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My comms staying?


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I just jumped on and see I have lost my elites and untimates and I have 2000/1000 basic comms. I therefore assume my elites and ultimate were converted when shadow of Revan came out.


The issue I have is I didn't bother to pre-order and can't be bothered, as such I am stuck at 55 until next Tuesday and cannot spend my basics until next week.


My worry is that this stack of comms might be an advertising attempt by BW to get people to pre-order and if I wait for full release I may lose my basics.


Wondering if anybody knows is there a time limit in which I have to spend my 2000 basics or will they stay forever?

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I don't know if I would call it a marketing ploy, but the reason this happened is they reset the comm system. They completely canned planetary and classic comms. It kind of sucks, but you'll have to wait until you get into SoR to spend any of them really (nice 172 mods vendor on Rishi). I don't think there is a limit on how long you can be over cap, but you also can't earn more basic comms right now, essentially any you make in between now and spending enough comms to get below the cap of 1000 is a waste.
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The 172 vendor is on the fleet too, you can buy from him without the addon, so use that opportunity to get your neglected companions up to snuff.


This. You can use the comms right now on the fleet.


Also, you can't earn any new ones until you go below the 1000 comm max.


If you are planning to play SOR, the questline will give you gear of around the same quality or slightly better quality as what you can buy with comms. I used most of my comms for relics, implants, gearing companions, and stuff like that.

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