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Sith Warrior confirmed male and the Imperial Makeb individual?


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I was lazily browsing the codex, and I saw this



It's the codex for the Imperial Makeb Strike Team. We see familiar figures, like Marr, Kathia, Nadrin, Cytharat. However, on the left side, we see two mysterious individuals. One appears to be none other than Malavai Quinn, and you could infer that the individual to Quinn's left is the Emperor's Wrath, a male body type 2(?).

Did BW let something "canon" slip?



Edited by Exosasa
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I think it is just an imge and means nothing. Those people are never together durring Makeb. If you assume it is after it is all over with well Kathia is dead and Cytherat is on Dromund Kaas recovering, assuming you did not let him die. I think it is just an image showing the main players in the makeb storyline for the Empire side.
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