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Raid buffs?


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So...berserk increases crit chance and also does a raid wide periodic heal...predation now increases defence for entire raid group...forgive me but ages since I played Mara and thinking bout getting back into it. Give some examples if which bosses you would use which buffs on and why?
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So...berserk increases crit chance and also does a raid wide periodic heal...predation now increases defence for entire raid group...forgive me but ages since I played Mara and thinking bout getting back into it. Give some examples if which bosses you would use which buffs on and why?


You seem to be talking about annihilation spec so I'll address that. If you're playing the spec right you should be using berserk on cooldown. When ever you have 30 stacks of fury and if your target is dotted up, pop berserk. Honestly the periodic heal to your raid is a by product and in no way should be saved for some kind of defensive cooldown. Berserk is an ESSENTIAL element in order to output maximum dps. Predation can be useful for your raid to increase movement speed in any movement heavy fights. One fight that comes to mind is the transition phase for brontes when you have to destroy the droids. That said, predation should only be used in certain situations. Never use it on a regular basis in place of your berserk, especially as annihilation spec. Bloodthirst is a more important ability to use which increases raid wide damage. This is usually used at the end of a fight at your raid leader's command. It's ideal to pop bloodthirst at your raid leader's command then immediately pop frenzy (instant 30 fury stacks) and then hit berserk.

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