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An in-depth look at combat: Inquisitor Jerec


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"Enslave them. Guarantee that they will do whatever I ask. Do that, and I will give you whole worlds to conquer."―Jerec


Height: 1.86 meters

Age: At least 54, likely closer to 60.


Physicality: As a Miruluka, Jerec had the ability to see through the force, and while his body wasn't overly tall or muscular, nor is he weak. It is stated in multiple paragraphs describing him that despite his focus on scholarly pursuits, he extended the same mentality towards his physical disciplines as well, culminating in the mastery of Makashi.




Mentality: When he was young he was found by Jedi Master Jocasta Nu, or as many know her, the Jedi Librarian. Early on in his apprenticeship she encouraged his thirst for knowledge, starting him down his life long path. Throughout his years as both a Jedi and an Inquisitor he hunted down the lore of both orders, which fueled his obsession with finding the Valley of the Jedi.


"Of course this holds no interest for you. For you're a being of the physical world, a doer of deeds, a manipulator of objects." ―Jerec to Thrawn



Light saber Skill: For the most part he is a Makashi specialist, though he no doubt knows much concerning the other lightsaber forms considering he has trained multiple apprentices in their use personally. It is good to keep in mind however that his main weapon is in fact the force, using his lightsaber mainly for defensive maneuvers while he builds concentration to annihilate his enemies with his impressive force powers.


"I killed your father! I killed Rahn! I have murdered thousands, and do you know that my only regret is that I could not see their blood?"―Jerec to Kyle Katarn





Ameesa Darys - Trained during Jerec's days as a Jedi, she would follow his path after the rise of the Empire and become an Inquisitor herself. Just like her master she thirsted for knowledge and power, though she did not pursue it as vigorously as Jerec.


Maw - While Maw received the majority of his instruction from his Jedi Master, as a Jedi Shadow he was a relatively impressive fighter, if selfish. Of his group of Shadows he was bar far the deadliest, and turned on them to join Jerec readily. Over the years Jerec instructed Maw in the ways of the force, as well as teaching him how to adapt his Juyo to be more effective after the loss of his legs. It would most accurately be described as Trispzest however.


Bocas'eca - Essentially a slave that Jerec took from another Imperial due to his force sensitivity, Boc acted very much as if he was Jerec's dog. With no training before hand however, it is evident that he learned all he knew from Jerec, which included Jar'Kai as well as his unorthodox method of fighting with many leaps and acrobatics to accompany his saber strikes, which hints heavily towards Ataru. As well as the ability to completely conceal his presence. He often would deceive his opponents as to what his style actually was by varying what they saw. At times he used one blade, another two, soon after a staff saber *interlocked sabers*. Definitely not the most refined saber duelist, his unorthodox techniques as well as his inclusion of force based attacks such as Force Destruction, he is not to be underestimated. Every single one of these powers and fighting styles he learned from Jerec.


Sariss - While she was raised on Kaas and taught the ways of the Dark Side by the Prophets of the Dark Side, it would be extremely inaccurate to say that they trained her more than the basics. To put it bluntly, her own father, the great Cronal, thought her mere existence a blasphemy to his beliefs. However, during Jerec's many visits to learn from Cronal the ways of the Dark Side, Jerec sensed the potential within Sariss, who eventually left Kaas to apprentice herself to Jerec after the Battle of Yavin. Of all of his apprentices she was by far the most lethal, cunning, and his most favored. It is for these reasons that she received the most training and ultimately assisted in the training of the other 5 Dark Jedi when Jerec was per-occupied with Inquisitor business. She after all, was the only know practitioner of the "Deadly Sight" technique as well as being an excellent Makashi duelist.


Yun - While he was more an apprentice to Sariss than Jerec, he still learned many things from the inquisitor. However, he did not have much time to learn seeing how his career as a Dark Jedi only lasted one year, when he was killed by Katarn/Sariss. Despite that small amount of time, his power in the force was not miniscule as you might assume. Despite his lack of training he was adapt at telekinetics as well as the Force Destruction ability, which is Jerec's signature move. While his variation of it was much less powerful, much more like a strong force wave, it indicates that he was a fast learner.


