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Instant level-up boost to 50-55!


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Jewel, my "I have 10 alts. " is just the answer to your:







Yeah, new skill system from wow, new buff highlight from wow, even new text based side-quest on Rishi/Yavin from wow. Definitely, THIS IS NOT WOW, only by 50-60%! :rolleyes:




Also Age of Conan now offers same level up boost as WoW, and a bit different level up boost in RIFT! :)


have we been playing the same game? becasue text based quests are 1. not new to SWTOR, they are there even on starter planets. 2. neither invented by blizzard and WoW, nor is it unheard of in bioware games. in fact - if anything this quest system is more similar to ME3 with its partial voice over when both picking up and turning in, but no cutscene interaction. talent system from wow? again, I play wow. similarities are superficial at best.


if anything, WoW has been heavily borrowing from TOR and other games with companion based missions and crafting. but who cares right?


and I have to apparently repeat myself. again.


in WoW it doesn't matter how you level. it doesn't matter whether you quest or don't. there is NO class story, there aren't any class specific quests that are "must do to have class specific perks/abilities/whatever" (think totem quests,- hasn't been since Cataclysm. companions don't happen until WoD (which you are NOT boosted through) and they are of Treek/HK variety - non class specific.


while yes you can level in TOR without doing any of class story (GSF)- class story perks are NOT awarded to you in that instance.


and I stand by my "maybe alting isn't for you" since you seem to have alts to cover FOTM specs rather then for the sake of enjoying leveling alts.







and I hope it never becomes anything like WoW where its own developers essentially admit that yeah, leveling content sucks, lets just give you a way of completely skipping it.


12 xp allowed people to level up in hours while still enjoying the class story and still playing the game. you only skipped parts of it. optional 12 xp? ok. boost but have to do all of class story? eeeh, not as desirable as 12xp, but doable. letting people buy a fully leveled class with all the companions etc already unlocked? absolutely NOT. bioware would be shooting themselves in a foot, given that story is pretty much a selling point of this game.


@ LadyVix - I see, ok, that makes more sense :p

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More cash for BW is also good for us. If someone wants to insta-level to level cap - 5 levels, then why not?

Does it break your game? no

Does it hurt you, your feelings or your bank account in any way? no


Easy decision tbh


Except it's yes and yes. There's already enough players at level cap who has no clue on how to play their class or even knows about important game mechanics. A purchasable instant boost would magnify that amount by A LOT, meaning truckloads more clueless players in warzones and PUG flashpoints. That would break my game and hurt me (ie my gaming experience).


Easy decision to oppose it, yes.

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Well, the influx of clueless players stemming from this would potentially nudge sentinal/marauders out if the "derp" ranking :p


Swarms of inqs overloading everywhere! Snipers not in cover, juggs leaping off ledges after said overloaded mobs! oh the humanity! :D


That sounds pretty cool, lmao.

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  • 9 months later...
Okay can i push it now? Just reset our old chars and convert them to Outlanders!

Now, with official 60lvl boost in 4.0, there is no reasons to refuse.


It should be possible to boost every char to 60lvl, not only new chars.


No - what you should do is make exactly the same post you made on page 1, again on page 4 - oh...you already have.

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Though I'd never use an Instant Level 60 Boost (aside from the one I'm automatically getting due to KotFE), I wouldn't be apposed to this being added. It would give Bioware another way to make money off this game, that way they'd see it as more profitable than they currently do, and that way they'd possible fix some bugs that have existed for a long time now.


If players want to spend real-moneyl; as I'd be apposed to this being purchasable with Cartel Coins as you get 625 free each month as is (assuming you're a subscriber and have a security key), then let them. The more money Bioware makes off this game, the better it'll become, so let people who want to waste money waste it. I'll spend my time leveling each alt I want to level.

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Okay can i push it now? Just reset our old chars and convert them to Outlanders!

Now, with official 60lvl boost in 4.0, there is no reasons to refuse.


It should be possible to boost every char to 60lvl, not only new chars.


I read a Twitter post 17 sep that no current characters will be boosted to level 60 only new ones.

Edited by Icestar
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Okay can i push it now? Just reset our old chars and convert them to Outlanders!

Now, with official 60lvl boost in 4.0, there is no reasons to refuse.


It should be possible to boost every char to 60lvl, not only new chars.


You will be able to buy fresh 60's as of 4.0, so just delete your old chars and buy some new 60's.. Problem solved.

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You will be able to buy fresh 60's as of 4.0, so just delete your old chars and buy some new 60's.. Problem solved.


It's not fine if you have unlocked Cargo Bay, legacy unlocks or some of these cool Cartel Market items.

btw it is not about "problems", but about new opportunity to level chars and new moneymaker for Bioware. :)

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I won't say I disagree with the idea, but there is a reason it is new character insta-60 or nothing.

Your existing character has flags. Some you activated, some you didn't. Etc, etc, etc.

A new character has those flags, but none are activated yet.


It's easy to set a default "new character > outlander" flag set than it is to set individual flags you may or may not have activated when leveling up your character.


So, system wise, it would be a huge hindrance. As far as leveling is concerned, however. With 12x, Makeb boost, and Revan, my Gunslinger got to lvl 60 in less than 2 /played hours. This is with RP and misc downtime mixed in the middle. So there is no reason to offer any form of "insta-level" that would be worth the month.


If they can find a way to deal with the "flags", then by all means, go ahead. Won't be any different than a new player getting an insta-60, since I haven't read ANYWHERE that they require a 60 first. New player subbing could start at 60, from my understanding. Not much different. I just don't see the value in converting an existing character. I have a few classes I wanna insta-60 cause I can't seem to make it through the stories without losing interest, but I don't think I have any I want to completely bypass part of the story I already started.

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If they can find a way to deal with the "flags", then by all means, go ahead.


I'm sure they can do it... WoW and RIFT devs proved it - character "forgets" about previous quests or even skills and new quest is pointing to special training area with new gear.

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and I have 21 alts and that's just on main server, your point is?


you DO get 2-3 conversation options for each progressive quest. live dangerously - try something you haven't before. or hell- reroll a gender you haven't played yet - voiceovers are different, among other things.


and to reiterate.







leveling process doesn't work the same way here, hell - the whole point is that game starts at lvl 1, not at max level.


I don't mind 12xp boosts for class story - optional ones. but just boost to 55? absolutely not. unless it comes with a character that is on starter planet and needs to do the whole story anyways.


I have zero sympathy for you. none. and your suggestion will do nothing good for the game.




I'm a little bit confused. if your merc hit 55 off pvp alone, how exactly did 12 xp change anything for you in any way? I mean.. you weren't getting any xp from story anyways, being 55 already :rak_02:


21 alts? LMFAO! And to think i was hardcore for having 9 guys at lvl 60... wow! And yeah, i agree with the whole game starts at lvl 1, i think that's the reason why i keep doing alts over and over, it's always a different experience, even if you play the same claass and do subtle changes like gender or spec.And personally, i would never use a boost to give myself 1 to 60 in a matter of minutes, that would go against why i play swtor in first place : The story and the sense that my noob and worth for nothing lvl 1 guy becomes a force to be reckon with at the end of his story which reminds me a lot of how Kotor was used to be, so yeah, take that away from me and this game clearly becomes WoW so no thanks.

Edited by vilchisss
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