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Episode 7 timeline questions


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As I understand it the story for episode 7 isn't taken from any of the EU novels so does anyone have a clue on the backstory here?


We still have tie fighters, x wings, the Falcon, storm troopers, etc. A new mysterious sith with a cross guard hilted saber that has created a huge buzz, but what's the story here?


Did remnants of the Empire survive for 30+ years? Who carried on the Sith?? I hope the movie itself fleshes out the massive gap in time from episodes 6 to 7.


Any thoughts?

Edited by Belpheghor
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My theory is that when Palpatine fell, it created a power vaccum that was filled by professional military and political people and became more structured and efficient. Previously, the Emperor was a meglomaniacal micromanager and when distracted by the Vader/Luke battle, lost his grip and his "elite" forces got stomped by teddy bears.


Despite that, the Alliance was able to gain some traction and liberate a number of important star systems but few of them have any interest in joining a "new republic", rather more interested in being free. And the Empire, under new, 'secular' management is still able to crush its enemies.


So...a stalemate of sorts. As to what the classic cast members have been up to...? Not sure. I expect Leia has been trying to gather strength for the rebels and convince more planets to join/support their cause. Han probably has been somewhat involved with her but scratches occasional itches for adventure. Luke likely spends time studying the mysteries of the force (by meditation and without a master -- maybe comuning with Kenobi/Yoda as force ghosts?) and being a hermit. Others have said he's afraid of his power/the dark side. Who knows?

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My theory is that when Palpatine fell, it created a power vaccum that was filled by professional military and political people and became more structured and efficient. Previously, the Emperor was a meglomaniacal micromanager and when distracted by the Vader/Luke battle, lost his grip and his "elite" forces got stomped by teddy bears.


Despite that, the Alliance was able to gain some traction and liberate a number of important star systems but few of them have any interest in joining a "new republic", rather more interested in being free. And the Empire, under new, 'secular' management is still able to crush its enemies.


So...a stalemate of sorts. As to what the classic cast members have been up to...? Not sure. I expect Leia has been trying to gather strength for the rebels and convince more planets to join/support their cause. Han probably has been somewhat involved with her but scratches occasional itches for adventure. Luke likely spends time studying the mysteries of the force (by meditation and without a master -- maybe comuning with Kenobi/Yoda as force ghosts?) and being a hermit. Others have said he's afraid of his power/the dark side. Who knows?


Don't forget that there's inquisitors trained in the dark side who's task was to hunt the remaining jedi. Now with a power vacuum being open it's possible some of them have taken a more upfront role. Many probably even collected some of the teachings/sith philosophy/holocrons that Sidious possessed and probably began studying it learning even more about the Sith and the Dark Side.

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Perhaps...or they could have absconded with all of Sidious stuff and gone into exile until someone like the dude who was in the trailer showed up and trained him. Under the rule of two, Sith do not suffer rivals so the power of the inquisitors cannot rival the Sith Lords. Of course, the rule of two was something Bane pulled out of his arse and Sidious could abandon it if he felt like it. He could have marginalized them or outright disposed of them in the intervening years as the last remaining Jedi were exterminated. If not, then they should have appeared in Ep 4-6, I would think or they really aren't that significant. If they are being played up as strong villians in Rebels, then maybe Sidious did let them live out their usefulness and then eliminated them.


Once the emperor and Vader were out of the picture, I tend to think dark side force adepts, of which there likely very few, made themselves scarce. Finally free of the Emperor's rule, the military and political apparatus of the Empire were probably not real keen on installing another Sith right away, especially ones inferior and subserviant to the Emperor.


Maybe now they await one who will unite the Empire and bring the galaxty to heel once more after 30 years of political infighting, factional strife and gamesmanship among governors, Moffs and powerful military leaders.

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Perhaps...or they could have absconded with all of Sidious stuff and gone into exile until someone like the dude who was in the trailer showed up and trained him. Under the rule of two, Sith do not suffer rivals so the power of the inquisitors cannot rival the Sith Lords. Of course, the rule of two was something Bane pulled out of his arse and Sidious could abandon it if he felt like it. He could have marginalized them or outright disposed of them in the intervening years as the last remaining Jedi were exterminated. If not, then they should have appeared in Ep 4-6, I would think or they really aren't that significant. If they are being played up as strong villians in Rebels, then maybe Sidious did let them live out their usefulness and then eliminated them.


Once the emperor and Vader were out of the picture, I tend to think dark side force adepts, of which there likely very few, made themselves scarce. Finally free of the Emperor's rule, the military and political apparatus of the Empire were probably not real keen on installing another Sith right away, especially ones inferior and subserviant to the Emperor.


Maybe now they await one who will unite the Empire and bring the galaxty to heel once more after 30 years of political infighting, factional strife and gamesmanship among governors, Moffs and powerful military leaders.


Star Wars Rebels takes place in the time frame of right before ANH. There's an Inquisitor in it and his job is to kill any jedi he sees or get them to JOIN him. We didn't see any in the original movies because the galaxy is a big place. Not to mention Luke Skywalkers potential power. Against the most dangerous enemies of the empire, Sidious entrusts Vader to dispose of them. Yes the inquisitors aren't trained as well as the actual Sith and I know all about the rule of two but Sidious had the greatest knowledge amongst all Sith having nearly every artifact, holocron, scroll, and manual that was left in his collection. The rule of two has potentially ended as the only Sith were Vader and Palpatine. They're dead now. If the Inquisitors got their hands on Palpatine's knowledge they'd have the entire history of the Sith at their fingertips and there'd be nothing stopping them from learning the ways of the Sith.

