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Are the new class story quests a whole new act?


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With the digital expansion set for early release on Tuesday, I'm curious as to what to expect with the new class story quests.. like are they going to be small stories or a whole new act? Seeing how cheap the expansion is, I can't quite possibly fathom how they can include new class stories alongside the other new content. Imho I think the stories was SWTOR's strongest element not to mention what sets it apart from the rest of the other MMOs, I'm starting to get excited to explore the new story stuff but not quite sure whether I should keep my expectations low or not.
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I suggest you keep your expectations low. From what I've understood, with this they're only dipping their toes in the water, so to speak. It will follow the events of your character's Act 3 though, as Mr Musco posted earlier.


Low expectations -> either be pleasantly surprised or adequately satisfied -> give positive feedback -> they make more

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