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Eternal Warrior Run


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Here's some healing tips.


If you get to be picky as to exactly what combination of healers you have coming, here are some ideal set-ups.


Four healers:

  • 1 Mercenary
  • 1 Sorcerer
  • 2 Operatives



The Mercenary basically deals with the tank the entire time and shells melee DPS when they have the chance. The other healers will begin to assist with tank healing the further into the fight you go, as The Hateful Entity's damage output increases.



The Sorcerer bubbles the tank and the melee DPS, and anyone else they can afford to. They will drop their puddle in anticipation of where the tank and melee DPS are heading in the next 4-8 seconds. They can also perform spot healing on any players who dip critically low, but they have to manage their Force over an 8.5 minute fight, so they can't be singly-handedly saving everyone who's in trouble.



The Operatives split the group into two sets of eight players. Each operative healer then takes responsibility for keeping two Kolto Probes up on their set of eight players the entire fight, casting recuperative nanotech on cooldown (one healer casts on the tank/melee cluster and the other on the rDPS/healer cluster), and spot healing any crisis situations, ideally with Kolto Infusion (maximum HoTs).


Five healers (only if the DPS is outstandingly strong--like nightmare Dread Palace strong):

  • 1 Mercenary
  • 2 Sorcerers
  • 2 Operatives


Under this composition you have the extra Sorcerer drop their puddle on the rDPS/healer cluster, also bubble (divide the group into two sets of eight players and assign them to each Sorcerer), and perform more spot healing.


Smart Healing

A key point to note for healers is that as each player is hit by Hate Touch (the single-target 30 meter knockback ability which repeats every 10-12 seconds) the player hit receives a debuff called "Hate Touched." This debuff lasts a variable amount of time between 1-2 minutes and any player who is Hate Touched cannot by hit by the Hate Touch knockback again until their debuff wears off. Therefore being Hate Touched is actually a good thing, as that player (and the healers) know that they will not take a Hate Touch hit while the debuff lasts.


What you'll see as the fight progresses is that every single player will be hit by Hate Touch and receive the debuff before any player is hit by a second Hate Touch. Once most players have the debuff, the healers, if they're really good, can see who has yet to be hit and can therefore anticipate where shells and bubbles will be most needed next. There will usually only be one or two players without the Hate Touched debuff at any given time once you're about two minutes into the fight, as the oldest Hate Touched debuffs fall off and new ones go out.

Edited by Levram
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Character: Swaggér [Thats alt code 130 on the E]

Role: DPS or Tank

Class: Assassin

Gear: Mostly 186s on tank gear and mostly 180s on DPS gear with a few sub 180 for set bonus

Days Available: Thursday Friday Saturday and Monday

Raid Days: Wednesday and Sunday, Tank for NiM progression raid currently cleared DF working on DP

Vials of Dreadful Essence: 2 or 3 (if you do not wish a MDPS i am willing to give my essesnces as long as i am there for the DT kill.. i want the achievement and you can fight that boss with 17 people)

Dread Guard Mask: Yes

Dreadful Amulet: No

Dreadful Orb: No

Dread Master Crest: No

Title: No


If you need me or my essences let me know i will gadly help

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Character: NQuinn

Role: Healer

Class: Operative

Gear: 180 / 186 DF/DM

Days/Times Available: Weekdays Any time after 5:30 EST Weekends Whenever

Raid Days/Times:

Vials of Dreadful Essence: 0

Dread Guard Mask: Yes

Dreadful Amulet: 0

Dreadful Orb: 0

Dread Master Crest: No

Title: Not On This Toon

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Character: Idontcare

Role: DPS

Class: Merc (ars)

Gear: Full 180 + augs

Days Available: All

Raid Days: Not on any teams as of now.

Vials of Dreadful Essence: 0

Dread Guard Mask: No

Dreadful Amulet: No

Dreadful Orb: No

Dread Master Crest: No

Title: No


Says Your Looking For Merc With Off Spec Heals. I Do Not Have Off Spec Heal's . But If u find you need a dps spot filled, I have watched all them vid's you posted etc

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Character: Zevz (prefer to use)

Role: DPS

Class: Sniper

Gear: 180/186 + augs

Days Available: Whenever

Raid Days: Tues/Wed, Fri/Sun

Vials of Dreadful Essence: 0

Dread Guard Mask: Not at the moment.

Dreadful Amulet: No

Dreadful Orb: No

Dread Master Crest: No

Title: No

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Alright team, we have our 16 members, please review and try to memorize the material that is relevant to your role, study the videos of the movements and mechanics of the 3 fights we will be having (Dash'Rode, Titan 6, and HE) so we can make this a successful run. I am also putting together timers in Parsec that will give us a timing advantage during the HE fight, and will share the setup information once they are put together. Thanks again to all who signed up for this fight, I look forward to this run, and will see you all on Sunday.
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I think that NIM titan and dash'rode better be done in 8 man with the most ready group members, becouse its not a joke. If HE is just kinda of dps race, NIM snv requires a really good cooperation between everyone, and mistakes there are very critical.


