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Is Mercenary any more fun than Powertech?


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Hey everyone. I' tried a Powertech now during the 12x. I can say that Powertech didn't really click for me, I guess. So I was wondering, those of you who have played both Mercs and Powertechs, which one did you like more?


I was thinking of switching, I don't mind leveling and all that again. I've been meaning to try healing, and Sorcerers aren't my thing really.


So which one is do you enjoy most?


Thank you.

Edited by RKMoX
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I have three level 55 Bounty Hunters, Shieldtech and Pyrotech Powertechs and an Arsenal Mercenary. Working on my fourth Bounty Hunter, who will be my healer.


Once my Shieldtech got Torian as a companion, who I leveled with. Switching between him and Mako when required. I am the meatshield, while Torian burns things down. This playstyle is to get in the face of the enemy, get their attention. While your dps companion has free reign to kill stuff. You just need to make careful use of Kolto Overload, Heroic Moment, Energy Shield etc..


With my Pyrotech, I use Skadge. Had great fun on Makeb, got bolstered and let Skadge take a beating. With better gear he will be a great damage sponge. This playstyle is relying on your tank companion to get and hold aggro. While he is taking a beating, you get free reign to kill stuff. Might take some micromanagement, ordering him to attack certain mobs. Taunt mobs off you, if you start getting focused on.


For my Arsenal Merc, I want to gear up Blizz and Gault. Just want to see that little guy fire that rocket launcher. Not sure about the one I am currently leveling as my healer. As to which companions to focus on.


Powertech and Mercenary are both fun to play.

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I'm in a similar bind, OP


I'm leveling a PT now and 42 but wasn't able finish before 12x ran out. I agree with you that PT combat feels weird with moments where I wasn't sure what to cast next. I leveled a Commando (same as Merc in case you're not familiar with the class system) and it felt more "natural" for my playstyle although the Trooper suffers from a severe lack of cool with their abilities and animations that the BH has oodles of. That's one thing I can say my PT had over my Merc and VG, they're much cooler. Bad ***, even.


in any case, since I suffer from the same problem as you the only advice I can give is my own conclusions which are that generally speaking I prefer wholly ranged classes to melee or melee hybrids like the Vanguard and PT. This means I'll probably reroll to Mercenary despite how cool my PT is. Cool factor fades, gotta stick with what'll be more fun in the long term

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Hey everyone. I' tried a Powertech now during the 12x. I can say that Powertech didn't really click for me, I guess. So I was wondering, those of you who have played both Mercs and Powertechs, which one did you like more?


I was thinking of switching, I don't mind leveling and all that again. I've been meaning to try healing, and Sorcerers aren't my thing really.


So which one is do you enjoy most?


Thank you.

merc dps was my main for a long time


leveled a pt about two months ago and moved to it exclusively; the change of pace was fun.


in 3.0 i leveled the pt first, merc after. i have to say, i feel better with the merc.


as dps they are both glass cannons; pt requires melee range, more movement, merc has benefit of range. im still not sure what i'll be playing a month from now, but right now im leaning back on the merc.

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Yeah, Vanguard is worse because the animations aren't as interesting to look at.



I like the IDEA of the Powertech. Single blaster pistol, lots of tech and fire. When I actually play the class, I just can't stick with it. I managed to get my Powertech to 55 thanks to 12x, but basically gave up doing anything with the character.


My Merc, on the other hand, is one of my "mains".

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My original character was a Guardian. Then I made a Vanguard and Commando, and suddenly didn't want to be a Jedi anymore.


Once I started playing Imperial side, my 1st go-to was my Merc. How I love my Arsenal Merc. I enjoy the new Unload replacement Boltstorm, I enjoy the new ability Priming Shot. The spec just calls to me. Of course I played him long before 3.0, but 3.0 made me fall in-love with the Merc/Commando play style all over again. I've even broke my own long-time MMO rule and started healing with my Merc. Over 8 years in MMOs and never healed as a main spec/role. Merc heals are strong and super easy to handle.


For as much as I love my Merc however, my first 60 (and only currently, but many close) is my Vanguard. Tactics (Advanced Prototype for a PT) is just so much fun. The burst damage is insane, and you are so mobile. It was very fun to level 55-60, and I also tank with him as well. Shield Specialist is a fun and rather easy tanking style.


So for me, the Powetech won it just barely but you can't go wrong with either advanced class.

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