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Appearance Customisation - Some Options Cannot Be Applied


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Or, Make up Your Minds. :)


As of 3.0, the Appearance Design Kiosk now offers the expanded hairstyle packs to all 'humanoid hair' species- i.e. Chiss, Miraluka, Mirialan, Cyborg etc... both the two new hairstyles *and* - where unlocked- the earlier Human hairstyle unlock styles, which were previously only available to humans.


Except... it doesn't. The options are available for all those races to select and preview, but, attempt to actually apply them, and you get the red text "An Error Occured While Processing your Appearance Design".


This seems slightly odd.


Please note, this isn't a post asking for the human hair styles unlock to be made available to all species free of charge- if the intended behaviour was for those hairstyles to be an additional unlock for Miraluka, Mirialan, etc, I'd be fine with that, but the current behaviour seems to suggest that whoever's in charge of the Appearance Designer set them up to 'go', but whoever's in charge of allowable options 'in game' didn't.


Personally, I vote for them being available, seeing as the current kiosk behaviour, intentional or otherwise, shows that they *work* perfectly well with the alien species, and furthermore that long haired Miraluka look cool.


Yes, cool enough to pay a Cartel Coins unlock for- but the current glitch seems like it's just tantalisingly taunting us by holding new customisation options teasingly out of reach for no real reason.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Giving this a bump because I'd also like to give my cyborg long hair... but mostly I just want the appearance designer to stop taunting me with options that can't be used. Either make them available to use or remove them from the kiosk for non-humans please. It's very annoying to be able to select an appearance change and then to always get an error message.
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