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Bounty Hunter / Mercenary - Why the lack of jet charge?


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One of the iconic abilities you see on a skilled Bounty Hunter is when he uses his jet pack to descend into the air to reach a location or in this case an enemy. That ability, however, is lacking with mercenaries while their powertech counterparts are able to be enjoy its awesomeness. Why? Understandably, Powertechs are a more meele-centred class therefore it makes most sense they have the ability but why should that mean the Mercenaries get removed from the deal? There are other avenues we can make use of being up close to an enemy. Granted, our focus should always be to fire at a distance but that doesn't mean a intelligent player wouldn't seize the chance to 'jet charge' to an enemy, then send him flying down a cliff using 'jet boost'. Scenarios like that can really add to the Bounty Hunter experience.


It has lots of potential uses that doesn't automatically make them more better. It's like an option that calls only when the circumstance is right otherwise you'll suffer dearly for going up-close and personal with a Jedi Guardian without an escape plan.


TL;DR: 'Jet charge' should become a universal ability for Bounty Hunters.



This applies to Troopers as well, of course.


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I'm not sure. Considering Shield Techs are the only ones who even get Jet Charge, and none of the ranged classes get anything specifically for use in melee range that isn't for pushing enemies away from that range (not counting stuff that you get before specialization, like shiv or rocket punch), I don't really see the developers filling the need for Mercs getting in that range anytime soon.


Now some have suggested an escape like the Agent's Exfiltrate. I'm not going to argue about whether it should happen or not, but if Merca are going to get a jet pack movement, I'd rather it be a tactical retreat rather than a suicidal charge.

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I understand your point but having that option would mean a lot someone like me. I mean, if a Mercenary is dumb enough to jet charge into a crowd of enemies, he'll get punished for it. But having the option and knowing it can only be used effectively at selective circumstance opens up new possibilities instead of closing them. Hell, I'll have a good laugh or two at inexperienced Bounty Hunters learning the mistake of jet charging into melee-based classes. However, a different way to see it. Is to perhaps open up a new kind of jet charge that allows you to fly/leap to targeted allies? Identical to Guardian Leap then.
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in the case of a Merc, i agree we need something like this, but we need it in the opposite direction.

i ant imagine why i would ever jump into an opponent and give up the ranged advantage.. perhaps as a gap closer but thats about all

i do think perhaps something to get out of range, a jump back., would be better. Something akin to a hunters disengage in WoW would be amazing

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  • 4 weeks later...
Hell I'd love Jet charge on my Arsenal Merc lol, unload on em from ranged then when my target is near death, jump to em and finish em off with Rocket Punch, especially when those morons in pvp take off running to hide and heal when they'll almost dead lol. Sadly it won't happen because most people cry about balance or "this skill is useless just because I don't use it in my rotation" blah blah... Edited by Devako
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in the case of a Merc, i agree we need something like this, but we need it in the opposite direction.

i ant imagine why i would ever jump into an opponent and give up the ranged advantage.. perhaps as a gap closer but thats about all

i do think perhaps something to get out of range, a jump back., would be better. Something akin to a hunters disengage in WoW would be amazing


If not to jump back, push everyone else around you back. The blastfire from the jets literally pushes everyone else away.

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