Gorc and Pic - Gorc was originally a gamoreon and Pic a monkey lizard, both transformed by Cronal into Dark Side abominations with access to the dark side of the force. All the training they received they received from Sariss and Jerec, mostly the latter. Pic was a practitioner of the Ataru style, with many leaps and dodges incorporated into his offensive attacks. Gorc on the other hand, was an extreme practitioner of the Djem So fighting style, wielding a Saber Club with an increased reach of that of a normal lightsaber. Together, the twins were formidable, Gorc bringing the muscle and toughness, while Pic was agile and deceptive. Again, they were not taught before they reached Jerec's company.


Knowledge: A key point not to be over looked concerning Jerec is his vast stores of knowledge which before the end of the Clone Wars, he felt he had learned all he could from the entirety of the Jedi Archives. Even after his turn to the Dark Side he continued to search for further lore concerning all matters of the force, he even was fluent in ancient sith which indicated that his knowledge indeed went back very far into the galaxies history. During his time as a Dark Jedi under Palpatine he continued to increase his knowledge, he even learned some from Sideious's own books. However, Sideious saw the danger that could come of Jerec learning too much, cutting him off from his Compendium. Essentially Jerec, due to his extensive studies, would have vast amounts of knowledge to draw on for any Era or prominent individuals that he should encounter. Such as Nomi Sunrider, or Exar Kar, perhaps even the great Revan. As Jerec believed, Knowledge is power, and vast was his knowledge.


Powers: To a "Tash Arranda" Jerec appeared only slightly less powerful than the ruthless Lord Vader.


Force Destruction: Essentially an extremely advanced variant of Force Wave, it condenses the power of the blast into a small space so that once it makes contact it expands, either launching the target violently in the opposite direction or incinerating it out right. He has been shown the ability to use such an ability to force an entire Cargo Ship out of its docking.


Force Lightning: Not as strong as Force Destruction, but he often inter-weaved this ability in with his lightsaber strikes causing opponents onto the defensive. His uses of it seem almost casual, with no signs of it being draining nor difficult for him to maintain.


Force Sight: As a Miruluka he had an innate ability to see through the force which aided him greatly in confrontations, giving him many advantages that others would lack. The dark did not exist for him, nor could his vision be blocked by simplistic means. His use of this power also hints heavily towards an advanced use of Force Sense.


Mind Reading: Constantly during battle he would read his opponents mind quite literally, and more so than the average Jedi. In so doing he could easily spot and exploit an enemies weak points as well as their next move.


Drain Knowledge: While he was reading an others mind he had the ability to delve deeper, to seek any information he sought. Not even trained Jedi Masters could stop such an intrusion as we saw with Master Rahn. Such a technique could be used during the course of a battle to quite literally instantly know another fighting style, while causing harm to the targets psyche.


Telekinesis: His abilities in this field are quite well developed, which is part of why his ability "Force Destruction" was so lethal, as well as the fact he found it effortless to move objects of decent size around him without difficulty.


Force Flight: He demonstrates this ability on few occasions, but the most obvious example is when he finds the Valley of the Jedi and uses it to softly navigate into the inner chamber.


Force Stun: As seen in the beginning of Dark Forces II, this power instantly immobilizes its target, allowing Jerec to effortlessly decapitate his victims.


Force Cloud: His exceptional force senses as well as his advanced studies into the dark side helped to develop the ability that all Inquisitors had to disrupt an opponents connection to the force. This power eventually transformed into essentially the "shroud" that forever hung around Jerec, sapping opponents strength while strengthening himself. Such an ability hints towards an understand of the drain technique as well as a good understanding of Aura's.


"His heavy brow overshadows the empty recesses that normally embrace eyes. Jerec has the uncanny power to absorb and overshadow one’s connection to the Force… like a dark cloud. A deep, empowering grasp of your will is what you need."―Qu Rahn as a Force ghost, to Kyle Katarn


Force Rage: When needed he was capable of unleashing a great rage that greatly increased his speed as well as his ferocity in battle. However, due to the Aura "shroud" that could be felt around him, when he did so his opponents often were buffeted by waves of rage and dark side energy so strong, that times that itself incapacitated them.




Taozin Amulet: Effectively hiding his presence in the force from others, allowing him to act stealthily among other force users if he so chose, an accessory every Inquisitor possessed.


