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An in-depth look at combat: Meetra Surik


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"You are different. When I look at you, it is like staring at the death of the Force."

- Darth Traya


Meetra Surik was a woman in her physical prime, with an able body and admirable stamina. Having gone through Jedi Training, Echani Training and living a life of combat, she was in peak physical condition with no glaring weaknesses or wounds. All-Natural, Meetra lacked any form of cybernetic implantation and relied solely on the force to boost her combat capabilities.




Melee Abilities:

An adept swordsmen, Meetra's preferred fighting weapon was a single blade, allowing her unrestricted movement, and no obvious draw backs or gains. She wielded a standard Jedi hilt, no curve or modular settings.


However under the tutelage of Darth Traya, Meetra Surik was well versed in dual blade fencing, facing off against Sith Assassins like Visas Marr and emerging victorious. She was also trained in the double bladed lightsaber, though rarely employed its use.


A physical warrior akin to Darth Maul and Mace Windu, Surik was a perfectionist of a fighter. It is for this reason she trained profusely in the art of unarmed combat, seeking to use her own body as a weapon, should her Jedi blade fail her. Meetra was trained by the handmaiden, Brianna, in the Echani ways of combat, showing an ability to pick up styles very quickly. She was also trained by Darth Traya in how to combat a Lightsaber wielding foe unarmed, eventually managing the impressive feat of defeating a dual wielding Visas Marr without her own weapons in a test of strength.


"There is nothing more for me to teach you. You know as much of battle as I."


Lightsaber forms:

While little is confirmed in canon sourcebooks or novels about her fighting styles or Saber forms, a level of theory crafting will help us to uncover her true abilities.


Shii Cho: Surik's most basic style, she was taught Shii Cho at the hands of numerous Jedi Instructors on Dantooine. This form was one of Surik's natural forms, and one she regressed to during her exile. The likelihood is she mastered this style.


Soresu: The defensive form of the Jedi guardians, Soresu was a defensive form used for both Lightsaber wielding opponents, or a hybrid of Melee weapons and blasters. Yet another of Surik's natural forms, she has a presumed mastery of the form due to her touting as a Lightsaber master, with it being one of her basic forms. Surik likely utilized Soresu in combat against Jedi Master Atris, one of her old friends. Soresu is a Jedi's best chance against Juyo, cleverly using it to interject and counter-attack when a practitioner leaves themselves open.


Makashi: The third of Surik's natural styles, and the final, Makashi was a fencing style used almost exclusively for lightsaber combat. The finesse and slight altercations of the form allow one easier use of Force Abilities while hampering their opponents. It is likely Surik employed this style against her former master, Darth Traya, in the Trayus core


Juyo: The Exile likely learned Juyo alongside Jedi Master Atris, one of her closest friends. The origin of her learning the form is a mystery, but when she confronted Master Kavar he attempted to teach her what she had forgotten of the form, using her wound she was able to master the form with a speed that left him dumbfounded. He cautioned her against using the form against Dark side opponents.


Shien: Taught to her at the hands of the Jedi on Dantooine, Shien was a form Surik employed while fighting against the many opponents she faced during her hunt for the Jedi Masters. Re-taught to her by Zez Kai Ell on Nar Shadaa, he was impressed by the speed at which she managed to relearn her forms, after a time believing he could show her nothing more.


Ataru: Taught by Master Vrook at the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine, Surik utilized Ataru in single combat against singular enemies, like her battle with the Imperial Guard. She was cautious of using it against numerous people, as Vrook warned her against such when he re-taught her the form after her exile.


Jar'kai: While not specifically a form of lightsaber combat, Jar'kai fencing utilizes two lightsaber blades in order for the wielding Jedi to fight erratically and unpredictably. Surik was taught Jar'kai at the hands of Traya, who forced her to beat Visas Marr with the use of two blades and no force powers, while Marr was unrestricted in her uses. An impressive feat, as the Shadow Hand Visas Marr was trained under Darth Nihilus since she was a young girl.


It is Important to note that Shien, Ataru and Juyo were all taught by whichever masters you visited in whichever order, due to game mechanics, but they are all taught one way or the other.


Force Abilities:

As someone who preferred to defeat her enemies (Atris, Traya, Imperial guards) by her skill with a blade, it makes sense that Surik's own force powers are those which would bolster her speed, resistance, Stamina and make her immune to the more esoteric dangers of combat.


Force Speed: As someone who was forced to compete the the greatest lightsaber wielders of her Era, Traya, Sion and Atris, Surik was someone who needed to be fast. All of the people she fought against were capable of almost blinding speeds. Surik's use of force speed helped her in her quest to save Revan on Dromund Kaas, as she managed to move faster than an entire squad of highly trained troopers could twitch their index finger.


Force Valor: A defensive ability entirely, force valor was used by Jedi as a way of augmenting their Stamina to allow them to continue fighting long after most combatants would fall to the floor in exhaustion. It also reflects ones own state of mind, boosting resolve.


