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Will Sent/Mara remain the only class without physical CC?


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I always hated how Sent/Mara is the only class among force users that can't actually push/pull enemies. Aside from balance, it's rather frustrating to be pushed of pipes and have nothing to return the favour. Morever, Mara/Sent lacks useful utility such as force speed(most concentration is used for alarcrity buff during combats), force bubble, etc that enables fun variety in play in other classes.


I don't think mara/sent are particulary weak in PvP(though definately worst of 4 force users ATM), but it is rather restrictive compared to other classes. Add one of the longest CD on defensive abilities, and you have a class whose sole purpose is deal massive damage, get CC, die, and mindlessly repeat that without other options. Frankly I think mara is the most boring class among force users. Would 3.0 address this issue?

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