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Rapid Shots and Kolto Shot


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Gotta agree, on a mercenary medshot is a stright copy paste animation from the operative healing ability and it looks very poor on a class that uses two guns. All IMPORTANT things aside, the old way of healing by shooting an ally with my guns inbetween the big heals, made me feel cool. I just want that old animation back, I dont care about gaining a redundant ability.


Funny thing, the commandos have retained their green beam animation, unless I am mistaken, so no change there.


agreed, simple animation change is really all that's needed imo, the pew-pew heals of the the old combat support cylinder via rapid shots was what made the merc heals unique to the other healing classes. Now it feels like an operative wannabe. If commandos get med shot and kept their healing gun animation, then why didnt the mercs?


Please bring back the old pew-pew animation but assign it to kolto shot and maybe rename the skill "Kolto Shots" to make it more sensible. Its not hard, just a simple animation switch.

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