Ultrachrome Shoulderpads: A metal used as starship armor around the time of the Great Sith War. Silver and superconductive, it reflected blaster and slugthrower weaponry, was heavily resistant to lightsaber attacks, and was immune to metal-eating fungi. Ultrachromes resistance to lightsaber strikes was due to its superconductive nature. When the energy field of a lightsaber interacted with ultrachrome, it would be uniformly conducted across the entire solid mass, rather than be allowed to concentrate in one area and cut through. However, this also entailed that if enough energy from the lightsaber were transferred to the ultrachrome, the entire piece would melt.


Zeyd-Cloth Robe: Nothing special here, except his unusual choice of appearance compared to the other Inquisitors.


Jengardin Double-bladed vibroblade: One of Jerec's prized possessions, he often carried it concealed within his robes, such as the time he executed Morgan Katarn. Should he be confronted by Lumiya, it very well could act as a Shotto.


Schemes: Very much like the Sith of old, Jerec was not content to simply have power given to him, he actively sought it out and claimed it for himself. He planned first to usurp Vader, to become Palpatine's apprentice in order to further his power. That done, he planned to eventually overthrow Palpatine himself to rule the Empire as his own. Before these plans could come to fruition however, Palpatine and Vader were slain aboard the death star. Due to his new found freedom, he resumed his hunt for the Valley of the Jedi. He was manipulative and devious, always out thinking his foes and planning contingencies. Often the only times they tended to fail, was when those he gave responsibility to carry it out failed him, such as in the matter of Gorc and Pic forgetting to destroy the data on 8t-88.


Despite all of this, he knew that Palpatine was not dead soon after the second death star's destruction. In fact, he managed to convince the remaining loyalists to donate unto him a large amount of Imperial forces for his hunt for the Valley. Before the fall of Palpatine however, during the Galactic War when the rebels were merely a nuisance, Palpatine often assigned Thrawn to Jerec's flagship to ensure the Dark Jedi remained in check. Over time they grew their relationship to some extent, but both knew each other had goals of their own, and it would be unwise to get in the others ways. Add onto this that Jerec often abused his position as a High Inquisitor to get Imperial Moffs and Admirals to fund his personal bank accounts, collecting billions of credits in a very short amount of time. It is also of note that he in fact was an acquaintance of Rom Mohc, the creator the Dark Trooper project.


While he did not make use of his fortune for much, he was quite adept at the political games of the Imperial Palace. It is through this connection that he gained contacts throughout the entire galaxy, contacts in every branch of government. He gained access to secrets that supposedly were beyond his reach, had reach far farther than most suspected. Even then, only the Imperial elite in the Palace, knew he was a Dark Jedi. To rest of the galaxy he was merely a "Truth Officer" or as many figured them as, elite imperial operatives. Even his own crew knew not of his force powers, seeing how he often kept his lightsaber hidden, yet readily available. It was not until after Palpatine's first death that he threw back the shroud in an attempt to gain power as the most powerful Force User in the Empire that others realized he was a force user at all.


All across the galaxy many began to fear Jerec and his power, people such as Desann remarked that Jerec was *Legendary*. Katarn and Rahn both believed that even a small amount of the Valley of the Jedi's power would be enough for Jerec to become unstoppable, let alone the whole of it. It is only due to Jerec's unfamiliarity with such power that Katarn was able to defeat him, despite his vast experience and array of skills. If he had even a small amount of time to familiarize himself with his new power *and no plot armor...* Jerec would have been successful.

"If he can tap the power invested there, if he can control it, we will witness the birth of an Empire that will make this one seem enlightened by comparison." ―Kyle Katarn to Mon Mothma


Video Examples:


Jerec briefly demonstrates his ability to read Master Rahn's mind before using the drain knowledge technique to retrieve what he wants. After that piece, there is the prime example of Jerec using his light saber and the force in tandem, utilizing Force Stun to immobilize Rahn, finishing him with his blade.


Here we have a decent example of Jerec's ambition, as well as his ability to take care of obstacles before they can arrive. Despite 8t-88's aid, he knows that if the droid is destroyed then the Valley's power would belong solely to him and his Dark Jedi who survived. It is only due to Gorc and Pic not destroying the data as they were ordered, and instead using it to lay a trap for Katarn, that allowed Jerec to be followed.


This scene is great because it shows Jerec attempting to turn Katarn to his side, just as he did to Maw all that time ago. Once Katarn refuses, he uses Force Destruction to throw Katarn backwards, as well as push a Cargo Ship out of its docking.


