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Request for this to be brought back for mercs arsenal


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Mandalorian warheads

This ability unlike its counter part on the trooper was unique, and had a mandalorian touch to it. It allowed the user to shoot two missiles with each missile blast at the target, it also sped up shoot time for missile blasts. When I played my merc it served as a excellent terror weapon, and also my very own ability to give the opposing player the middle finger in pvp. Take it from someone who has played a trooper nothing like a continual fast streak of missile blasts, that will make you run for cover. It was in no shape way or form op, as after four salvos your heat was maxed out. You could use no other abilities. The damage was not good or great. Like I said it was a fun terror weapon. Now missile blasts feel like they are stuck between each one. It feels all wrong and frankly took some fun out of the merc/arsenal class.


If you could bring that back that would be great.

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This was the final stage of the backpedalling from about 2.0 when they made it a 3(?) shot ability that required you to hit the key three times.


After forum drama it was reduced to two missiles and you only had to press it once.


Now its back where it started.


1 missile, 1 keypress.

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