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Thank you The Progenitor


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I just wanted to reach out to you all former and current pilots on The Progenitor.


My thoughts when I subscribed just Before GSF launched back in 2013 was to give it a try and fly a little bit. I couldn't imagine that the subsciption would last a whole year and that I have been fighting in a couple of thousands of matches. One major reason because it has been so fun is the people, both friends and foes. I salute you all. It has been great.


Especially a big thank you to my squadron friends that I have flown together with for hundreds of games and have saved me on numerous times when I have been doing some not so bright maneuvers or strategic decisions.


Reasons why I quit flying is a bit that RL is taking over and that nothing new will happen with GSF in a long time I think (if ever) and also that I am a liltle bit tired of flying :)


Fly well.



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