2p system is a different beast entirely)


-- Creating a system that 'rewards' success with _easier_ success is bad. Not only does it negatively impact the game experience for new players, but can create issues at the 'end game' level as well. Thus making this some sort of Legacy perk or reward for doing work prior (like a percentage bonus for each advanced class leveled up) generates a problem for the system.


-- Making it optional does nothing to alleviate the problems it generates.


This isn't about 'how people want to play the game'. Its about generating imbalanced systems that provide inordinate benefits for a class of player. Either one who wants to spend more money or one who's past success was rewarded with even easier success.


In fact, the only people who are making a demand based on how they _want_ to play the game are those supporting 12x. You are demanding a permanent change to the game systems to benefit yourself and how you want to play.


I'm in opposition not because I _want_ to grind and think everyone should have to play the way I want, but because I have stepped back a bit and looked at the system as a whole and can see the damage the requested change/addition can create and has already created to some extent.


There exists a reason for level progression in a multiplayer game. If this were a single player game my commentary would be significantly different on this matter. But because you are involving other people, your changes/additions/suggestions should be those that will not negatively affect the experiences of others.

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