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Question with Companion Weapons


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I'm sure there's probably a thread about this somewhere but is there anything being done about techstaves and tech blades because many of the vibroswords and electrostaves that come out are barely ever used, and would look perfect on the companions restricted to tech crap.. Mostly because lightsabers are visually and lore wise superior to everything else so why downgrade. When looking for a decent staff or blade for torian/tanno/akaavi/qyzen/yuun/Skadge/Scorpio I'm stuck with searching green vendors with weapons from freakin launch. Anyone else find this an easy fix but constantly neglected.
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I'm sure there's probably a thread about this somewhere but is there anything being done about techstaves and tech blades because many of the vibroswords and electrostaves that come out are barely ever used, and would look perfect on the companions restricted to tech crap.. Mostly because lightsabers are visually and lore wise superior to everything else so why downgrade. When looking for a decent staff or blade for torian/tanno/akaavi/qyzen/yuun/Skadge/Scorpio I'm stuck with searching green vendors with weapons from freakin launch. Anyone else find this an easy fix but constantly neglected.


Okay for starters every companion has a "Companion's name masterwork weapon" as a mission reward for a heroic 2 belsavis daily (regular level 50 area, not section X), both Imp and Pub side. So every companion in game (save treek and HK) can have their own personal masterwork orange grade weapon. After 5 times running that H2 all your companions can have their own personal weapon. Some; like Vette and Ashara can get two because they can be used as a mainhand or off hand, though you obviously have to run it twice to get both. Andronikos is the only dual-wielding companion in game who's masterwork weapon is strictly a mainhand.


They can also use planetary vendor weapons so long as it matches their proficiency type. All the weapons types in game are available from the planetary equipment vendors that sell mainhands (so yes there are tech staves and tech blades in the lists as well). So find any of those that sell mainhands and they will have a weapon type that fits any of the companions. I've never found it difficult to find orange grade weapons for any companion.

Edited by Ridickilis
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I could be misunderstanding you, but I think Qyzen, Torian, etc with a lightsaber would be really awkward and weird. Not to mention story breaking for those characters. *Shrug*


Personally, I just use my Armstech crafter for all of my more difficult-to-find companion weapons. You can make oranges of pretty much each type of weapon or you could make blues/purples. It's the easiest solution I've found. There are also various planetary vendors that sell orange weapons.

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Okay for starters every companion has a "Companion's name masterwork weapon" as a mission reward for a heroic 2 belsavis daily


The Makeb H4 rewards with a full array of orange companion weapons, too. Very soloable at 55 and quite lucrative IIRC.

Edited by leehambly
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No no no sry I mean the models for vibroswords and electro staves from manaan/ cartel market like stun baton cathar swords, axe, and I don't mean lightsabers for them lol, yes I have the H2 weapons but I've had them since 2012.. Meanwhile new vibroswords and electrostaff models have been created that would look dope on the companions I mentioned.

I figured new weapon models created have been only useful on all lightsaber using companions minus bowdaar and broonmark.

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No no no sry I mean the models for vibroswords and electro staves from manaan/ cartel market like stun baton cathar swords, axe, and I don't mean lightsabers for them lol, yes I have the H2 weapons but I've had them since 2012.. Meanwhile new vibroswords and electrostaff models have been created that would look dope on the companions I mentioned.

I figured new weapon models created have been only useful on all lightsaber using companions minus bowdaar and broonmark.


Ooooooooooooooooooooooh. :o I get it now, sorry about that. And yes, wouldn't mind some newer stuffs for my melee tech comps too.

Edited by Ridickilis
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