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Oh joy. J.J.Abrams ruined lightsabers.


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that's not true about Lucas and the EU... everything had to go by him and get approval and he also had a lot to say about what went on in the EU.
This statement contradicts what I've read about GL and his relationship to the EU. Can you provide any links to back up your claim?

well that is the comics the comics were under different rules than the novels.

LucasArts read and approved everything that went into the EU, George himself sure didn't.

that's quite odd seeing as how in an interview he actually said he did read them and approve them.

George Lucas interview in Starlog Magazine (August 2005):

first of all that is jut wikipedia anyone can just go in and change crap around and say anything.

Well, not that it's that big a deal but here's a scan of the actual article & quote if it helps. :p

Edzew, your insistence on your original statement being correct in the face of solid evidence does not speak to your ability to engage in a decent discussion.


You've yet to provide anything factual to back up your opinions. When presented with an interview, you tried to imply it was falsified.


Then you were presented with a scan of a hard copy of the interview, but it elicited no recognition on your part that you may have been mistaken. :(


I suspect you misunderstood what was said during this TV interview you keep bringing up, and are misremembering it.

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Go Watch Star Trek And Tell Me He Doesn't Mess Stuff Up.



You are overreacting. There's nothing wrong with Star Trek and I have watched it over 5 times. It's very good, the plot is good and it's interesting. You can't say that about too many older Star Trek movies. Maybe Star Trek II and Nemesis. That's about it.

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Honestly now I have been monitoring this thread for a little bit and I think some of you really need to chill out, relax, take a step back and stop jumping down each other's throats and making conclusions already based on what you saw for 1 sec when that lightsaber ignited before the movie or more trailers are even out yet.


Just settle down and wait to see the movie before you base any of your expert knowledge of criticism on the subject.

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Movies , CloneWars , Rebels are the only Canon that matters to George Lucas , LucasArts , and now Disney.


Abrams did not even write the Story for EP7 , George Lucas did as well as Ep8 and 9 .

Abrams just helped turn the Story into a Script and then Direct it . Lucas even not as the Owner anymore was still invested into the new Movie .

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You are overreacting. There's nothing wrong with Star Trek and I have watched it over 5 times. It's very good, the plot is good and it's interesting. You can't say that about too many older Star Trek movies. Maybe Star Trek II and Nemesis. That's about it.


I loved the Abrams take on Star Trek . Granted it was not the slow , Science'd out older version , it was still good movies .


What is even funnier about people who say EP.7 will suck because of Abrams forgot that Star Trek fans pointed out he Directed those two films as if they were Star Wars lol .

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You are overreacting. There's nothing wrong with Star Trek and I have watched it over 5 times. It's very good, the plot is good and it's interesting. You can't say that about too many older Star Trek movies. Maybe Star Trek II and Nemesis. That's about it.

If you're putting Nemesis in the camp of 'good and interesting' I think you're going to find there are a lot of people you'll have to agree to disagree with.


I have no real issues with 2009's Star Trek, I think Abrams did a fine job with it. Into Darkness on the other hand... well, I sure as hell hope there are fewer plot cul-de-sacs, gratuitous bra-and-panty scenes or drawn-out, overwrought 'homages' to past movies in Ep. VII.

Edited by DarthDymond
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If you're putting Nemesis in the camp of 'good and interesting' I think you're going to find there are a lot of people you'll have to agree to disagree with.


I have no real issues with 2009's Star Trek, I think Abrams did a fine job with it. Into Darkness on the other hand... well, I sure as hell hope there are fewer gratuitous bra-and-panty scenes or drawn-out, overwrought 'homages' to past movies in Ep. VII.

I really don't care if people agree or disagree with my opinion. Everybody doesn't always have to say "well that's cool but remember that is your opinion only." Well duh. That's the obvious fact that it's their own opinion and that doesn't need to be pointed out.


The only reason people point out it's the other person's opinion is if they are self conceited jerks to the point where they think their opinion is better than all the rest and don't understand everybody has a viewpoint and opinions on things. The fact of people have opinions shouldn't even be brought up because it's universally known that people have opinions and when you say something like "that's your opinion man" it sounds like you are saying they don't have a right to their opinion if you don't agree with them so you make them feel like crap in a way. (also not directly saying you personally I'm saying you in a people sense :) )


JJ will do a GREAT job with Star Wars. He said he likes Star Wars much better anyway.

