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Guardian Tank - little help


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i just had time to login for first time after patch.

I'm studying the new disciple and i got some doubts.

First thing, what's the point of sundering strike anymore? Share the same cooldown with the new warding strike that deal more damage and gives more focus, if you are vigilance or focus the sundering affect the target, if you are defense does not? -.-

So sundering strike is for a defense guardian pretty useless or i missed something?


Second the challenging call animation is awfull, before 3.0 it was really iconic. But it's ok, it's just an animation.


Consider that i used to play it mostly in pvp.

Thank you for anyone will help me understand :)

Edited by Flegias
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i just had time to login for first time after patch.

I'm studying the new disciple and i got some doubts.

First thing, what's the point of sundering strike anymore? Share the same cooldown with the new warding strike that deal more damage and gives more focus, if you are vigilance or focus the sundering affect the target, if you are defense does not? -.-

So sundering strike is for a defense guardian pretty useless or i missed something?


Second the challenging call animation is awfull, before 3.0 it was really iconic. But it's ok, it's just an animation.


Consider that i used to play it mostly in pvp.

Thank you for anyone will help me understand :)


Yeah Sundering Strike and Warding Strike share the same cooldown, it's basically the same but Warding Strike is only available for Defense and gives 3% damage reduction. Makes it more useful for Tanks than sundering the target.

Edited by Avanael
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Well, most specs saw one of their old attacks replaced by a new and improved version of it for hotbar purposes. From what I noticed there were also a few utilities that are brand new to the game. We defiantly got some new stuff.


The new rule of thumb for any class/spec; if you see a line at the end of an ability that states "shares a cooldown with XXX", always remove and replace the "XXX" ability with the new one.


EDIT: herpderp, no we didn't get a new level 57 ability as I previously stated. Invincible is now level 57 :doh:

Edited by Ridickilis
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Well, most specs saw one of their old attacks replaced by a new and improved version of it for hotbar purposes. From what I noticed there were also a few utilities that are brand new to the game. We defiantly got some new stuff.


The new rule of thumb for any class/spec; if you see a line at the end of an ability that states "shares a cooldown with XXX", always remove and replace the "XXX" ability with the new one.


EDIT: herpderp, no we didn't get a new level 57 ability as I previously stated. Invincible is now level 57 :doh:


Right. This expansion was less about "new" things with the classes, and more about a restructuring of the current with new "options" open instead.


LIke now a tank can take the utility skill that resets your CD of leap, throw, and enrage when you leave combat. so you can start out with a ton more rage then you used to have, and always have a throw and leap available. This was a skill that you previously needed to be in the early 40's on a vengeance juggernaut to have, but you can now pick it as any spec. And let me tell you, i can't count the number of times I've ran up to a group as a tank, and pressed my throw button only to remember that I wasn't vengeance, and I'd have to wait X more seconds for it to be available. VERY nice utility, and now tanks can get it as well. So can Rage juggs, totally cool.


So...not a lot of "new" stuff, but the availability to previously locked powerful utilities? I'll take that over a new skill any day of the week...well, unless the new skill is really cool.


The other thing that is sort of "new" is those redone skills. the "replacement" skills. it does 2 things: one, it allows then to tailor a skill to a specific spec (in this case, it's the sunder strike for the tank spec), so they can make it viable to that spec without having to sacrifice a multitude of skill points to (which we previously had to do).


Secondly, it allows them to create new visual effects. some, like warding strike, are just a bit more interesting. some, like teh new vengeful slam (replaces smash for the vengeance jugg) is so awesome looking id almost level that spec just to be able to use it.


All in all, not much new for most classes, but so many things reworked and so many previously limited skills opened up completely, it feels very new. good enough for me.


Oh, and there are a few very new things for the class, but they didn't lock them into a spec. they are utilities. 50% speed boost for yourself, or you can pick the one that boosts the speed for the entire party when you use chilling scream. VERY cool raid bonus now from a previously useless (or mostly useless) skill when you are tanking a boss. that's new a quite nice, but they decided to make it accessible to all specs instead of just the tank or Venge or Rage tree. it's one of the reasons I like the new disciplines.

Edited by Elyx
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