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Force Choke issues (for Warriors in general and tank spec)


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So, it seems they wanted to turn Force Choke into more or less the same as the other 4 second stuns in this game, including lowering the damage it deals (it now hits for a lot less, about as much as your basic attack). That's fine, but some things I don't understand...


1. Why even have the channel if it does nothing? I'm serious, the channel does nothing. If you cancel out of it yourself by hitting escape, all the damage and the stun still go through. Other people interrupting it does nothing either. Of course, there is no benefit to breaking the channel yourself as its exactly the same length as the GCD. So why not make it identical to the tank one, and lose the channel altogether? As it stands, all the channel remaining does is give those with it an advantage over people who aren't paying attention and blow an interrupt or knockback on it, as that will do nothing.


2. To the point about tanks, now the Immortal talent essentially does NOTHING. Since the channel does NOTHING. Whether you're a tank or not, it acts exactly the same besides the channel bar appearing on your screen for the length of a GCD for non tanks.


So yeah, 2 suggestions, 1, remove the channel altogether, since it essentially does nothing anyways, and 2, improve the ability for tanks in some way because right now its exactly the same as the base Warrior choke. Either up its damage, or add another effect to it, something.

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David went over this during the livestream http://www.twitch.tv/swtor/c/5542132


They wanted to keep the channel for flavour reasons, as it's rather iconic. He also mentioned that they will probably give immortal something better for the force grip talent at some point.


Right, but gameplay should always take precedence over flavor, and right now the only thing keeping the channel does is allow other players to burn an interrupt on something that isn't even interruptible. I guess you could say "well just don't interrupt it", but I think it makes far more sense to not have the channel.


Also, what exactly about the channel is iconic? Force Choke is iconic. The channel bar above your character? Um....


And I also saw that livestream. Saying "well we should probably do something for tanks" makes zero sense when that was 2 weeks ago, 3.0 is already live and nothing was done for tanks. If anything, the moment the decision was made to change choke in this way, something should have been done for tanks at that point, intsead of retroactively admitting that, "Oops you guys have a completely useless talent in your tree, oh well!"


Between this and all tank stances being bugged to lower damage by 20% instead of 10%, I am a very unhappy camper right now.

Edited by wadecounty
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Right, but gameplay should always take precedence over flavor, and right now the only thing keeping the channel does is allow other players to burn an interrupt on something that isn't even interruptible. I guess you could say "well just don't interrupt it", but I think it makes far more sense to not have the channel.


Also, what exactly about the channel is iconic? Force Choke is iconic. The channel bar above your character? Um....


And I also saw that livestream. Saying "well we should probably do something for tanks" makes zero sense when that was 2 weeks ago, 3.0 is already live and nothing was done for tanks. If anything, the moment the decision was made to change choke in this way, something should have been done for tanks at that point, intsead of retroactively admitting that, "Oops you guys have a completely useless talent in your tree, oh well!"


Between this and all tank stances being bugged to lower damage by 20% instead of 10%, I am a very unhappy camper right now.


I'm not particularly happy with the reasons either. Ideally all warriors should get force grip and immortals should get something else.

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