Edited by Sarfux
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If you're putting Nemesis in the camp of 'good and interesting' I think you're going to find there are a lot of people you'll have to agree to disagree with.


I have no real issues with 2009's Star Trek, I think Abrams did a fine job with it. Into Darkness on the other hand... well, I sure as hell hope there are fewer plot cul-de-sacs, gratuitous bra-and-panty scenes or drawn-out, overwrought 'homages' to past movies in Ep. VII.


You mean like the Scene with Princess Leia where she is in pretty much a bra and panties outfit being licked by a Giant Worm named Jabba ?

I'd say anything like that would pretty much be at home in StarWars .

Not to mention the see through top on the Dancing slave in Jabba's palace .



So lets all be honest here , Abrams is perfect for StarWars , it is just StarWars Fans are really never happy . NEVER !

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Edzew, your insistence on your original statement being correct in the face of solid evidence does not speak to your ability to engage in a decent discussion.


You've yet to provide anything factual to back up your opinions. When presented with an interview, you tried to imply it was falsified.


Then you were presented with a scan of a hard copy of the interview, but it elicited no recognition on your part that you may have been mistaken. :(


I suspect you misunderstood what was said during this TV interview you keep bringing up, and are misremembering it.


Or, not unlike a certain political party, he just considers facts optional.

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Or, not unlike a certain political party, he just considers facts optional.

Politics aside , there are people out there that do not care for facts and believe the only facts is what they believe .


Hence why you can show someone everything from written to video , heck timetravel to it and put them in the front row and they will still say you are wrong and stupid .


This is what happens when modern day news uses Opinions and Schools are trained to stop telling students they are wrong . Not to mention Schools now giving classes in some areas on things outside of Math , History , Science and English .

Weird conversation piece for Star Wars but to be on subject more , it is well known George Lucas only liked the EU because it mad him money and kept StarWars going . But when it came to Canon he was very clear on his Movies being the only True Canon .

EU was dumped into Legends by Disney and Leland Chee.


And Star Wars EP7-9 was written by George Lucas and can be confirmed by any Video on Youtube or Google you look into with George Discussing his sale to Disney .

To ignore that is obviously showing nothing more can be said because the person ignoring it has picked to not only ignore facts but to ignore the words being said from the person who set the rules on Canon .


Further more as I have said already more times than needed . The Canon is Movies , Clone Wars , and Rebels .

Who knows what Comics and Books will come from Marvel that will be translated to Canon .


There is hope though , Bane is Canon now , he made an appearance into Clone Wars .

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The reason behind the look for the lightsaber is that its a "Junk" saber. Meaning he used random scattered parts around the planet he was on(Or other planets) to make it. Add the fact that he doesn't know the full knowledge to making one and you get a ligthsaber that looks "janky" and "stupid". I personally dont like it. But i still believe its not

gonna ruin the movie for me. I have faith in Abrams where some of you dont apparently. :(

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The reason behind the look for the lightsaber is that its a "Junk" saber. Meaning he used random scattered parts around the planet he was on(Or other planets) to make it. Add the fact that he doesn't know the full knowledge to making one and you get a ligthsaber that looks "janky" and "stupid". I personally dont like it. But i still believe its not

gonna ruin the movie for me. I have faith in Abrams where some of you dont apparently. :(


They don't like him because they have been told and conditioned not to like him.

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In a fictional universe full of space mages and other fantastical things, i think we can stomach a little "Rule of Cool". And while some diehard lorefans might not find it cool, my bet is that the masses will. Both the flaming effect and the crossguard that is. My bet is that Disney/J.J will do a good job with the Star Wars Franchise, as Disney have done with their Marvel Franchise.


And to be honest, it was about time someone took over for Lucas. He will always be a hero in my world for making the fantastic universe Star Wars is, but somewhere along he lost his way with too much CGI, and dialogues that were even stranger and more odd than in the original trilogy. (yeah the dialogues weren't that great in the old ones either in my opinion).