Force Resistance: A basic power, force resistance was used by Jedi as a method of raising a force barrier, the Exile likely used this against Darth Traya, a confirmed superior force user during their duel.


Force Enlightenment: Perhaps Surik's most impressive force power, Force Enlightenment is an ability a Jedi cannot learn, but achieves. It is achieved through prolonged studies of the mysteries behind the force, it bolstered a Jedi by giving them an increased surge of power in the force, and applying each self-bolstering force power in their arsenal.


Other powers that Surik has mastered include: Breath Control, Battle Meditation, Sever Force, Force Sense, Telepathy and Force Sight. She also has limited abilities in Force Heal, deflection (Tutaminis), and has limited but promising Telekinesis feats.


Strengths and Weaknesses:

Surik as a Jedi replicates the fighting styles and mentalities of Mace Windu and Darth Maul, focusing on a total physical victory using her blades. She refrained from using excessive force powers due to her tenants as a Jedi.


Surik has no glaring weaknesses that are identifiable. Where Dooku has a weakness to overwhelming physical attacks (One that he counters with Makashi) Surik is in her prime, and has a bolstered Strength. She has faced defensive fighters like Traya, offensive fighters like Atris, and large amounts of skilled opponents like the Imperial Guard or Sith Assassins on Malachor. She fell to none of them.


Her weakness would probably be her own resolve. As a Jedi she refrained from using the force totally to crush an opponent, and she often restricted her own killing or use of the force for fear of her own force wound.




Kotor 2 videos on Youtube depicting the training at the hands of the masters, the Kotor Campaign guide, and the Revan Novel.



Useful information or quotes:

"Excellent! I'm impressed with how quickly you've mastered this form. I always knew you were gifted."


"You are strong... I cannot see as she does, but I know, that in time, you shall surpass her power."


"Even blinded by the flash of T3's lamp, they were disciplined enough to react by unleashing a volley of blaster bolts at the last known location of their target. Unfortunately for them, Meetra's reactions were quicker than theirs."


"As he fell to the ground, Meetra thrust her free hand out toward the next closest soldier, palm open. The woman flew backward, lifted off her feet and hurtled across the cave by the Force until she slammed into the rock face of the far wall. She slid to the ground, dead."


"We have to help Revan!" Meetra shouted, and Scourge turned to see that she, too, had just finished off her opponents."


Thoughts: Meetra seems to be the culmination of her Jedi order up to that point. She was everything Revan could have been if he had stuck to the light side of the force. Her mastery of the blade is underrated, and despite the slaughter of her character in the Revan Novel, she remains one of the most talented Jedi in the mythos.


If you’ve got any suggestions for future in-depths or any quotes, clips or scans to add feel free to post below. And as always thoughts and opinions are welcome!

Edited by Selenial
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Thoughts: Meetra seems to be the culmination of her Jedi order up to that point. She was everything Revan could have been if he had stuck to the light side of the force. Her mastery of the blade is underrated, and despite the slaughter of her character in the Revan Novel, she remains one of the most talented Jedi in the mythos.


My thoughts on her as well. Too bad the novel had to muck her up.


Very nice work. Revan's next, eh?

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My thoughts on her as well. Too bad the novel had to muck her up.


Very nice work. Revan's next, eh?


Why thank you ;)


Probably, maybe. It'd likely just be a rehash, shortened version of Ant's, but I can give it a go. I just wanted to write down all my meetra thoughts in a kind of neutral setting. Doing the research on her bladework I even uncovered things that I didn't know, so I doubted a lot of people here would :p

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Is there any evidence she practiced the styles she was not taught by the Jedi Master's though?


What, like Niman? Since that's the only one she was not taught.


And yes, since Niman was the basic form that all Jedi started off on, and the basis for almost every other form. As someone who was a master of all forms (Bar Niman) actually mastering Niman is kind of included in the package.


Edit: Or do you mean Soresu/Shii Cho/Makashi?

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What, like Niman? Since that's the only one she was not taught.


And yes, since Niman was the basic form that all Jedi started off on, and the basis for almost every other form. As someone who was a master of all forms (Bar Niman) actually mastering Niman is kind of included in the package.


Edit: Or do you mean Soresu/Shii Cho/Makashi?




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Ahh, well yes. She discussed these forms with Traya, in which Traya talks about how those forms will have returned to her as she began using a blade again. What we have to remember is that Surik was not learning these forms from scratch, she was proficient in most before her Exile, given her tutors. The ones that returned to her easiest, without need for re-instruction would have obviously been the ones she used the most.


It fits with her teachers too, while I never noticed it in game, certain sources depict Traya as one of the Exile's masters on Dantooine, and Traya's preferred styles are indeed hinted to be Soresu and Makashi, along with Niman, as you elaborated on in your analysis of Traya.


Here are some quotes I've got to hand on the subject:

"The Jedi practice many forms, many styles of lightsaber combat. It is good to know all but not to rely on them. You may have already felt Shii Cho, the simplest of the forms as your skill and perceptions have returned."

