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When would you normally use...


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I am trying to get a hang of playing a Mara (and find it a major Pain in the Neck, because I end up watching the toolbars more than the battlefield), and I was wondering at which points of the Health Bar do you normally pop the Saber Ward, Predation, and Cloak of Pain? It's an Annimara if it makes a difference.


I am trying:

- to Saber Ward before entering a fight,

-predation as soon as 30 stacks are built

-CoP... not sure? Save it? When SW is inactive?

Edited by DomiSotto
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I am trying to get a hang of playing a Mara (and find it a major Pain in the Neck, because I end up watching the toolbars more than the battlefield), and I was wondering at which points of the Health Bar do you normally pop the Saber Ward, Predation, and Cloak of Pain? It's an Annimara if it makes a difference.


I am trying:

- to Saber Ward before entering a fight,

-predation as soon as 30 stacks are built

-CoP... not sure? Save it? When SW is inactive?


Saber Ward should be used when you're taking damage... not before entering a fight.


Predation. No. As an Anni Mara, use all your Fury on Berzerk.


CoP. That's your to go DCD. If you don,t know what is coming (most of the time you don't) use this first.

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rebuke/cloak of pain - pop before yoloing into people who will attack you.




force camo - defensively... AHHHHHH sheeeet thats too much dmg gotta get out of there or offensively you can go.. hmm if i camo and sneak up behind this guy i might take him by surprise!! surprise ravage! Also in middle tree its a great way to escape being slowed and catch up with people kiting you.


undying rage - Last resort cd really in its current state... needs some timing to get the best use out of it.. I like to use it if im about to die and theres a medpack nearby or something... then grabbing the wz health powerup or wz medpack after it wears off... Its also good to troll healers... AHHHH UR TAKING DMG! "cool i'll just use undying rage at 100%!"


Pred/trans use when it needs to be use don't sacrifice it for dps. Defensively it is really good cause it gives 10% extra defense .. I mean the mitigation of that, a wz adrenal and cop/rebuke aint too shabby if you think about it.. plus movement speed. Though i would never spam it randomly only if the team takes a bit of pressure and people need to kite. If you pop it on cd people will probably get annoyed especially other meelee if your combat since you make everyone on your team move pretty damn fast! they might overshoot movement and stuff xD!


Also bloodthirst is a good cd to use at any given first push of a wz to get the upperhand.

Edited by AngusFTW
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Saber Ward should be used when you're taking damage... not before entering a fight.


Predation. No. As an Anni Mara, use all your Fury on Berzerk.


CoP. That's your to go DCD. If you don,t know what is coming (most of the time you don't) use this first.


+1 for the most part


If I'm running Anni I'll pop predation in Huttball if we get the ball; or I'll pop it in any wz if I'm about to die and have 30 stacks.


Also; don't forget to use Obfuscate/Pacify on melee/ranged based classes (Super effective against snipers and other warrior classes aside from rage specc)

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Thank you. Yes, I use Obfuscate whenever it's available, and I see it and not in a middle of ravage or something :) I actually customized Mara's interface so her bars are close to the center screen. It is not ideal but I dunno how else I can track her CDs and procs. I just can't keep glancing down. Edited by DomiSotto
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Thank you. Yes, I use Obfuscate whenever it's available, and I see it and not in a middle of ravage or something :) I actually customized Mara's interface so her bars are close to the center screen. It is not ideal but I dunno how else I can track her CDs and procs. I just can't keep glancing down.


You're wasting it then. Snipers. Warrior. Merc. Every other classes don,t use enough M/R abilities to consider Obfuscate anything worth worrying about. Hell. You should try to time your Obfuscate to avoid a Warrior Ravage, a Sniper Ambush/SoS/Cull or a Merc Unload/Blazing Bolt (3.0)/ Power Shot. Using Obfuscate on CD is pure waste. It's a situationnal ability.

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Most classes have white dmg abilitys that can be nicely shut down with obfuscate/pacify... only real exception would be all healers, sorcs and operative dps. Though some have more white than others.


PT?? No white except Railshot.. In 3.0, both spec will have better option anyway if the get Obfuscated. Now it only hits Pyro... And it isn't even that bad considering they still can just not use it and just Vent once Obfuscate wear off.


Sin?? Madness main abilities are Force. Deception rely on Discharge and Shock over Melee but yeah it can be useful somewhat. Problem is they can just stun you and CrD and laugh at you. Against a DeceptionSIn you have other worry to have than their Melee.

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PT?? No white except Railshot.. In 3.0, both spec will have better option anyway if the get Obfuscated. Now it only hits Pyro... And it isn't even that bad considering they still can just not use it and just Vent once Obfuscate wear off.


Sin?? Madness main abilities are Force. Deception rely on Discharge and Shock over Melee but yeah it can be useful somewhat. Problem is they can just stun you and CrD and laugh at you. Against a DeceptionSIn you have other worry to have than their Melee.

PT ... well pyro is probably the best spec atm and considering railshot is the highest hitting ability it will save your butt against them tbh. Also its really funny watching a bad pt get 2 procs wwhile obfuscated and missing both.

Madness sin? Double strike... white dmg still dmg.. procs stuff (i don't actually know if obfuscate making it miss stops procs though since i've played very little madness sin) plus the execute also white..

Deception? Sure discharge and shock can't but avoiding a 10k maul crit is always good :p

Speaking teamplay here quite often i use the ability on someone bursting a healer....

I mean ye, certain specs its alot more effective against then others... (veng, carnage, anni, marksman) which should be priority but its still good against alot of the specs mentioned..


3.0.. well that stuff isn't for the forums yet :p

Edited by AngusFTW
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Brilliant yet simple. Thank you so much for the explanation. This game never ceases to amaze. I am trying to do my homework with studying the spells descriptions, but I am not there yet with putting 2 and 2 together. And I really want to learn to defend my characters. So, again, thank you very much!


Do you need to Obfuscate before Ravage/Wounding shots etc to get that 90% ACC reduction or will it impact the next tick if channel started?

Edited by DomiSotto
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Brilliant yet simple. Thank you so much for the explanation. This game never ceases to amaze. I am trying to do my homework with studying the spells descriptions, but I am not there yet with putting 2 and 2 together. And I really want to learn to defend my characters. So, again, thank you very much!


Do you need to Obfuscate before Ravage/Wounding shots etc to get that 90% ACC reduction or will it impact the next tick if channel started?


It will impact the next tick. That's why I only named channeled or casted abilities. You can try to keep them from hiting.

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