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Ok so I had some faith left in the devs until I logged on today. Someone needs to straighten some **** out around here. You official patch notes say Gore is on the GCD, last 6 seconds, and does more damage, but on live it has off the GCD, does no damage, and last 3 seconds. You have **** down the carnage spec and then tried to pacify the players who main this by lying to us. I am unsubbing because you people cant figure out how to balance a class without taking away core abilities.




http://gyazo.com/6dbc2bbf2b1bcd9835903727edb3ab8d - That is a SS of Gore on live as is..


Gore no longer ignores the global cooldown, but as a result, it now deals much more damage and increases armor penetration for 6 seconds instead of just 4.5 seconds. These changes, combined with the changes to alacrity (which now reduces the global cooldown and the cooldown of most abilities), mean that Carnage Marauders can rather easily sneak an extra attack into every Gore window. - That is from the Official changes to the Marauder and Sentinel page.


Get your **** together Bioware.

Edited by Mordacia
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I hate QQ, but BW went too far with this patch.


Marauder was already in a not that good spot for PvP compared to the FOTM classes.

But lying straight to the mara players in an offical statement is just ludicrous!


Not sure if i stay subbed. They ****ed it up big time (again)

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