Picture Examples:


Jerec fighting Katarn in the Valley of the Jedi, incorporating lightning at close range in combination with his light saber skills. http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121006163609/starwars/images/1/1b/Duel_at_the_valley_of_the_jedi.jpg Oddly enough, this picture also shows that the ultrachrome did not just make up his shoulder pads, but rather a simplistic breastplate as well, which would be quite useful in lightsaber duels.







I hope you all enjoyed this thread, and that the format isn't too eye bleeding, all feedback and such are greatly welcomed. Now, if only people would stop underestimating such a great character... :D Sadly though, I had to rely on the Wiki and my memory for most of the feats and descriptions since I lost my books that contained his escapades ages ago. If anyone has other feats, powers, or such they feel should be added, just let me know!




Edited by Silenceo
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Interesting read Silenceo, food for thought for the Kaggath...


Thank you, I hope it helps to change everyone's views of him from that of a slightly above average force user, to one of actual threat that won't merely be brushed aside by his opponents. :rolleyes: Other than that, I am glad you found it interesting, since it is the first time I have actually given a some-what detailed character break down, not too different from breaking down star ships now that I think about it. :D


Side Note: Updated the OP with three video examples of Jerec's power at the bottom.

Edited by Silenceo
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Alright, public commendation: Good job, Silenceo. This thread has been added to the index.


It's very impressive, too bad Dooku's better in every way. :jawa_evil:


Merely more years of experience my friend. Should Jerec have lived that extra 20 years to have lived as long as Dooku, quite terrifying he could have become considering his area of study. :d_wink:


And the index?! Sweet! Now, if only Rebels would hurry up and have him in an episode... :p

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Merely more years of experience my friend. Should Jerec have lived that extra 20 years to have lived as long as Dooku, quite terrifying he could have become considering his area of study. :d_wink:


And the index?! Sweet! Now, if only Rebels would hurry up and have him in an episode... :p


Much more than experience, I'm afraid. But that can wait for the Kaggath.


I don't think Jerec will make an appearance. It seems this Inquisitor fella is the only Inquisitor. Maybe they'll make the Inquisitorious, but it doesn't seem likely. Which is a shame, because you've made Jerec out to be a very interesting character. Hmm... maybe it would be better if he didn't appear.

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I am expecting double takes when the meet. :D


Jerec: I thought you were defeated soon after the Emperors fall by that Arrogant Skywalker...

Lumiya: And you I thought killed by a Jedi Master who went on to become the Battle master of the new Order...

Jerec: You know, I never forgot that time on Serano...

Lumiya: I have.

*Jerec stare*

Dooku: What a disaster...


Just saying, it could get... weird... seeing how they both were the "cream of the crop" of the Empires Force Users.


Side Note: The event on Serano is 100% fictional and meant for hilarity.

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Jerec: I thought you were defeated soon after the Emperors fall by that Arrogant Skywalker...

Lumiya: And you I thought killed by a Jedi Master who went on to become the Battle master of the new Order...

Jerec: You know, I never forgot that time on Serano...

Lumiya: I have.

*Jerec stare*

Dooku: What a disaster...


Just saying, it could get... weird... seeing how they both were the "cream of the crop" of the Empires Force Users.


Side Note: The event on Serano is 100% fictional and meant for hilarity.




I can just imagine Dooku saying that if that actually happened. :D

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Jerec: I thought you were defeated soon after the Emperors fall by that Arrogant Skywalker...

Lumiya: And you I thought killed by a Jedi Master who went on to become the Battle master of the new Order...

Jerec: You know, I never forgot that time on Serano...

Lumiya: I have.

*Jerec stare*

Dooku: What a disaster...


Just saying, it could get... weird... seeing how they both were the "cream of the crop" of the Empires Force Users.


Side Note: The event on Serano is 100% fictional and meant for hilarity.

LOL! And yes, I should hope so. :p
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Yeah, had to change that line a few times so it actually fit him. :rolleyes:


Now, any thoughts on the Apprentice section?


They aren't as good as Dooku's apprentices*? :D


Just kidding. I'm kinda stuck in Kaggath posturing. I'll give it a read over again when I calm down.


*TCW has ruined that for me. :(

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They aren't as good as Dooku's apprentices*? :D


Just kidding. I'm kinda stuck in Kaggath posturing. I'll give it a read over again when I calm down.


