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Bugs i have found repost from CS forums


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Original link here http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=779862 but decided to just include bugs i have personally experienced in game since 3.0 others in the thread were from guild members but since i have not experienced them i will not include them.


Horrible lag Spikes on Rishi Yavin 4 makeb cz-198 AND in SOLO flashpoints will lag out to 60k+ ms before i just x the game and relog. Ilum oricon have been ok while running there.


SOLO Revan fight is bugged at 60% or 30% he will pull every one to the middle and perma stun your allies you can burn him past the 60% mark and nothing happens but at 30% it happens all the time for me i haven't found the trick yet to getting past it. Another bug is after you die the gate will stay closed preventing you from getting in to restart the fight.


Running Makeb staged weekly last night for the last little bit of XP to get from 59-60 and Stage 1 Inciting incident is bugged. load the tank and go to spot the artillery bunker with the range finders and get an error: Not in designated coordinates same area i have scanned it for the past year and a half. Other guild members have reported other staged weekly missions on Makeb bugging out.


RANDOM hard mode Group finder flashpoints level 56-59 have no com reward but still gave me credits and XP


ISOTOPE-5 gone? not at any of the basic vendors or crew skill trade vendors


Group Finder OPERATIONS bolster = level 60 gear? an S&V run was WAY too easy last night with every one having 45k+ hp to the point i was using intercede on the tank for the hell of it.


Group Finder Ops: I remember pre 3.0 the timer on the level 55 ops was something like 2 or 3 days now it is only up for 24 hours before it switches.


And the famous Meat Tree works on Rishi Instances 4 and 6 (only way i had luck with it) will bug out and not reset in the Rishi instance you loaded in



QOL things i think would be nice


Can not queue for level 55 tactical flashpoints from levels 56-59 Czerka Labs, Czerka Meltdown, Assault on Tython, Korriban Incursion, Depths of Manaan, Legacy of Rakata, and Kuat Drive Yards. Can not queue for KDY at level 60


Can not Queue for Level 55 Hard modes at level 60 you could que for hard 50s at 55


Only 2 Ops in Ops Group finder at level 60? Might throw story mode or hard mode TFB S&V DF DP in there for some rotation.


Sorry but have to say. Usually I post a thread like this in the PTS forums <.< >.>


I'm sure more to come....

Edited by VIncentBlaze
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More to add... made a list while i was running for you all


{[DAILY] Emerging Conflicts V} and the daily for 50 HMs {[DAILY] Galactic Conflicts} still at the terminal at level 60


Artifice can train a grey item [Complex access card] offered to train every time you log or switch areas


The Sky Ridge and Raiders Cove weapons and weapons from the level 60 PvE Vendors do not come with color crystals. Intended? MH http://puu.sh/digzq/221596c151.jpg OH http://puu.sh/digEE/4d6785c72b.jpg


Seams like Silver strong mobs hit harder then Gold Elite mobs on Rishi. intended?


No achevements for Expert Crew Skills getting to 500. intended?


Coalition Staging area (landing area) on Yavin 4 NOT a sanctuary meaning PvP flagged players can get attacked. yet still a rest area. Intended?


Group Finder queue group button will sometimes be greyed out with no explanation seams to be after you have ran for a bit with that group

Edited by VIncentBlaze
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Bumping this thread during the day so hopefully they will see it as i feel there are some important bugs that arent getting mentioned while everyone's up in arms over the revan fight


Also went to put Shae Visla trophy in my SH and achievement is bugged as i have completed that FP 3 times now 2 times solo and once tactical and it shows incomplete.


Another thing seams like the Lightsaber hilt 36 background color is reversed between willpower and strength willpower is red and strength is yellow. Willpower on pre 3.0 34s is yellow and Strength is blue. Can be confusing but luckily i can read can understand if an update was needed on the look.

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Bug with 3.0 I discovered today when leveling up my Sorc, the intro weapons you receive for completing the Prelude to Revan quest line (Doing all of the Forged Alliances FPs) has bugged vibroswords. Swords are set for rating 192 but give stats comparable at more than 70 percent less than every other weapon offered for a reward.
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[Ruusan Relic of Focused Retribution] Crafted relic says it has a 20% chance for a schematic however i have crafted and Reverse engineered about 15 of them no prototype (Blue) schematic.


EDIT: like all things it gives me a reverse engineer for [Advanced Ruusan Relic of Focused Retribution] right after I posted however seams like the success rate is much lower then 20%




Can not move the guild ship to Rishi or Yavin 4

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  • 8 months later...

This thread is old, but not closed or dead, so I'll answer what I can based on my own experiences. I don't have the answers to all of the questions, and some of the items have been answered by the devs or by patches after you posted, but here goes.


1. lag spikes have been common in the game since launch, unfortunately. No one has been able to pinpoint any specific cause for any instance of lag spiking as far as I know. Yavin IV and Rishi lag, I believe, mostly because their environments are so graphically large (think Coruscant and Nar Shaddaa, and imagine if all of the in-between areas you taxi through were in fact part of your interactive environment instead of just background - lots of moving parts, many of which have little or nothing to do with player-environment interaction, all of which add to processing times and the perception of lag - a stark example of this is actually in galactic starfighter; compare your FPS in a Lost Shipyards map, and compare it to a Kuat Mesas or Denon Exosphere map)


2. the solo Revan fight - the part at 65% and 32% HP is a mechanic, i.e. it's part of the fight. Hopefully by this time someone's explained to you how to get past those two phases (hint: it's very similar to the HM mechanic in the end fight of Cademimu when your groupmates get chained down).


3. for GF FP comms rewards changes you may want to check the patch notes post-2.5. Ditto for isotope 5, SM ops bolster (I could be wrong about this, but last time I checked, the ops bolster only applied to SM operations groups), the GF ops timer, and the meat trees on Rishi.


4. the complex access card, from what I've been told and can observe, is pointless. What's more, the devs don't seem to have noticed, or because it's so harmless (you can train it and craft it, but it apparently sells to NPCs for 1 credit and you get your rare crafting mats back, according to numerous posts on these forums) they're focusing their efforts on more important things.


5. as for sky ridge and raider's cove gear not coming with color crystals, you may want to see what the patch notes say about that. Same goes for the lack of crew skill achieves at 500, the Yavin IV coalition staging area, and the mod colors.


6. do you have data for damage dealt by silver and gold mobs on Rishi (i.e. combat logs)? Without data, such a claim is hard to substantiate. As for reverse engineering, the success rate/chance is <i>per RE event</i>. So for every relic you RE, each time you RE you have a 1 in 5 chance of success. This does not translate to "RE 5 or 10 times and get 1 or 2 successes." Look at it this way: every time you RE something, you have an 80% chance of failure. So, for 5 items, your overall chance of failure is 0.8*0.8*0.8*0.8*0.8 = 0.32768 or a nearly 32.8% chance of not learning a schematic, even after 5 RE events (your chance of learning a schematic after 5 events is 1-0.32768, or roughly 67.2%). This is because for each RE event the chance resets itself. You will notice that your rate of schematic learning success is much higher in a skill like biochem because when you RE in biochem you RE multiple items (medpacs, stims) in the same event. To really make the claim that REing yields a lower chance of success than displayed, you'd need a lot of data to show that your rate of success/failure is statistically significantly different from these percentages.

Edited by Eldarion_Velator
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