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Eternal Warrior Run


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Anyone streaming this? I would honestly be interested in watching a team try this (curious as to what strat you use as you seem to have compiled a wealth of information on the topic) and I would really enjoy watching and cheering for you guys.


If anyone on the team knows how to then perhaps, either that or we will do a recording and post it up on youtube after.

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Sadly, our team was unable to take out the Entity, but learned a lot about battling it, and had fun doing it. Our best attempt was getting it down to 19%, but then we got slammed with the Enrage.


For those interested in trying again next week, please post below and we will be trying and get a reboot group going on.


With conflicting availabilities, if you didn't get a chance to run with us this time, do post up your information in case we have open spots, which we most likely have; rDPS and Healers are what we will be needing the most, and most likely will be running 5 healers next time around, as our DPS numbers were holding strong, and I think we will be trying as much as we can to get the the 1 Merc, 2 Sorc, and 2 Ops formation; however it is not imperative that we do so, as our 4 ops did a wonderful job of healing (I tried off healing...lets just say I'm better off rDPSing :p )


Thanks again to all those who participated in the run, better luck next time!



Edited by euroDSMtuner
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Hey Apharan here. Sorry I had to cut out there at the end.


If we roll again I'd be happy to run. That being said, if 3.0 takes a huge bite out of the top-level DPS, I don't know if it'll be feasible for a few weeks.


Thanks everyone for the run tonight!


Totally fine,


Yeah when 3.0 rips everyone a new hole, then we will have to hold off until everyone gets re-geared and leveled back up to 60. If they don't touch the HE (hopefully they don't) then we will be looking at least a month or so out until everyone gets the new 198 high level gear.


Bottom line: Stock up on EXP boosts :p

Edited by euroDSMtuner
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