*TCW has ruined that for me. :(


To be fair, Ventress already had training before going to Dooku, and spent many years under his tutelage, ALONE. Savage was a force imbued brute, nor did he receive much training. The others I do not recall.


Jerec however was training multiple students at once, all of which are underrated. Granted, none of them are as lethal as Ventress or Savage... They are still better than average Jedi. Maw he helped learn how to incorporate his Juyo with his new ability to fly, while Yun he taught how to use Force Destruction in less than a year, granted it wasn't fully developed yet. Gorc and Pic... Excellent duo duelists, covering each others weaknesses. Sariss, I actually think Sariss could put up a decent fight against Ventress, since she was the most advanced of his apprentices and was quite advanced in saber use as well as force abilities. *deadly sight*

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To be fair, Ventress already had training before going to Dooku, and spent many years under his tutelage, ALONE. Savage was a force imbued brute, nor did he receive much training. The others I do not recall.


Jerec however was training multiple students at once, all of which are underrated. Granted, none of them are as lethal as Ventress or Savage... They are still better than average Jedi. Maw he helped learn how to incorporate his Juyo with his new ability to fly, while Yun he taught how to use Force Destruction in less than a year, granted it wasn't fully developed yet. Gorc and Pic... Excellent duo duelists, covering each others weaknesses. Sariss, I actually think Sariss could put up a decent fight against Ventress, since she was the most advanced of his apprentices and was quite advanced in saber use as well as force abilities. *deadly sight*


Ventress and Savage aren't his only students. To be honest, the list of Dooku's students is horrifyingly long, most of them not even being mentioned.


Deadly Sight? I love writing that into my fan-fic! :D

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Ventress and Savage aren't his only students. To be honest, the list of Dooku's students is horrifyingly long, most of them not even being mentioned.


Deadly Sight? I love writing that into my fan-fic! :D


Have or going to write it in? :p It is quite a powerful ability though...


Aurbere, just viewing his holorecordings doesn't count. :rolleyes: Have to be actual apprentices. Though, I can not remember his other apprentices off the top of my head, except perhaps Qui-gon.

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Have or going to write it in? :p It is quite a powerful ability though...


Aurbere, just viewing his holorecordings doesn't count. :rolleyes: Have to be actual apprentices. Though, I can not remember his other apprentices off the top of my head, except perhaps Qui-gon.


I have written it in already, and plan on putting it in again. It's one of the cooler abilities simply because you can kill someone just by looking at them. Gives a whole new meaning to 'looks that can kill'.


More than just holorecordings, he actively instructed many students and was considered the greatest lightsaber combat instructor in the Order, though that could just be from his view. Still, two generations absolutely had to watch it for a reason, right?


Some other students: General Grievous, Quinlan Vos, Sora Bulq.

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I have written it in already, and plan on putting it in again. It's one of the cooler abilities simply because you can kill someone just by looking at them. Gives a whole new meaning to 'looks that can kill'.


More than just holorecordings, he actively instructed many students and was considered the greatest lightsaber combat instructor in the Order, though that could just be from his view. Still, two generations absolutely had to watch it for a reason, right?


Some other students: General Grievous, Quinlan Vos, Sora Bulq.


I wonder... I wonder of Jerec has the ability to use Deadly Sight, since he sees through the force... I figure he has the knowledge of how to since he taught Sariss, but I am unsure if he actually needs eyes for it.


Never really given Vos and Bulq much credit myself to be honest, but then again they never really have peaked my interest enough to read about them much... As for Grievous we both know Jerec could 1 shot him so easily, as could all of Jerec's apprentices. Grievous is known to being weak to offensive use of force powers, all of which Jerecs' apprentices did often. :p Though, didn't Bulq fall after going against Windu's recommendations and learning Vaapad?


On this topic of apprentices... *waves hand* Beni, you will allow the 6 Dark Jedi to Jerec since he has no Supplier/Organization leaders to call upon... *one is spoilers, the other because its a council* :p

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I wonder... I wonder of Jerec has the ability to use Deadly Sight, since he sees through the force... I figure he has the knowledge of how to since he taught Sariss, but I am unsure if he actually needs eyes for it.