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I agree for the most part, though I think it is possible or even likely that when Sidious and Vader died and Imperial Forces were routed at Endor, that triggered an internal revolt against Sith rule and whatever inquisitors or lower ranking Sith there were, looted Sidious's store of information and went into exile only to be 'Awakened' 30 years later.


Its canon that there were celebrations (errr...riots) on many planets including Coruscant (Imperial Center) as Lucas added the CGI scenes in the latest edition of RotJ.


At this point,its just a theory but I think the force has been dormant in all but the most subtle ways for 30 years, hence the choice of title. I think any Sith followers left, they are probably torn on whether if they reveal themselves, Luke will thwart them or if he is the heir to the Sith Legacy and in any case, he's been out of circulation as well.


Who knows? Its entertaining to speculate. The inquisitors could have seized power. They could have pledged their service to a secular ruling class faction that now runs the Empire, biding their time until a powerful Sith arises and claims the mantle of Dark Lord.


Note: There is certainly a reason Rebels is being created and why Inquisitors are a central part of it. Is it to intorduce and build them up for Ep 7? Is it to capitalize on the new direction and get something out now to generate revenue on Disney's part and needs a viable villian who will be discarded later on?

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Maybe now they await one who will unite the Empire and bring the galaxy to heel once more after 30 years of political infighting, factional strife and gamesmanship among governors, Moffs and powerful military leaders.


This makes sense to me. If you look at empires in history, like for instance the empire built by the Greek Alexander the Great, after he died his generals fought over his conquered lands, I'd assume likely the same scenario who occur after Palpatine/Vader perish.


I could see a sort of stalemate like you mentioned earlier, with the Empire being fragmented under different generals. Though they may not have the power and unity they had under Palpatine, they could still be an imposing force to deal with.


The rebels freed the core star systems so they basically got what they wanted and maybe didn't see the need to continue fighting? Maybe the echoes of history with the Clone Wars kept them from continuing to pursue the remnants of the Empire?


I just hope and pray the huge timeline gap is explained to some degree, otherwise I'm gonna be disappointed since we don't have any "official" canon material for the 30+ years in between 6 and 7.


Off topic though....


I gotta go on record too about all this fuss I've been reading with the cross guard hilt, big whoop. Look at the double saber when it came out in episode 1 back in 99. Kinda the same thing, people made a big poo poo about such a huge weapon being too hard to actually wield and you'd just end up slashing yourself with it, just like they're saying with the new guard hilt.


I think it looks cool and makes the light saber look more like an actual laser sword. And I also like the flayed rippling type energy beam it has, it seems to crackle with more power than any blade I've ever seen.


Kudos to JJ for having the balls to try something new.

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Don't forget that there's inquisitors trained in the dark side who's task was to hunt the remaining jedi. Now with a power vacuum being open it's possible some of them have taken a more upfront role. Many probably even collected some of the teachings/sith philosophy/holocrons that Sidious possessed and probably began studying it learning even more about the Sith and the Dark Side.


The inquisitors rumour is fake...There are no jedi to hunt as Luke is the only jedi whose been in hiding for 10+ years.

Edited by Girdeux
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Sure, not in EP7 however.


Source for that? You realize that his mission was to turn "OR" kill Jedi? You realize Rebels happens JUST before ANH? You realize it's after Order 66? That there's still Jedi in hiding? That the main character even takes on an apprentice?

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""We're all very dedicated, and we know this show is going to be canon, so we take that responsibility very seriously"


-Greg Wiseman, someone involved witht he show. So everyting that happens there happens in the film universe.


Whether or not inquisitors are still around is a source for this ongoing debate. They very well COULD be and at the very least, they were for a while and something happened to them prior to Ep4 or off screen during the 4-6 trilogy. Its one of the mysteries we are speculating on but they are legit.

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Source for that? You realize that his mission was to turn "OR" kill Jedi? You realize Rebels happens JUST before ANH? You realize it's after Order 66? That there's still Jedi in hiding? That the main character even takes on an apprentice?


No idea what your talking about tbh. I know what rebels is and have seen all the episodes, Kanaan, Ezra etc.


Im specifically talking about EP7.

Edited by Girdeux
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""We're all very dedicated, and we know this show is going to be canon, so we take that responsibility very seriously"


-Greg Wiseman, someone involved witht he show. So everyting that happens there happens in the film universe.


Whether or not inquisitors are still around is a source for this ongoing debate. They very well COULD be and at the very least, they were for a while and something happened to them prior to Ep4 or off screen during the 4-6 trilogy. Its one of the mysteries we are speculating on but they are legit.


Yeah, the guy I'm debating with is arguing that they would have went after Luke Skywalker. My argument is why? He's the son of Anakin Skywalker. The inquisitors weren't trained in the full use of the dark side. What chance would they have with a skywalker? Plus Sidious asked Vader if Luke could be turned. Who better to turn him than his own father? Why send an inquisitor after luke at all?


No idea what your talking about tbh. I know what rebels is and have seen all the episodes, Kanaan, Ezra etc.


Im specifically talking about EP7.


Rebels takes place before Episode 7. My argument is why would they vanish? And if there's jedi during rebels that are still hiding why wouldn't there be jedi in hiding now? In fact, there is one. Luke Skywalker. Why would they be gone in ANH? Unless you really think Ezra and Kanaan will be the only jedi in rebels? (Doubt it.) and I doubt they're both going to die after Rebels is over.

Edited by Rhyltran
Accidentally called Anakin Skywalker Anakin Solo
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From reading up i think that is Lumiya in the trailer played but the girl from game of thrones. I think they will stick closer to the EU for the movies No reason not too. Also i think it can be her because Adam driver could play a perfect Jacen Solo. Looks the same and makes sense thats the role he can play. Just my $0.02.
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