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CZ-198 Weekly


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I've also wondered about this. I tried to solo it, but it was just a bit to much for my inquisitor (perhaps I need to change tactics I'm sure someone out there can solo it) . Kind of dumb that they didn't add this to the 60 que. It ticks me off that they took so much away. I regret buying the exp. I was much happier with the game pre patch 3.0. I've experienced terrible patches and games changes before but nothing at this level. I can't see why they take content away from players. Who cares if it would be a breeze with a group of 60's. It's a daily/weekly it's just a farm for coms. I wonder if this moronic crap is ever going to improve. I've been thinking I may just call it quits again and go to elder scrolls or finally start playing the new dragon age, or other games I haven't touched yet.
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I wonder if this moronic crap is ever going to improve. I've been thinking I may just call it quits again and go to elder scrolls or finally start playing the new dragon age, or other games I haven't touched yet.



I too have thought this. I have thought after re-skilling my 10 toons AGAIN. I'll draw an conclusion if this game is EVER GOING TO SMOOTH OUT, or is it just going to continue to be plagued by, incompetents and bugs as well as just plan ole BAD IDEAS, as well as Fleecing the SUBSCRIBERS to spend more money to get content from the cartel market that should be given to them because they, ARE SUBSCRIBERS.


It makes sense to charge F2P players as well as Preferred players, but, NOT FROM SUBS..


So with that said, if i do not like this new expansion and all that it brings.

Then I Too will be moving on to other things and games i have been wanting to play or get and play, but don't cause all my time and subscription fee goes into, SWTOR................

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