The preceeding fights leading upto the HE shouldnt be much of a challange granted everyone knows what they are doing.

Edited by euroDSMtuner
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I think that NIM titan and dash'rode better be done in 8 man with the most ready group members, becouse its not a joke. If HE is just kinda of dps race, NIM snv requires a really good cooperation between everyone, and mistakes there are very critical.


If you wanna kill Hateful those fights need to be a joke.

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Actually figured we can do it other way, i can open up the HE on my tank with orb, but after this ill hop ion my merc DPS (he is 180 auged with full 180 set bonus and 1 DM piece) and yuuzhan will tank it

pluses of this change :

+1 self cleansed rdps

- mdps (this game hate mdps)

yuuzhan have already tanked this before


let me know what do you think about this change

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I am perfectly fine with tanking it or dpsing whatever we need. Also as far as I know math should be able to use the orb and switch toons with no problem. Once we have cleared the part of the instance and spawned the hateful presence successfully we should be able to pull multiple times without any issues. Unless they changed something I am unaware of so don't quote me on that. :p
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Sounds great, also got the rDPS spot filled by idontcare, just awaiting a conformation response from him, then we will be good to go! Im away from the computer until Friday evening because I'm at the beach for thanksgiving, so everyone that needs their Dread Guard mask still, plan on getting it before the Sunday run, can take down DT with 2 DPS and a healer it turns out, so not going to be an issue, just need the people that still need the mask to be on, along with one of our healers.
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  • The Hateful Presence will appear in the room. It is a wispy dark cloud.
  • The player with the orb targets the Hateful Presence and then activates the orb in their inventory.
  • The activating player will be stunned for ten seconds while taking damage from the Hateful Presence.
  • The Hateful Entity spawns!


Just in case it isn't clear from the above sequence. There is no opportunity for the player who is summoning The Hateful Entity to swap toons. The instant that their ten second channel is completed, The Hateful Entity spawns and starts the encounter. The sequence is clearly visible in any of the kill videos that are linked in the original post.

The person with the orb needs to be present in order to summon the HE from the Hateful Presence...now if we wipe after summoning it, then the HE will just reset to the top of the steps, thus allowing you switch toons. From what I have been reading, this is what will most likely happen.


As I mentioned in post #3 of this thread, after a wipe it is The Hateful Presence that respawns at the top of the stairs, not The Hateful Entity. Therefore your orb carrier always needs to a part of the group that engages The Hateful Entity, every time.

Edited by Levram
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If you wanna kill Hateful those fights need to be a joke.


This is not an exaggeration. Killing nightmare Dash'Roode and Titan 6 in a 16-man group is about five to six times easier than killing The Hateful Entity (i.e. those two fights should be easy one-shots that you can do while half the group is asleep at the wheel).


I cannot over-emphasise, even with a group in full min/max 180/186 set-bonus gear, The Hateful Entity is still the third most difficult fight in the entire game, behind nightmare Dread Council and nightmare Brontes.

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Thanks for the clarification Levram, running a bit short on sleep tonight trying to get everything sorted for this run. As for the DR and T6 fights, those will be cake compared to the HE no question. Mathcore will remain the tank for now unless we start having issues, in which case him and Yuuzhan will swap roles, considering Yuuzhan has had first hand experience tanking this fight. Edited by euroDSMtuner
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This is not an exaggeration. Killing nightmare Dash'Roode and Titan 6 in a 16-man group is about five to six times easier than killing The Hateful Entity (i.e. those two fights should be easy one-shots that you can do while half the group is asleep at the wheel).


I cannot over-emphasise, even with a group in full min/max 180/186 set-bonus gear, The Hateful Entity is still the third most difficult fight in the entire game, behind nightmare Dread Council and nightmare Brontes.


No it's not. It's not even top 5. NiM Brontes, Council, Bestia, Raptus, Tyrans, Styrak, Draxus and probably even more are harder. The only reason Hateful Entity gets such a tough rep is the lack of 16-man teams, causing people to reach when setting up a team for it. If you have a 16-man team capable of any of the above fights, you should be able to crush Hateful Entity easily once you learn the strat, which is also much simpler than the strats for all of the above fights.

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Alright team, the time is upon us, we will be meeting up around 3:40pm EST tomorrow at the SnV entrance on the Ziost Shadow so we can get everything setup before we head on in. Be sure you have your Dread Guard Mask on and have your medpack's, stims and adrenals for the fights. I will provide TS information when everyone is at the gate. See you all then!
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Alright team, the time is upon us, we will be meeting up around 3:40pm EST tomorrow at the SnV entrance on the Ziost Shadow so we can get everything setup before we head on in. Be sure you have your Dread Guard Mask on and have your medpack's, stims and adrenals for the fights. I will provide TS information when everyone is at the gate. See you all then!


Anyone streaming this? I would honestly be interested in watching a team try this (curious as to what strat you use as you seem to have compiled a wealth of information on the topic) and I would really enjoy watching and cheering for you guys.

Edited by bluecheesebandit
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