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Couple questions.


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Hey there, I'm Lin. I just returned to the game recently after being gone a couple years and alot has changed, obviously. While I've been able to get the hang of a lot, there's a couple things that have come up that I was hoping someone might be able to fill in some gaps on.


For one, someone was really cool to me and helped me a lot earlier and I wanted to send them something in game as a thank your from the Cartel Market. I googled to make sure that I'd be able to, since I did consider it might all be bound... for whatever reason, I couldn't find many answers and the one I did find glossed over it and just summed it up to 'all Cartel Market items can be traded or sold'. I know it was an older post/didn't address my specific question... so I said screw it and just bought the thing. Then when I went to mail it, I couldn't. I see it says bound on the item and I read another thing on the web that said you could only trade after a binding timer ended.


TLDR; Is there anyway possible to trade, mail, give away items you buy on the cartel market to another character/player? Is there some weird timer that prevents you from doing so? Is there some way to lessen the timer?


My other question is just... how long does it usually take in-game support to respond to a ticket? Customer Support keeps passing me back and forth on an account issue I'm having and eventually said I needed to have in-game support do it, but I haven't heard back from them on my ticket at all.


Thanks for any help any of you can toss my way. c:

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I saw that somewhere, but is there anyway to lessen that timer? I assume not, but thanks for the info.


I'm afraid there isn't. I imagine the timer exists to stop people from flooding the GTN with Cartel packs the minute they come out, but as it is that simply delays the price drop by 36 hours.

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There is no way to shorten that timer.


There are some exceptions in cartel packs though, Gifts, items that give affection to your companions, that have no timer at all. And scrap and certificates are bound to legacy and cannot be traded at all.

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How to Insta-unbind Cartel items:


Pre-work: Know the date.


Step 1: Tequila.


Step 2: Tequila.


Step 3: Tequila


Step 4: Floor


Step 5: Attempt to read nearest calender.


Step 6: Repeat Steps 1-5 until it's at least two days later.



I totally understand now. xD


ALSO, not sure if anyone saw my other question. But, how long is the average wait on in-game support responding to a ticket? It's been two days since I submitted it and Phone Support told me they were 24 hours like they are, so I wasn't sure if there's just a general long wait for everyone.

Edited by Slytherclaw
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