"Others may come with time, with experience."

I believe the words we need to focus on are returned, and time. Traya obviously thought the Exile was skilled in Lightsaber combat, and while the game uses Advanced classes, most sources depict The Exile as a guardian, and that's what most stick with (her depiction in the Revan novel, and the fact she taught her companions as guardians and sentinels, focussed on melee combat).


As a guardian, Surik began to focus more on her Lightsaber combat and regained memory of Soresu and Makashi, asking Traya about them solidified that as canon.


I know this could sound an awful lot like presumption, but again what we need to remember is that Surik taught her apprentices as guardians (Mical, Bao Dur and Brianna) or Sentinels (Visas, Atton and Mira) which shows she favored lightsaber combat, and that she had to have at least taught her apprentices the 7 forms of combat, since they reformed the Jedi order.


If you think this is too much conjecture, I'm happy to remove it for now.

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Ahh, well yes. She discussed these forms with Traya, in which Traya talks about how those forms will have returned to her as she began using a blade again. What we have to remember is that Surik was not learning these forms from scratch, she was proficient in most before her Exile, given her tutors. The ones that returned to her easiest, without need for re-instruction would have obviously been the ones she used the most.


It fits with her teachers too, while I never noticed it in game, certain sources depict Traya as one of the Exile's masters on Dantooine, and Traya's preferred styles are indeed hinted to be Soresu and Makashi, along with Niman, as you elaborated on in your analysis of Traya.


Here are some quotes I've got to hand on the subject:

"The Jedi practice many forms, many styles of lightsaber combat. It is good to know all but not to rely on them. You may have already felt Shii Cho, the simplest of the forms as your skill and perceptions have returned."

"Others may come with time, with experience."

I believe the words we need to focus on are returned, and time. Traya obviously thought the Exile was skilled in Lightsaber combat, and while the game uses Advanced classes, most sources depict The Exile as a guardian, and that's what most stick with (her depiction in the Revan novel, and the fact she taught her companions as guardians and sentinels, focussed on melee combat).


As a guardian, Surik began to focus more on her Lightsaber combat and regained memory of Soresu and Makashi, asking Traya about them solidified that as canon.


I know this could sound an awful lot like presumption, but again what we need to remember is that Surik taught her apprentices as guardians (Mical, Bao Dur and Brianna) or Sentinels (Visas, Atton and Mira) which shows she favored lightsaber combat, and that she had to have at least taught her apprentices the 7 forms of combat, since they reformed the Jedi order.


If you think this is too much conjecture, I'm happy to remove it for now.

Well if the Exile discussed them with Traya (wish I assumed unlocked them from a game mechanic perspective) then it is most likely the case that she knew, especially considering that she had to be using some kind of form before meeting the Jedi Masters (and in the DS version, defeating them). The Exile is probably also a Jedi Guardian.


Would I be mistaken in saying her lightsaber was blue?

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Well if the Exile discussed them with Traya (wish I assumed unlocked them from a game mechanic perspective) then it is most likely the case that she knew, especially considering that she had to be using some kind of form before meeting the Jedi Masters (and in the DS version, defeating them). The Exile is probably also a Jedi Guardian.


Would I be mistaken in saying her lightsaber was blue?


I believe it was Cyan, but to be honest real Canon has never made a distinction between the two, given that the crystals emit unique colors.


But indeed, I found more quotes about the forms merely having been forgotten to her during her spar with Visas, it's an interesting video if you've never downloaded the TSLRCM and wanted to see it:

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Why thank you ;)


Probably, maybe. It'd likely just be a rehash, shortened version of Ant's, but I can give it a go. I just wanted to write down all my meetra thoughts in a kind of neutral setting. Doing the research on her bladework I even uncovered things that I didn't know, so I doubted a lot of people here would :p


It may be a rehash of Ant's, but it will be written by you, which automatically makes it superior.


Plus, my crime coefficient won't go up just thinking about it.

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It may be a rehash of Ant's, but it will be written by you, which automatically makes it superior.


Plus, my crime coefficient won't go up just thinking about it.


Well, I did ask for requests... :D


I'll get to work, after this Kaggath is finished. Unless of course your little 3 for all battle proves a nightmare for me to handle, which I expect it to, in which case I'll post it after that :p

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Well, I did ask for requests... :D


I'll get to work, after this Kaggath is finished. Unless of course your little 3 for all battle proves a nightmare for me to handle, which I expect it to, in which case I'll post it after that :p


That's fine. I plan on posting the new and improved BattleZone after the Kaggath Battlegrounds are done.

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I have a spare as well, inspired by the Dark Imperium! :D


Well there goes my chances of winning ;)


Yeh, my second is kind of similar to the Imperium, which is why I went against using it. Though by all means, you arguing for something like that would be a marvel to see :D

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Nice thread! One issue though:

She was everything Revan could have been if he had stuck to the light side of the force.


*Revan was everything the Exile could have been if she was more powerful, more skilled, and more intelligent.

Edited by MarcheseAMM
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