Never really given Vos and Bulq much credit myself to be honest, but then again they never really have peaked my interest enough to read about them much... As for Grievous we both know Jerec could 1 shot him so easily, as could all of Jerec's apprentices. Grievous is known to being weak to offensive use of force powers, all of which Jerecs' apprentices did often. :p Though, didn't Bulq fall after going against Windu's recommendations and learning Vaapad?


On this topic of apprentices... *waves hand* Beni, you will allow the 6 Dark Jedi to Jerec since he has no Supplier/Organization leaders to call upon... *one is spoilers, the other because its a council* :p


That's a bit of a supposition, to be honest.


Grievous was still one Dooku's finest students for his awesome lightsaber skill. It's not like Dooku can teach him how to repel the Force. Besides, Grievous' skill with the blade made him one of the finest Jedi Killers of the era.


Bulq helped make Vaapad and sparred with Windu to help refine the style. He fell because he had a secret fascination with the style. Dooku coaxed it out.


Hey, hey, hey! Only if I get Jadus. :D

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That's a bit of a supposition, to be honest.


Grievous was still one Dooku's finest students for his awesome lightsaber skill. It's not like Dooku can teach him how to repel the Force. Besides, Grievous' skill with the blade made him one of the finest Jedi Killers of the era.


Bulq helped make Vaapad and sparred with Windu to help refine the style. He fell because he had a secret fascination with the style. Dooku coaxed it out.


Hey, hey, hey! Only if I get Jadus. :D


Just saying, no way Sariss developed that technique by herself. After all, Jerec has a good understanding of Sith script, indicating he has read some ancient tomes, which could be where such powers originated.


Exactly, Grievous simply can't defend against such offensive force powers. Force Destruction, Sight, Wave, Grip, Drain, ect. He has no means to defend against these, heck, Windu using grip nearly one shot him! I mean, Pic could even go invisible... Jedi =/= Dark Jedi in combat techniques.


There is no Jadus, there is only Jerec. There is no Dooku, there is only Jerec with a beard. There is no Lumiya, there is only Sariss. There is no Ventress, there is only a bald Sariss... /Sarcasm

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Just saying, no way Sariss developed that technique by herself. After all, Jerec has a good understanding of Sith script, indicating he has read some ancient tomes, which could be where such powers originated.


Exactly, Grievous simply can't defend against such offensive force powers. Force Destruction, Sight, Wave, Grip, Drain, ect. He has no means to defend against these, heck, Windu using grip nearly one shot him! I mean, Pic could even go invisible... Jedi =/= Dark Jedi in combat techniques.


There is no Jadus, there is only Jerec. There is no Dooku, there is only Jerec with a beard. There is no Lumiya, there is only Sariss. There is no Ventress, there is only a bald Sariss... /Sarcasm


Well, I mean, if you want to have Deadly Sight, I just thought of something marvelous for Dooku.


I think you're missing the point. Grievous may not be able to defend against Force attacks, but he still an immensely skilled lightsaber duelist. Grievous' abilities in this area are entirely a product of Dooku's training. My point is that Grievous is a superior lightsaber duelist to Jerec's students, as far as I'm aware. That's my point here, savvy? :p

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Well, I mean, if you want to have Deadly Sight, I just thought of something marvelous for Dooku.


I think you're missing the point. Grievous may not be able to defend against Force attacks, but he still an immensely skilled lightsaber duelist. Grievous' abilities in this area are entirely a product of Dooku's training. My point is that Grievous is a superior lightsaber duelist to Jerec's students, as far as I'm aware. That's my point here, savvy? :p


4 lightsabers > 1 lightsaber. :rolleyes: Though it shouldn't be forgotten he was already a Kaleesh warlord before he became Dooku's apprentice. In pure lightsaber dueling, yes, he is superior. However, it is unlikely he would be able to actually defeat them easily due to their individual force abilities. I still find the thought of an invisible Pic attacking Grievous pretty hilarious. :p Though, it also would be hilarious for Grievous to fight maw due to the whole flight thing.


Ultimately I agree that Grievous has superior saber skill, but that is only half of the battle. :D The point I was trying to make with the apprentices is that Jerec was able to teach multiple styles of both force use and saber technique without interfering with his duties as an Inquisitor to multiple apprentices at the same time. All of which are slightly more powerful than average Jedi, but admittedly most less than Savage, Asajj or Grievous in saber skill. Granted, their force abilities are a bit more diverse.

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