Top that with making Vader a creepy whiney arrogant kid with a rapey look (in ep. 2) and i'm glad he handed it over to someone new. Star Wars basically grew too big beyond his vision i i believe.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I laughed at the obligatory lens flare during the Falcon scene but don't have any gripes with the saber. I don't recall anything similar in canon or EU but don't think it's a "ruiner".


Jabba bull****ing with Han and getting his tail stepped on and the other gratuitous CGI'd crap in the re-releases, Jar Jar Stinks, Hayden whatshisface as emo Anakin, I thought that stuff sucked. This teaser looks alright to me, can't wait to see more.


Agreed. While I prefer old trek to new (sorry spocks not spock if its not Nimoy ^_~) I have to say I have my reservations. Much like Bay I see Abrams as "Throw as many explosions and lensflare as you can to distract everyone from the giant plot holes!"


Admittedly, Lucas threw things at us that were facepalmworthy (above quoted Jar Jar, Emo-Vader, and un-neccessary CGI changes) we can only wait and see. Personally, I like the saber, but that's because as others said, its more sith in appearance, and I'll take 100 wonky lughtsabres over Jar Jar and emo-Vader anyday...


If there's lots of lensflare, I will mock as much as I'm able, because as as I said, to me, lensflare is just "Pssst look at the shiny and ignore the man behind the curtain over there..."

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Agreed. While I prefer old trek to new (sorry spocks not spock if its not Nimoy ^_~) I have to say I have my reservations. Much like Bay I see Abrams as "Throw as many explosions and lensflare as you can to distract everyone from the giant plot holes!"

While I don't disagree with the fact that Abram's story had glaring pot holes, this isn't a exactly new thing for the Star Trek franchise.


The TV series and the movies are fun storytelling, but are rife with inconsistencies and poor logic.

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While I don't disagree with the fact that Abram's story had glaring pot holes, this isn't a exactly new thing for the Star Trek franchise.


The TV series and the movies are fun storytelling, but are rife with inconsistencies and poor logic.

Well, I'm sure that'll all get turned around now that they've announced Abram's replacement in the director's chair for the next Star Trek movie: Justin Lin... director of four of the Fast and the Furious movies...


...this'll end well.:p

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Well, I'm sure that'll all get turned around now that they've announced Abram's replacement in the director's chair for the next Star Trek movie: Justin Lin... director of four of the Fast and the Furious movies...


...this'll end well.:p

Ha! Who do you think he'll cast as a Borg: Vin Diesel or Dwayne Johnson?


Edit: I just looked at Justin's imdb credits, and he's apparently producing a new Highlander movie. :(:eek:

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Ha! Who do you think he'll cast as a Borg: Vin Diesel or Dwayne Johnson?

Vin Diesel is apparently a D&D nerd IRL, so who knows, lol.


Edit: I just looked at Justin's imdb credits, and he's apparently producing a new Highlander movie. :(:eek:

That's one of those "I'll believe it when I see it" projects that's been talked about for ages, like Ghostbusters 3.

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Oh lord. This discussion is still going on? Why don't some of you settle down and wait for the movie to come out to see why it's like that?


I agree a lot of the skepticism is over the top, BUT who can blame the fans. Episode 1 was going to be the most amazing thing ever, it was not. The prequel trilogy was certainly a let down, so optimism amongst Starwars fans is going to be a bit low this time around. Not to mention with all these mindless movies that just focus on visual aesthetics it's easy to fear that storyline may take a back seat to fast paced action sequences that look cool but also take time away from creating compelling protagonists.

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I'm indifferent about the sound. Take this game, there are quite a few sabers here that don't sound like the traditional LS sound (Kallig's saber for the inqus for instance is a very different sound from the "usual" lightsaber sound, much more throaty and deeper) So hopefully it's just that Sith's personal touch on his blade rather than the new norm.


Don't really care for the look myself, but to each their own.


Actually, kallig's lightsaber sound is the traditional sith lightsaber sound.

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<snip>... just "good ole george" went in and did the same thing with the original movies.. Greedo shooting first! young anakin ghost!! ewoks with eyelids!!


Ah you poor kid, you think Greedo actually shot at all... No no, he just died when Han shot him under the table. (Original version)

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