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APAC guilds?


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How's the APAC activity on BC? I'm interested in transferring one of my 55s over and leveling up a few more toons. I raid on my current server (all HMs cleared and some NiM progression), but enjoy casual runs on alts too, so I'd love to know of any active pve guilds with APAC members. I'm also pretty focused on conquests, are there any APAC guilds hitting the leaderboards at the moment?
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I'm sure there are APAC players here, but I think most of the APAC guilds left for Harbinger.


Aren't many here, as blue cheese said you'd probably have more luck on Harby.


The few that are here are social guilds.

Their bad (IMO).


The span of players going to servers like Harby is greater than the number coming to BC currently you can find good guilds/pub imspide

Edited by TheLobotomite
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Where do you get the assumption that guilds that are raiding now are exclusive and don't recruit? This may be the case pub side but it seems imp side guilds are much more open and almost all will recruit more members.


Actually last night didn't DWBI pug DF NiM 16m?


But yes, for an APAC raider, try Harbinger.

Edited by bluecheesebandit
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Where do you get the assumption that guilds that are raiding now are exclusive and don't recruit? This may be the case pub side but it seems imp side guilds are much more open and almost all will recruit more members.


Actually last night didn't DWBI pug DF NiM 16m?


But yes, for an APAC raider, try Harbinger.


Not sure, I don't get to play a lot on weekends.


Personally I had a really really hard time getting into positions to play with decent players pub side. (I'm not saying I'm not grateful for where I'm at, because I love being in DWBI) . I got my NIM Brontes, HM Brontes, and Gate Crasher achievement at the same time, was actually only my 2nd time ever seeing Brontes outside of story mode. Truthfully I had never even killed HM Corrupter Zero before joining DWBI. I remember being incredibly frustrated with lack of opportunity (and was looking into server transferring). I certainly felt I could do the hardest content, but no matter where I looked it seemed I couldn't find the players to raid with.


Maybe you've had a different experience. I certainly was just offering my opinion.


If ya ever need a filler, just send a whisper. I know all the mechs for TFB NIM/ DF NIM, DP NIM, got an operative (healer) imp side and scoundrel healer pub side. The operative I'll have geared good enough to run NIM ops on hopefully by the end of the week (other than my legacy gear, just need to get it some more augments/implants/earpiece/barrel)

Edited by TheLobotomite
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